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Old 01-13-2016, 04:26 PM   #1
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Default Lately, "Available Now" is giving me blue balls


Forgive me for that little rant -- but I'm under a LOT of urge here to get laid or blowed or something, and nothing's working out for me.

I've been a member of P411 for nearly 10 years now. (Just call me an early adopter.) I've been on a little bit of a hobby hiatus in the last few years, but I kept my P411 account paid up, thinking that when I returned, it would be a nice aid in getting back in the swing of things without recent references.

Boy, what a piss-poor idea that was.

First, I discovered that when I contact a provider that takes P411, nine times out of ten they also want - in addition to my P411 screening info - the names of at least three still-active providers who remember me vividly and can verify me. Funny, I thought that was why I paid P411.

Now don't get me wrong - I believe wholeheartedly in letting a lady have whatever makes her feel safer and more secure in this little sub-culture of ours. But seriously, it's like when I first tried to break into this sub-culture - if you don't have recent experience, you can't get any recent experience. It's the perfect Catch-22 that P411 was supposed to avoid for us horny bastards.

And yes, I know it doesn't help that I didn't request an "Okay" from everyone I saw. And I know it doesn't help that many of my P411 "Okays" are from providers who have gone inactive in the intervening time since I last hobbied with any regularity. But FUCK! (Sorry, didn't mean to start shouting again.)

So, I thought that maybe the "Available Now" board on P411 would help me break that ice - if a lady is motivated enough to post there, perhaps she's motivated enough to accept an appointment from a really nice guy who just hasn't gotten any recent above-and-beyond-P411 references to share.

Another piss-poor thought.

Apparently, "Available Now" really means "available sometime in the next few days, just today, and not before I talk with at least three ladies who have been thoroughly impressed enough by you to remember your height, weight, your manhood's length and girth, your birthmarks, and whether they could taste the pineapple in your junk."

Finally, today, I thought I hit pay-dirt with Jenlilith, who posted an "Available Now" ad. I requested an appointment through P411 within minutes of her posting it. We connected, and set up a time for a little over an hour later. PERFECT! (even though the appointment was about 45 minutes away in traffic).

She sent me confirming PM's with the address of her hotel (but not the room number) and her telephone number. I drove to the hotel, telephoned her upon my arrival just a couple minutes before the appointed time. The call went straight to voicemail. I called again ten minutes later (sitting in my car in the parking lot) - straight to voice mail. A few minutes later I used my phone to log on to P411 and sent her another PM. I waited about 5 minutes for her to respond to the PM before my phone logged me off. I called again - 45 minutes after our appointment time, and after waiting in the parking lot the entire time -- and POLITELY let her know that I needed to just go ahead and leave. I was over half-way back to my office all the way across town, when Jenlilith called, and asked me to come back (nearly a full hour after our appointment time), but it was too late -- I had to get back to work. She was pretty pissy about the fact that I had left that lovely parking lot after only 45 minutes. She said that she had responded to my PM, but it wasn't until I got back to the office that I could see that she even tried - ten minutes after my PM to her, and after I had already left ANOTHER voice message, waited some more, and exited the parking lot for the disappointed trip back to the office.

So, what's a poor horny bastard to do?

Rant over. Thanks for listening.

Respectfully submitted,
Stag, Esq.
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Old 01-13-2016, 04:29 PM   #2
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Yeah I agree. Available now is a tease.
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Old 01-13-2016, 04:36 PM   #3
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That sucks and not in a good way. Sorry for your troubles doll. Keep trying, not all ladies are flakes
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Old 01-13-2016, 04:56 PM   #4
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That's for sure.
Since you and ur crush are beautiful.
Can't wait for that special day when every thing lines up.
Ps she was fantastic and l loved my time.
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Old 01-13-2016, 05:37 PM   #5
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I'm so sorry. I guess it isn't quite like it was years ago. Some of us do care about our business.
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Old 01-13-2016, 06:52 PM   #6
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well that sucks .. hope you have better luck soon . don't give up love !!
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Old 01-13-2016, 09:37 PM   #7
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One big problem with this "hobby" is that the availability of pussy doesn't always correspond with a hobbyists "horniness" level and/or the hobbyists window in time to "relieve" himself.

In short, it sucks. Sometimes easier to just jack off in an office or bathroom stall.
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Old 01-13-2016, 09:44 PM   #8
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When I use available now, I either clearly list my times available that day or use the "anytime" option if I'm available at that very moment.

