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The Sandbox - National The Sandbox is a collection of off-topic discussions. Humorous threads, Sports talk, and a wide variety of other topics can be found here.

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Old 03-05-2012, 10:18 PM   #1
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Default What's Happened to the Sandbox?

Seriously. This place used to be like a bunch of guys sitting in a bar arguing, and sharing drinks. It was all good natured, even though it got intense at times. We had some thoughtful liberals who could actually put up a good fight on substance.

Now it has degenerated to more of a kindergarten recess. You can post a serious topic, and the responses are on the same level as "nanner nanner boo boo". It is getting old and boring. Most of you libs are making WTF look like the smart one of the bunch. At least he has something to say occasionally. The rest of you clowns are just acting like a bunch of little kids, and your taunts are merely playground caliber.

A lot of the thoughtful nonlibs have left, and the rest are posting less often. I guess since you want to silence the opposition, you are being effective. Yes, I know you think the world would be better off if I was imprisoned or killed. That way you wouldn't have to think about the issues I raise.

But this remains a SHMB. No one cares about what we say here. So even if you bore me out of here, the fact remains that you haven't even closely addressed the issues I have raised on their substance.

No, I'm not going anywhere. I'm just saying that your infantile rants are boring. You are really looking quite stupid. There are intelligent liberals out there, TTH for one, who can put up a good fight, and even win a few. The rest of you are just tedious.

C'mon. Challenge me and the other non-libs with some substance. Think about a response. Don't simply post the first playground insult that comes to mind. It reflects more poorly on you than its target. This is the one board where you can think with your big head. You must be up to it, because I think all of you can dress yourselves. But that is an assumption on my part, you couldn't tell it from your posts.

Anyway. Quit being boring. And if you don't like my posts, quit responding to every goddam one of them with the same nonsense. I will stipulate that you think I'm an asshole and would be better off dead. So let's move on to something else.
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Old 03-05-2012, 10:43 PM   #2
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That's one of the reasons I quit posting much. Not a lot of thoughtful discussion going on, especially from the Obama haters. Too much Obama Derangement Syndrome.

But here's an article that they can chew on:

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Old 03-06-2012, 12:07 AM   #3
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a lot of noise and no substance - same old posters spewing the same old diatribe.... it was interesting for a while, but the respectful give and take is lacking
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Old 03-06-2012, 03:26 AM   #4
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COG---I believe what happened to the Sandbox was posters like you, Whirly and Marshy. Posters have a tendency to follow the lead of the thread starters. The 3 of you have (far and away) started more threads than any other posters in this forum. Instead of encouraging respectful debate, your threads all have something in common. The topic of conversation quickly denigrates into name calling against those with different opinions other than your own. At that point, it quickly becomes open season with everybody joining in on the bs!

If you can't see that, you're not looking very hard!
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Old 03-06-2012, 03:57 AM   #5
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COG, you post a bunch of BS and then expect a well thought out response? When one is given , you dismiss it as idiotic. Take TTH for example, you guys of the right berate him as if he was some commie.

I have posted a link to a book called the "Believing Brain" , it explains much of the problem. Both sides see the exact same thing in different terms. Once you understand that , you will realize that all your lecturing is going for naught.

You are witty enough but don't kid yourself into believing that you are not half the problem.
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Old 03-06-2012, 05:50 AM   #6
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Hmmmm, for many moons those of us who don't hew to the beacon of the right field foul pole were consistently berated, called "soft," un-American and any other handy name by hard core righties. So, being neither soft nor un-American, we decided to fight a little fire with fire. Now, as things are not going EASILY your way, the whining commences and you, COF, play the victim. You are a joke.

The article linked to by TTH, although written, probably, by a "pointy-headed liburral" and published in some "left-wing rag," (damn! I miss Spiro T. Agnew) covers the alleged rationale of the fear driven racist, white, right pretty well. The only point I would quibble with is that the over aggressiveness of their play was galvanized by Obama's election. They were once again beating the "our way or the highway" drum right after 9/11. Republican righties (read Tea Partiers and the Cock Bros. and their ilk) are nothing if not willing to take any opening over the cliff. The previous massive overreach was Watergate and other contemporaneous criminal mischief which was completely unnecessary since the election was over before the polls closed in the midwest, even at a time when informaton travelled a lot slower than it does today. Actually, the election was over long before that - and Tricky and his boyz knew it - yet decided to position themselves with an impending mandate that they thought they could hide behind to blow up the Democratic Party, like it needed any help at the time. As the TP and the rest of the hyper right lead the elephant herd over the cliff, the rest of us ought to start shoveling dirt into the chasm. But, we ol' softy moderates and liberals will, being compassionate (a foreign concept to the right) instead, once again extend a hand, lower ladders and allow them to climb back up - all the while hoping that they will learn a lesson experience has shown them incapable of absorbing. They're like a simple, slow-witted relation that we know shouldn't be given matches.
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Old 03-06-2012, 06:06 AM   #7
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Just a bunch of right wing nuts ridiculing anyone who has a different opinion most were too dumb to know when someone was just fucking with them,was a target rich environment.you included.Boring
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Old 03-06-2012, 06:51 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Randy4Candy View Post
Hmmmm, for many moons those of us who don't hew to the beacon of the right field foul pole were consistently berated, called "soft," un-American and any other handy name by hard core righties. So, being neither soft nor un-American, we decided to fight a little fire with fire. Now, as things are not going EASILY your way, the whining commences and you, COF, play the victim. You are a joke.

