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Old 09-11-2014, 06:36 AM   #1
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Default Do You Believe Our President's Speech?

That ISIL does not have anything to do with Islam?
That Islam does not condone killing innocents?
That a war can be won almost exclusively with US air power?
That Obama can form a meaningful coalition?
That Obama will have ME nations put up significant assets?
That Obama will not put boots on the ground?
That if groups harm Americans, Obama will do what it takes to bring them to justice?
That US action in Somalia and Yemen are "successes?"

I don't.
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Old 09-11-2014, 06:45 AM   #2
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Old 09-11-2014, 07:33 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
That ISIL does not have anything to do with Islam?
That Islam does not condone killing innocents?
That a war can be won almost exclusively with US air power?
That Obama can form a meaningful coalition?
That Obama will have ME nations put up significant assets?
That Obama will not put boots on the ground?
That if groups harm Americans, Obama will do what it takes to bring them to justice?
That US action in Somalia and Yemen are "successes?"

I don't.
Neither does the majority of voters in this country, and most leaders in the World.

IMO ... He should have given a "pitch" to a Joint Session of Congress.

With no teleprompters and ...

.. a request for a specific resolution for authorization.
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Old 09-11-2014, 08:00 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
That ISIL does not have anything to do with Islam?
That Islam does not condone killing innocents?
That a war can be won almost exclusively with US air power?
That Obama can form a meaningful coalition?
That Obama will have ME nations put up significant assets?
That Obama will not put boots on the ground?
That if groups harm Americans, Obama will do what it takes to bring them to justice?
That US action in Somalia and Yemen are "successes?"

I don't.
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Old 09-11-2014, 09:55 AM   #5
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I didn't think any of you would.

Collective Dipshittery.
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Old 09-11-2014, 11:54 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
I didn't think any of you would.

Collective Dipshittery.
You claiming to be "thinking" is the only "collective dipshittery" around here.

Let me guess: You "think" his speech was "intellectually stimulating"!

And you also "think" ...

....he laid out an ingenious, diabolical, four-phased plan for victory!

Please don't forget when you voted for this "bump-on-log" his ONLY "accomplishment" was overseeing the removal of insulation from a housing project WHICH HE FAILED TO INSURE WAS REPLACED!!!!

I'm still looking for proof that he finished all 18 holes in one day.
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Old 09-11-2014, 06:12 PM   #7
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Where are the rest of the pro-Obama forces?

WTF? BigTex? Munch? flight? Timmie? I'va?

Do any of you believe the points Obama made that I listed above? Do you agree with his strategy? Do you have any other suggestions for our President?

As one poster used to state: "The silence is deafening."
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Old 09-11-2014, 09:23 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
That ISIL does not have anything to do with Islam?

Actually, not only does ISIS follow the teachings of the Koran, ISIS is also following very close in the footsteps of Islam's earliest history.

People today have no idea how close Islam came to blanketing most of Europe in the 700's. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Charles Martel for stemming the tide and turning back the Muslim incursion into Europe.

That Islam does not condone killing innocents?

Again, Obama doesn't know what he is talking about. According to the Koran, there is no such thing as "innocents". There are only Muslims, and infidels.

That a war can be won almost exclusively with US air power?

Just more proof that Obama is an idiot.

That Obama can form a meaningful coalition?

Obama couldn't build a coalition to decide what to have for breakfast.

That Obama will have ME nations put up significant assets?

Yeah. Good luck with that.

That Obama will not put boots on the ground?

This, I believe. He doesn't have the guts to commit to any kind of meaningful action.

That if groups harm Americans, Obama will do what it takes to bring them to justice?

Yeah right. How about getting our Marine out of Mexico? How about getting justice for the soldiers who died trying to find a traitor?

That US action in Somalia and Yemen are "successes?"

No, just more chest thumping from an empty suit.

I don't.
Obama is ridiculously naive and ignorant when it comes to foreign policy.

Truth be told though, we have underestimated and failed to understand the culture we are dealing with when it comes to Islam literally from our earliest history when we tried to pay off Pashas for safe passage of our sailors along the Barbary coast. The fact that Obama is as abysmally ignorant as previous leaders is no great surprise.

We have consistently underestimated the culture that produces these terrorists, and dismissed threats until they bite us in the ass.
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Old 09-11-2014, 09:29 PM   #9
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just mention the crusade 1 and then crusade 2 (for rider "this is how we do it")
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Old 09-11-2014, 09:29 PM   #10
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How much to bite you in the ass?
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Old 09-11-2014, 09:34 PM   #11
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Has Reality Dispelled Odumbo’s Delusions?

Military force and the credible threat thereof are necessary to bend the arc of history the right way.
By Michael Barone

‘If you watch the nightly news, it feels like the world is falling apart,” President Odumbo told Democratic mega-contributors last month in one of the 400-plus fundraisers of his presidency.

