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Old 11-09-2014, 10:49 PM   #1
Camille Fox
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Default A Message From Slave Guinevere


Tonight I've received a message from Slave Guinevere telling me that I had bad mouthed her and that doing so was a bad idea on my part. Any attempt to communicate with her in any positive way from my part was futile.

The people that know me know that I have always believed Slave Guinevere commanded higher rates due to her looks, skills, and reviews. That when she was unjustly bashed of late I RTM'd several posts and tried to clear the mud that surrounded the disgusting allegations.

This is not a thread created to bash her. This is to protect me and any other provider who may receive threats for something that she (Slave Guinevere) perceives to be reality. As I have told Slave Guinevere, there is a time to quit while you are ahead and there's a time to push forward. If she feels she needs to have the last word in this thread, she can. I am not engaging on a public battle.

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Old 11-09-2014, 11:18 PM   #2
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If you are not bashing her, then why put this out there? Why not just talk to her? Why not find out exactly why she thinks you speak ill of her? I'm not all into the Slave gossip so I don't know all the drama, but she was nice to me and so I don't have a pickle with her. I just think maybe you can give her a chance to be reasonable and see where this is coming from instead of making more of a big deal out here. Does she even have personal info on you or something she can use against you if she wanted to? If not, even if this is true, I would not be worried.
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Old 11-09-2014, 11:45 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Darcy Darling View Post
If you are not bashing her, then why put this out there? Why not just talk to her? Why not find out exactly why she thinks you speak ill of her? I'm not all into the Slave gossip so I don't know all the drama, but she was nice to me and so I don't have a pickle with her. I just think maybe you can give her a chance to be reasonable and see where this is coming from instead of making more of a big deal out here. Does she even have personal info on you or something she can use against you if she wanted to? If not, even if this is true, I would not be worried.
That is a problem with the OG, Darcy. She is nice to you until she isn't. Additionally, she is constantly in a paranoid state. She tries to bully and manipulate ladies to get in line with her. She preys on people with codependent personalities and exploits them with her passive aggressive behavior.

Most don't want to deal with the drama, so they bend to her will.
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Old 11-10-2014, 12:22 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Simon Riley View Post
That is a problem with the OG, Darcy. She is nice to you until she isn't. Additionally, she is constantly in a paranoid state. She tries to bully and manipulate ladies to get in line with her. She preys on people with codependent personalities and exploits them with her passive aggressive behavior.

Most don't want to deal with the drama, so they bend to her will.
Oh ok, well, if I were her....now I would probably be mad after this post. Just sayin!
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Old 11-10-2014, 12:36 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Darcy Darling View Post
Oh ok, well, if I were her....now I would probably be mad after this post. Just sayin!
I would probably care if you were pissed at me (we've just known each other for a long-ass time and I USUALLY value your opinion).

I really don't care much for her sckewed point of view and I have zero interest in fucking her.
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Old 11-10-2014, 12:40 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Simon Riley View Post
I would probably care if you were pissed at me (we've just known each other for a long-ass time and I USUALLY value your opinion).

I really don't care much for her sckewed point of view and I have zero interest in fucking her.
Sorry, I meant the OP's post.
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Old 11-10-2014, 04:46 AM   #7
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Girls!....girls! .......let's just kiss....and say goodby......so much beauty and talent among you beautiful ladies. ....its a shame we have to go thru "he said, she said".
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Old 11-10-2014, 10:38 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by ttmax View Post
Girls!....girls! .......let's just kiss....and say goodby......so much beauty and talent among you beautiful ladies. ....its a shame we have to go thru "he said, she said".

Actually in this case its a she said, she said.... ijs
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Old 11-10-2014, 11:01 AM   #9
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Here we go.

Warming up the popcorn
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Old 11-10-2014, 11:03 AM   #10
Slave Guinevere
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Talking One last word before heading out to Corpus Christi...:)


Tonight I've received a message from Slave Guinevere telling me that I had bad mouthed her and that doing so was a bad idea on my part.

Yes... You did...

I calmly sent you a text saying that I was aware that you were running your mouth about me and that you needed to stop it... Now, I realize I could have done what some of the other ladies did to me... I could go onto CL and accuse you of having an STD... I could bad mouth you to clients etc... OR, I could text you a 16 word text to say "Hey, I know you are talking about me and you need to stop..."

So Princess... let's follow the BOUNCING BALL....

Yesterday, 05:29 PM #30
pootie tang79

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Just because of this particular review, I will definitely keep you in mind when I see a provider that you seen. You're so right about some of these guys over stating the facts. I had a similar deal with a provider but her services sucked ass. And these guy still come out to defend her.lol I hear bad things about this chick that's why she's coming to Houston, more than one provider told me the same thing both from SA.