Sorry. She missed a good time I bet.
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Old 01-13-2016, 10:02 PM   #9
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Same thing happened to me using P411 recently. I hit the available now and she responded with yes, 4pm, send appointment request, which I did, text her, all good. I hit the ATM and then text her again and dead silence. And I have ok's on P411 and recent ones! What the fuck!!! I'm not going to out her here because I still want to connect, but it's damn frustrating. Ladies, sometimes we get small windows of time to take advantage of....like two hours....and we have hard ons and cash in the bank to blow. This part always makes me laugh....I have a fistful of dollars ready to blow, and no ladies around to drain me of the cash which I would happily turn over. The window closes and your just sitting there with this wad of cash. Now you have to hide all the fucking money until another window opens. Happens at the strip club from time to time too..
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Old 01-14-2016, 01:01 AM   #10
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stag, sorry you havent been able to get some delites!!
but THANK YOU for bringing jenlilith's behavior to our attention.

in my hobby book, this ...
"She was pretty pissy about the fact that I had left that lovely parking lot after only 45 minutes. She said that she had responded to my PM, but it wasn't until I got back to the office that I could see that she even tried - ten minutes after my PM to her, and after I had already left ANOTHER voice message, waited some more, and exited the parking lot for the disappointed trip back to the office."

is an example of POOR TCB and grounds for my removing a provider from my future consideration.
esp the pissiness on her part towards you.

despite this in her profile "My goal is to make sure that you are satisfied and wanting to come back for more", based on your experience, jenlilith is no longer under my consideration.

in cases of post-appt-confirmation and then silence until long after the scheduled appt time,
does anyone know if there is any recourse via Gina owner of p411?
if so, pls let stag and us know.

since it's never happened to me w/ a p411 scheduled appt, i dont know the answer.
but based on what i know about gina, i would think she'd want to know about it, esp. if you have some "proof".
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Old 01-14-2016, 06:54 AM   #11
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Sorry, dude. But I do feel your pain. I equate horniness to hungriness. When the urge strikes, one must quell such urges. Waiting 2-3 days doesn't cut it.

I know you ladies are not restaurants (nor cars...say, what CAN we compare y'all to?), but 'available now' needs to work the way it is intended to, and that being 'right now', or fast food.

What I try to do with ladies that I have interest in is to engage with them before I'm at the right now point. Pm's and emails, or P411 (haven't used lately...need to renew) prior to, which should offer her the opportunity to do some prescreening. That way, when i come 'knocking' a week or two or so later, it's not a 2-3 day wait from that point.

The available now process works pretty well in OKC, fwiw. Different animal here, I suppose.
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Old 01-14-2016, 07:19 AM   #12
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I agree with Stag on this one. I recently contacted a provider on P411 who had posted on the "available now" section. it was about 5 am and I had to make a quick run to Dallas, passing by her incall area. She responded and exchanged a few PM's with me but went silent as soon as I asked for the address. I waited in the area abotu 15 mins and went about my business never hearing from her again.

Not to sound insensitive...but "available now" means you should be able to have me come over within 30 mins. once you aren't available anymore...take down the ad. I also thought the purpose of using p411 was to "not" have to go through extensive screening if you have OKAY's. For some reason I'm always told I had to be screened. I initially enjoyed p411 but it really hasn't enhanced my hobby experience. most of the ladies on there...are on here and since I'm still getting screened extensively whats the point?
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Old 01-14-2016, 07:25 AM   #13
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I mean it when I put available now..I even advertise my number so I can be reached quicker
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Old 01-14-2016, 08:57 AM   #14
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He who surely was the inspiration for the Starland Vocal Band's 1975 smash hit "Afternoon [as in "PM"] Delight" [see footnote] asks:
in cases of post-appt-confirmation and then silence until long after the scheduled appt time, does anyone know if there is any recourse via Gina owner of p411? if so, pls let stag and us know.
Knowing that P411 providers have the ability to communicate "okays" and from that fact presuming they also have the ability to smear "not okay" shit on a client, I sent an email through the "contact us" menu to the operators of P411, hoping that one flaky provider's pissy-ness wouldn't make it even harder for me ever to realize any value from my P411 account, It was late in the afternoon when I wrote the email, and I have not yet heard back, and am not necessarily looking for a response - just to put my side of the story on their record.

Doug4343, I'm sorry to hear you've had a similar experience, but maybe getting this kind of thing out there might help P411 improve their business a little. When I first joined up, I was thrilled with the level of service and the way it facilitated the occasional hobby-monger like me. If the benefit starts to no longer justify the fee, I can't see P411 thriving as a business, and that would be a shame to lose the terrific benefit that it gave us when it was new.

FOOTNOTE: With this comment I am in no way implying that, like the Starland Vocal Band, pmdelites is a one-hit-wonder -- I'm certain he'd be open to msog with any young lady who wants to sample that delite.
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Old 01-14-2016, 10:23 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Stag View Post
He who surely was the inspiration for the Starland Vocal Band's 1975 smash hit "Afternoon [as in "PM"] Delight" [see footnote] asks:
FOOTNOTE: With this comment I am in no way implying that, like the Starland Vocal Band, pmdelites is a one-hit-wonder -- I'm certain he'd be open to msog with any young lady who wants to sample that delite.
that's exactly the inspiration for my username. esp the end of that song ...
aaaa aaaa aaa aaa aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa afternoon delights!!

and def not a one-hit wonder, tho lil delites sometimes reminds that i'm not always a msog wonder.
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