But not to worry. “The world has always been messy,” he said. “In part, we’re just noticing now because of social media and our capacity to see in intimate detail the hardships that people are going through.” Like being beheaded by Islamist terrorists. Or having your country invaded by Russian soldiers.

The president gives the impression of trying to reassure not so much his audience, as himself. For this is not what he expected for his presidency. The world was not supposed to fall apart. It was supposed to come together, as he assured thousands at Berlin’s Tiergarten in 2008 that their wall had come down because “there is no challenge that is too great for a world that stands as one.”

So one hopes that, as Odumbo left the fundraiser trail and headed to NATO ally Estonia and the NATO summit in Wales, he arrived stripped of the delusions he carried into his presidency. They include, in no particular order, the following:
  • The delusion that the world would love the United States once the first black president — a “citizen of the world,” as he called himself in Berlin — took office. But symbolism important to American voters has less purchase overseas. The elites and chattering classes of other nations, even allies, are always going to resent the enormous asymmetrical power of the United States and complain about its policies.
  • The delusion that once the United States withdrew all its troops from Iraq, tranquility would reign in the Middle East. The idea was that Middle Eastern Muslims were provoked by Americans’ bossiness and blunders. That takes no account of the longstanding hatreds, desires for revenge, and religious fanaticism present in the region before 2003 and flaring again now that U.S. forces have left.
  • The delusion that the key to solving the problems in the Middle East is to arrange a peaceful settlement between Israel and the Palestinians. The problem here is that there are no Palestinian interlocutors willing to make or able to deliver on a promise to live in peace with Israel.
  • The delusion that the hatred of Islamist Muslims for the United States would disappear once Barack Hussein Odumbo (as he referred to himself in his June 2009 Cairo speech “to the Muslim world”) was its leader. Like an American politician recalling his Italian or Polish grandmother, Odumbo assumed that having a common background would be appealing. The fact that his father was a (very unobservant) Muslim and that he attended Muslim schools cut no ice with Islamists, who consider apostasy a capital crime and are willing to die to make others submit to their version of the faith.
  • The delusion that relations with Russia were ready to be reset now that the cowboy who provoked Vladimir Putin was back in Texas. The fact, as George W. Bush belatedly understood, was that Putin, seething with resentment, was bent on restoring something like a czarist or Soviet empire. His aggression in Georgia in 2008, and in Ukraine this year, were the result not of misunderstanding, but of deliberate intention.
These delusions may or may not have been dispelled. But Odumbo’s recent speeches suggest that Odumbo still clings (bitterly?) to others. “The arc of the moral universe is long,” he likes to say, “but it bends toward freedom.”

Not necessarily, unfortunately, and one headed to Estonia should understand this. In the summer of 1940, Hitler and Stalin were allies, in control or threatening to take control of most of the landmass of Eurasia. Lithuania and most of Poland went to Hitler, Latvia and Estonia to Stalin. Britain was under bombardment and Franklin Roosevelt, bucking American public opinion, was only beginning to send aid.

The triumph of the West was not inevitable. What if Hitler had not invaded Russia in 1941? What if America had not joined the war? George Orwell, in England during the Blitz, described one possible outcome in 1984.

That outcome was avoided not by appeals to history but by application of military force. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died in that effort.

Military force and the credible threat thereof are necessary to bend the arc of history the right way. Let’s hope Odumbo is no longer deluded about that.


Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Originally Posted by WhoLooking View Post
just mention the crusade 1 and then crusade 2 (for rider "this is how we do it")
How much to bite you in the ass?
You forgot your beloved LBGT banner with Hitler's swastika, you Hitler-worshiping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM:

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
. . . . .
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Old 09-11-2014, 09:55 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
How much to bite you in the ass?
can you bend that low
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Old 09-11-2014, 11:41 PM   #13
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In order to control a society, a country needs a perpetual enemy. Islam. How convenient.
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Old 09-11-2014, 11:54 PM   #14
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I was addressing SOTF, not you IBIdiot. Of course, playing the strumpet just ain'tpart of yer blewgrass band's repertoire now, is it?

Thanks for reminding us of your orientation yet again, IBIdiot! I think the gayness betrays your family, friends and associates. You are a disgrace to all buttfucking hillbillies everywhere, squirrel eater!
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Old 09-12-2014, 12:40 AM   #15
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Not really and it would appear that our potential allies don't either. Obama has lied so many times that Assad thinks that Obama wants to bomb him, Australia hasn't been asked yet, Turkey has said NO!

You know when Bush put together his "coalition of the willing" he actually had a list of names to give to the press. Barry will quit shortly and blame everyone for not following him.

Follow ME!
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