I decided to take a walk thru an art gallery today... moved by a compelling urge on my mind, for a while...
The very first exhibition turned out be religious art - christianity... something I've always felt closest to... various stages of sorrow filled themes, jesus hung, dead, washing his disciples feet i.e washing off the dirt, "impurities" ...
So this star, jesus guy - is mega huge in our popular society. When he's really not that unique on an individual. In that, we All share the same characteristic, wanting what's best for us, trying and making sure we follow that path, and help other lost & misguided souls get back on the original higher path - so Everyone can benefit. Indeed when one person is happy, it's very contagious. Hard to resist, eh? Other miserable, struggling people want to know the secret. The Secret to Life. Whoo hoo... Surprising, while the secret has been "out" for quite some time now... people, at large still wonder around, lost and clueless. Maybe under that rock, maybe over there... maybe.. maybe not

Happiness, is surprisingly elusive. What is happiness? Is it the feeling of peace? Contentment? Inner knowing you're living true to You? Aka being the living Christ
Right and wrong
I've thought about this much over the years... since I was itty bitty... I was always aware of people's commitings of right and wrong... noting it down, keeping track, seeing how they changed, evolved over time... fascinating. As an Outside Judge.
And, one thing, I've learned is... it varies.
I feel if at that time, whatever you're doing brings you happiness... then you're doing the right thing, for you, at that time. Regardless, of others' opinions... Indeed, the sole judge on your universe is You. You rule over yourself - mistakes, serving the punishment, trials, rewards, carrying out of the journey...
Whether, if anyone is born of the utmost perfect version of their unique selves - I cannot say, but, for a lot of us... it's a slow journey. Over hills, rocks... oceans ...daydreams, tears, smiles, hope
And, why I'm choosing to share this on an escort forum - well, only the intelligent know

On a funny and funnier note, two outstanding themes that stood out to me - were the portrayal of the halos, around everyone's head - an ancient symbol of purity, or a modern reminder, to live lives of truth, true to ourselves, being our higher, highest, best, bestest, evolved selves - that only knows a death filled with peaceful rest.
The second theme - penisis and balls hanging everywhere. No vagina in sight. And, might I say they were tiny - Eeek!

Please enjoy the select few pieces I have decided to share... and, have a lovely week!
I love elegant men. With a natural softness, gentleness to them...
Pompous. With the stylish display of wealth. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the glittering queen look. It's equivalent of walking around with bags of gold coins. Do you really want to do that and ostracize yourself? So hard to get invited into a variety of circles, and knowledge is gained by intermingling with a vast collection of people *ahem* jesus theme
When women looked like Real Women.
My home. Secluded. Want to get here? Good luck finding me! Muhahah
When women dressed as women.. sigh. Reminiscing

Typical day of an introvert.