The article linked to by TTH, although written, probably, by a "pointy-headed liburral" and published in some "left-wing rag," (damn! I miss Spiro T. Agnew) covers the alleged rationale of the fear driven racist, white, right pretty well. The only point I would quibble with is that the over aggressiveness of their play was galvanized by Obama's election. They were once again beating the "our way or the highway" drum right after 9/11. Republican righties (read Tea Partiers and the Cock Bros. and their ilk) are nothing if not willing to take any opening over the cliff. The previous massive overreach was Watergate and other contemporaneous criminal mischief which was completely unnecessary since the election was over before the polls closed in the midwest, even at a time when informaton travelled a lot slower than it does today. Actually, the election was over long before that - and Tricky and his boyz knew it - yet decided to position themselves with an impending mandate that they thought they could hide behind to blow up the Democratic Party, like it needed any help at the time. As the TP and the rest of the hyper right lead the elephant herd over the cliff, the rest of us ought to start shoveling dirt into the chasm. But, we ol' softy moderates and liberals will, being compassionate (a foreign concept to the right) instead, once again extend a hand, lower ladders and allow them to climb back up - all the while hoping that they will learn a lesson experience has shown them incapable of absorbing. They're like a simple, slow-witted relation that we know shouldn't be given matches.
Now that's more like what I was talking about. It's a rational response, well thought out, and leaves plenty of openings for discussion. All without resorting to playground taunts. It's obvious we disagree, but there are no personal attacks, the post focuses on issues, rather than personalities.

I think we've all gotten lazy, and gone with the easy way out, which is calling names and avoiding the issue. Thanks, Randy!

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Old 03-06-2012, 06:59 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
COG---I believe what happened to the Sandbox was posters like you, Whirly and Marshy. Posters have a tendency to follow the lead of the thread starters. The 3 of you have (far and away) started more threads than any other posters in this forum. Instead of encouraging respectful debate, your threads all have something in common. The topic of conversation quickly denigrates into name calling against those with different opinions other than your own. At that point, it quickly becomes open season with everybody joining in on the bs!

If you can't see that, you're not looking very hard!
Most of my posts start out with a question, or a topic. I rarely start a thread with name calling. I post things I think people ought to know. Even the cupcake thread degenerated into name calling. Right before he was banned, Marshy wished me dead in very graphic terms. I have never done that. I also don't use multi-color or different sizes of fonts, except to mock those who do.

And yes, I have fallen into the trap of playground taunts after my posts are attacked without substance. I have tried to reform, but you guys just get out of hand, yet I have restrained myself on numerous occasions.

I really don't care what you call me, or if you wish me dead or otherwise silenced. I just don't want to be bored here. It's still fun and makes me laugh, but it is getting old.

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Old 03-06-2012, 08:09 AM   #10
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I was hoping people were actually working instead of posting here. And by work I mean earning a paycheck and paying taxes.
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Old 03-06-2012, 08:16 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Most of my posts start out with a question, or a topic. I rarely start a thread with name calling. I post things I think people ought to know. Even the cupcake thread degenerated into name calling. Right before he was banned, Marshy wished me dead in very graphic terms. I have never done that. I also don't use multi-color or different sizes of fonts, except to mock those who do.

And yes, I have fallen into the trap of playground taunts after my posts are attacked without substance. I have tried to reform, but you guys just get out of hand, yet I have restrained myself on numerous occasions.

I really don't care what you call me, or if you wish me dead or otherwise silenced. I just don't want to be bored here. It's still fun and makes me laugh, but it is getting old.

if its getting old, then leave. i dont know how marshy got banned in a forum without rules, but im glad that asshole is gone. LOL! u r just a marshy wannabe. u do the same shit as he does. ur just as bad. same tedious post after tedious post, same name changing. same hypocricy. same unfounded arrogance. same mean spirit. ur a dick. nobody likes u. this board is the center of ur life and ur whining its not fun anymore because a dickhead like u made it worse. i dont have a problem with how the board is. theres a need for a spot on this mb where there r no rules.
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Old 03-06-2012, 08:19 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
And yes, I have fallen into the trap of playground taunts after my posts are attacked without substance. I have tried to reform, but you guys just get out of hand,

oh! ur bad behavior is OUR fault! LOL!
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Old 03-06-2012, 08:31 AM   #13
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Go Cougar High
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Old 03-06-2012, 08:39 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
You can post a serious topic

You joking, aren't you? I can't remember the last time the whackos posted a serious topic.

- we should disband all government regulation
- 9/11 was just paper planes
- HIV doesn't exist and we should all bareback
- everybody always undergoes an intimate search every time they travel
- gas prices are the fault of the president and should be under a dollar
- Obama is not American
- Europeans are all socialists

Shall I go on?

I also think you should clarify whether lib means liberal or libertarian.

Thank god this forum is not representative of the american people, who are out at work making a living.
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Old 03-06-2012, 08:48 AM   #15
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COG: the responses by the lefties (Randy4Candy, WTF, Ekim, etal) answers your question....in the above posts they call you (and others) they disagree with "racists" , "assholes" , "dicks" , a "joke" , "nuts" ,etc.

You ask a legitmate question and the lefties pile on with the only way they know how.....name calling and personal attacks.
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