2) Now, a DETAILED SURVEY of Pootie tang79's review revealed that he has only seen ONE SA PROVIDER:


pootie tang79
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Join Date: Apr 11, 2011
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Review: She was worth the drive
Date: 8/15/14
Provider: CamilleFox69
Phone: after screening
Email Address: -
URL / Website: http://eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=238364
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Address: Medical Area
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes
Activities: DFK,BBBJ,Mish,DATY,
Session Length: 1hr
Fee: $$8
Hair Length and Color: Light brown shoulder length wavy
Age: 30ish
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: 5'4" curvy body nice massive boobs

Recommendation: Yes

3) November 9th, 2014 06:48pm (~ 90 min later)


Yesterday, 06:58 PM #187
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Monkeyman or ricky boy its time for you to shut the fuck up. And slave G here is a question for you why CPS was in your life this summer? Answer me or shut the fuck up both of you. Hehe

COINCIDENCE? Nah.... I just don't think so....

Any attempt to communicate with her in any positive way from my part was futile.

All communication ended after I told you to stop talking about me... that is how it should be right? I am letting you know to your face that I do not like you discussing me with your clients and to stop...

I didn't create a threAD to BASH YOU... I did not go whining to infoshare like you do every other day... I just addressed you in a calm and rational manner...

The people that know me know that I have always believed Slave Guinevere commanded higher rates due to her looks, skills, and reviews. That when she was unjustly bashed of late I RTM'd several posts and tried to clear the mud that surrounded the disgusting allegations.

Hmmm... the people that know ME... especially, my girlfriends on this site know that I asked them to stay out of the trolls way... I did not want ANY of them to be affected because they were defending me...

Secondly, why are you SOOO CONCERNED about my RATES? This is the SECOND TIME that you are bringing up my rates... the first time I received a text from you saying that I needed to increase my rates I was like WTF?!? I do not even KNOW YOU... So, I am not sure why you took it upon yourself to try and tell me how to run my business..

As I have told you in the past... I will NEVER raise my SA RATES!! While, I do have to deal with a few trolls on the SA Board for the most part my men have helped me get to where I am and they have repeatedly DEFENDED MY NAME & MY HONOR...

I would NEVER insult them by then raising my rates and become another escort with GPS... My rates are just fine and you need to worry about your own business and not mine..

This is not a thread created to bash her.

Really? Because, it certainly seems like it...

This is to protect me and any other provider who may receive threats for something that she (Slave Guinevere) perceives to be reality.

OMG!! LOL!! Yeah, I will admit that I can be FEISTY upon occasion... especially, after being outed twice in one year ...but I need to put on a few lbs before I step into the ring with you... Otherwise, I am fairly certain that it will not be a fair fight...

As I have told Slave Guinevere, there is a time to quit while you are ahead and there's a time to push forward.

Again... who asked for your advice? When did you decide that you were the HOBBY MOMMY? Lol... you suck up to the trolls and then you admonish the ladies for doing the same thing... TFF...

And fyi.... I am not ever going to quit... So, go work on your own life, your own business and stop worrying about mine... OK? Then you and I will be ALL GOOD!!

If she feels she needs to have the last word in this thread, she can.


I am not engaging on a public battle.

Can you say the word "HYPOCRITE?"

Yes... I knew you could...
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Old 11-10-2014, 12:16 PM   #11
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Ever notice it's the same whores repeatedly involved in the drama?
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Old 11-10-2014, 01:14 PM   #12
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Sorry but slave u are an effing paranoid old bat jesus effing Christ.

Just because that dude had only reviewed camille doesn't mean SHE is the only person HE HAS SEEN HERE. Anybody could have talked shit about you. Actually tons of people talk shit about you. Do u think every man who enjoys your pussy enjoys your personality? Uhhh no ive heard people talk shit about you trust and believe that.

At least camille had some class to her post. Shit if I was about to shell out a few hundred dollars for pussy I would want to know shes the type to make threats based on rumors.

Camille even gave u a few compliments in the OP but u resort to crap like " id have to gain weight blah blah blah" . Sorry I dont see where she is a sumo wrestler or threatening to fight you? Dont you run like ten miles a day and ur still not extremely toned? Im sure u could keep up boo although im sure camille is way to classy to take it there.

You are exactly the same age as my mother if she was worried about half the shit you get indignant about I would have to commit her ass too a looney bin.
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Old 11-10-2014, 01:33 PM   #13
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On the bright side now me and darcy agree about something and can smooch.
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Old 11-10-2014, 01:58 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by NikkiWhite View Post
On the bright side now me and darcy agree about something and can smooch.
Yes...please do
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Old 11-10-2014, 02:20 PM   #15
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Can't we all just get along.

This thread is bringing me down.

Can you dig it?
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