Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
There are ways to get assistance when pregnant. One doesn't have to provide and put a child at risk.
I really am an infrequent poster so dont want to chime in here, especially with you because once you start you are relentless, but that is hypocritical as under your theory there are ways to get assistance when not pregnant either, however it doesn't appear stop you from escorting.
Its what you want to do with your time and body, and as long as you go about it responsibly thats great, you wont hear a complaint out of me! However dont tell other people what to do with their body or criticize them for their decisions.
There is no danger whatsoever to the baby, speak to a doctor or gynecologist and find out for yourself before you post, or just google "risks associated with sex during pregnancy" most consensus agree that it is actually beneficial as it prevents an early delivery
Dont put these girls down, they have similar needs and desires as you do, and the majority of them are safe and careful in how they go about working, and those that arent, were that way before the pregnancy.
The only thing I disagree with, is one or two seemed adamant on driving themselves even later in the pregnancy which has other risks associated with it.
I have met a lot of pregnant providers from Eccie (and before that ASPD) and had positive experiences with practically all of them, in fact some have become, I even daresay friends.
Lighten up on these girls please.