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Old 10-05-2014, 01:20 AM   #1
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Default Rape fantasy

Anyone here have experience of doing a rape/ forced sex fantasy? Guy or gals feel free to chime in. I know it has been discussed. I've got a girl who is willing to play. Looking for any suggestions or stories from past role playing. BTW, I'm not making light of or discounting, the heinous actual act of rape. This is just a fantasy that the both of us have. She wants a guy to force himself on her while I've wanted to explore a more aggressive/forceful experience.
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Old 10-05-2014, 08:47 AM   #2
Zoey Zacquery
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I once knew some folks that had a "consensual kidnap & rape team" and they would interview you if you wanted the experience and ask you all kinds of questions about your daily routine and then kidnap you out of your own home sometime in the next few months when you weren't expecting it and have "their" way with you, which was really custom designed to your own fantasies. Pretty hot stuff. I never got it done but I did see the photos from several others.
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Old 10-05-2014, 10:01 AM   #3
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Please note: I've only done this in my private life. You MUST have two safewords. One "lighten up" and one to "end".

If she is Greek friendly a "easy" scenario is "taking a wrong turn".

Start out sweet and GFE. Ask her to bend over the bed so you can eat her out. Then pin her down. Hold her wrists together with one hand pushing down on the small of her back. This leaves your other hand free to explore. She should beg you not to touch her starfish. Ignore her tell her that as a whore you own all her holes. Make her verbalize where you are touching her. Asks her if she likes it. Make her say she likes it....and well.....if the two of you commit to the scene you should know where to go from there.

This is "easy" because it focuses more on the verbal/mental degradation and less on the physical obstacles of clothes, dealing with a woman who can kick you like a horse...etc. At no point should you try to actually "rip her in two" but it's fun to say.

If she has a private incall...you could also play the angry landlord.

"All this time you wouldn't give me the time of day and here you are fucking anyone who comes for money?" This scene is all about mental coercion and verbal abuse. You can add some manhandling and maybe rip off some cheap wal-mart nightie. This is also a real fear for many girls so she would be able to act very convincingly.

How well the scene comes off all depends on how committed both of you are to your roles. I know the first time I played this way with my ex I giggled and broke character A LOT.
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Old 10-05-2014, 10:05 AM   #4
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Rape play is a favorite of mine IRL, and I recently did this kind of roleplay for the first time with a client. It went very well; I did have to use the safe word once but not because things got too intense for me- he just had me in a position where I was having a lot of trouble breathing. I yelled out the safe word, he made sure I was OK, we laughed about it and dived right back in.

Best advice I can give is: have an easy-to-remember safe word; discuss expectations and limits ahead of time; and don't do it where neighbors or passers-by can see and call 911 or try to intervene.
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Old 10-05-2014, 10:24 AM   #5
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I would make sure you have something in writing that both parties are agreeing to this fun playing. Whether it be email exchanges or a written and signed document.

Here's a news article about several rape fantasies that have gone really, really bad.


It is risky play. You can be arrested for assault, sexual assault, rape, etc. even if both parties consent to the plane. If police feel anything illegal was done, you're going to jail.

I had a girl from last summer that wanted things rough, very rough and when I took it as far as I could, she wouldn't even rougher. I held back.

Id get everything in goddamn writing. Negotiate this scene via e-mail, keep copies of those e-mails, and agree in advance — via e-mail — on a safe word that, if uttered, brings the action to a screeching halt. I'd also suggest that you — with her consent — make a digital audio recording of the encounter. Then you wouldn't just have e-mails proving she consented going in, but a digital recording that proved you stopped whatever it was you were doing if she used her safe word and retracted her consent during the encounter.

Making a digital audio recording of the encounter means you won't have photos or video to share over the interwebs, which should appeal to her if she is concerned about privacy. And using the magic of the World Wide Interwebs, you can simultaneously record this encounter on your computer and remotely on hers. That should give her some assurance that you won't take advantage of her written consent to a consensual rape-role-play scenario as a cover to actually rape her, i.e., to do things she hasn't consented to or to ignore her if she removes her consent during the act, because then she'd have proof that you ignored her safe word and kept going after she withdrew her consent.

I'm not denying this type of role-playing is very erotic and hot. Don't letting someone is a very good turn on, but your life and freedom is on the line. I wouldn't walk into the situation without doing a lot of research in preparation.
If your female friend ends up having bruises and gets upset with you for any reason, she can always call the cops and make a report. And what if you have no agreement in writing or recorded and after your role-playing, she goes to the police or hospital to report a rape?
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Old 10-05-2014, 12:40 PM   #6
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We are planning it and discussed what will happen. Know all about safe words; however, how can you have a safe word if she is gagged?

Basic scenario is the good Samaritan gone bad. She is going to have car "problems". I offer to help, but instead, I bring her to my place where I force myself on her. She is okay with having clothes ripped off, torn, etc as she will have a second set of clothes with her. She's also okay with being bound or tied up where I can have sex with her over and over. Also, I told her I expect her to resist. Don't plan on greek but some ass play may occur with fingers, thumb, etc. Is this overboard?
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Old 10-05-2014, 12:56 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Cpalmson View Post
We are planning it and discussed what will happen. Know all about safe words; however, how can you have a safe word if she is gagged?

