Date: 12/09/2010
Provider: Ultimate Mate
Phone: (585) 555-6969
Email Address: won't tell me
URL / Website:
City: Any City
State: Planet Earth
Address: My Home
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Never
Activities: GFE, WE, Blue Balls, Trash Removal, Laundry, Toilet Bowl Cleaning, Dish-washing, Folding Laundry, consuming massive quantities of adult beverages
Session Length: Goes on forever
Fee: Arm and a Leg, and my whole paycheck
Hair Length and Color: Done up, done down, short and long
Age: 20 to 100
Smoking Status: Only when mad, so most of the time
Nationality: Red and Yellow, Black and White
Physical Description: In a bad mood, with a headache,
The Rest of the Story: Upon arriving in my driveway my dog runs to greet me tail wagging, will be the only one happy to see me! Upon entering the front door the cupboard doors are slamming, first words from my date "why are you home?" followed by "don't look at me"! Then the sweet words "What are you going to do go outside and neglect me?" I ask, "do you want to play", she responds, "no I said leave me alone"!! I counter "ok". the rest of the date consists of activities such as cutting firewood, mowing lawn, bagging garbage, if lucky having to make a trip to Wegmans to see people smiling, then at 6 pm cocktail hour to consume the above mentioned adult beverages,

then dinner time followed by hopefully sporting events on TV!