Basic scenario is the good Samaritan gone bad. She is going to have car "problems". I offer to help, but instead, I bring her to my place where I force myself on her. She is okay with having clothes ripped off, torn, etc as she will have a second set of clothes with her. She's also okay with being bound or tied up where I can have sex with her over and over. Also, I told her I expect her to resist. Don't plan on greek but some ass play may occur with fingers, thumb, etc. Is this overboard?
Is it overboard?
It's your fantasy, do what you wish!
I don't think you can plan it step-by-step, but you can get a general idea of the scene that may happen. I would maybe start off with kind of a "light" scenario and work your way up to something really rough, if that is what you guys are aiming for.

I don't know how well you know this girl, but at least exchange a few emails talking about what you may want to happen, that way it is documented.

Who initiated talking about this rape fantasy? You or her?
You may want to discuss her background, like if she has ever been attacked before, why is she wanting to do this, etc. does she just like to feel dominated by a man? Is she doing it just to please you and has no interest in it?

And resistance is part of the fun, but you have to make sure you are able to stop if she use the SafeWord or gets injured. Adrenaline starts pumping on both ends and it can be hard to cease activities.

For a better reference point, you might want to check out the website www.fetlife.com
There will be more insight for you there, questions answered, etc. on that site.

Role-play is fun, and I think that might be a better website for you to check out then ECCIE!!
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Old 11-05-2014, 08:15 AM   #8
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A contract in writing about the intent of both parties is not usually enough is be legally binding and offer any protection. I was part of a group that did a few of these sorts of "consensual kidnap & rapes". One member was a highly respected attorney and he made us film the interviews with the prospective "victim". Usually two or three different interviews. An video recording of the "victim" discussing her fantasies and the planned of the scenario is a lot more rock solid than a signed piece of paper if the whole thing goes bad and ends up with a grand jury.

Also, in cases when a "victim" is to be gagged otherwise left unable to speak is would be very wise to have a couple of prearranged "signals" or non-verbal actions or movements to act as safe-words, like holding a small rubber ball to communicate consent and dropping it to indicate a withdrawal of consent.
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Old 11-06-2014, 05:03 PM   #9
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Safe "word" while being gagged can be as simple as her slapping her palm once or twice firmly on the pillow or mattress. Any visual sign that you can see and she can physically perform during the act can serve as a safe sign or safe word. Just discuss in advance, so that both of you are on the same page.

Good luck. Keep her alive, please
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Old 11-13-2014, 10:10 AM   #10
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Question Lets flip this around

Lets flip this around.. Im a submissive man who loves humiliation. What a fucking turn on it would be to be the victim of a dominant women. taking what I dont want to give, and in the process her feeding on the destruction of my ego and happiness.. Verbal Verbal verbal. The meaner the better. I want to feel real emotional pain during the event, and even carry it with me when I leave. Its probably best that she really does view me as the nothing that I am, but keeps me breathing so that she can have a continued client . smile. She cant make clients at the same pace the tobacco companies can if you know what I mean. lol.
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Old 11-13-2014, 12:12 PM   #11
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Good suggestions all.

Have done this several times with mixed results. You just get better at it over time and with a partner who trusts you and likes it. Start with something easy and simple, like a moderately rough quickie face fuck and see how you both react to it.

Rape play has always been difficult for me due to fumbling with the condom beforehand. Anal rape even moreso. I've not tried tying her up however (yet).
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Old 11-13-2014, 12:17 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by pleasher46 View Post
Lets flip this around.. Im a submissive man who loves humiliation. What a fucking turn on it would be to be the victim of a dominant women. taking what I dont want to give, and in the process her feeding on the destruction of my ego and happiness.. Verbal Verbal verbal. The meaner the better. I want to feel real emotional pain during the event, and even carry it with me when I leave. Its probably best that she really does view me as the nothing that I am, but keeps me breathing so that she can have a continued client . smile. She cant make clients at the same pace the tobacco companies can if you know what I mean. lol.
Sorry to go off topic but.....wow. You would be a great client.
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Old 11-13-2014, 12:53 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by SAangel27 View Post
Sorry to go off topic but.....wow. You would be a great client.
Yes me to about off topic, But I looked at your reviews. wanna talk about who would be great. If I ever get to SA I will be at your Mercy.
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Old 11-13-2014, 04:54 PM   #14
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ive done my share of rape roleplays


plus some others i havent detailed here on this site....

a safeword is always adviseable with any rough play during sex.
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Old 11-13-2014, 07:17 PM   #15
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This is interesting, and I admit to being very conflicted.

On the one hand, I've known a couple of women who've been victims of actual rape, and I know how awful it was for them. So on that account, I have a real level of discomfort about this sort of role play.

Having said that, I must say that two well experienced providers, with whom I broke many taboos (separately) over many sessions (and therefore had established a high level of mutual trust), told me (again, separately) that a rape fantasy was their #1 turn on. So I have to say that the overall rule that mutually consenting adults can/should fulfill themselves, with due regard for safety and personal boundaries, applies in this case as well. And there can be no substitute for a firm basis of mutual trust built up over time.
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