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Old 09-24-2011, 02:47 PM   #1
Naughty Destiny
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Question LADIES: what do you consider deal breakers?

So, this is a spin off on Crazy Horse's post of deal breakers for men. Now that we've gotten insight onto what are deal breakers for the men, I would like to know what is a deal breaker for the women when it comes to seeing clients/hobbyists. I'll start.

Any mention of sexual acts over telephone or e-mail – DEFINITE deal breaker for me. As soon as I hear a mention for sexual act(s), red lights and flags start going off in my head like crazy. You can kiss our conversation goodbye and forget getting any time with me. Just for the guys who are unaware, sexual acts for money exchange is ILLEGAL and any time you mention specific sexual acts we think you are a cop. CHECK THE REVIEWS! Just an FYI.

Under the influence of drugs or alcohol – another big deal breaker for me. Drugs and alcohol make people behave in a manner that is VERY undesirable to me. We are all fully aware that drugs/alcohol impair one's ability to make sound judgment calls. Anybody that would be willing to see somebody in this state is risking their own safety, and there is no amount of money to put on my safety. If I sense via telephone that the guy on the other end is intoxicated it's a big fat hell no for me. If I can't sense it over the telephone and he shows up intoxicated, BYE-BYE mofo. You will not even be asked to come in.

Rude/arrogant attitude or behavior – Nobody is "less than" you, or not as good as you somehow, so go sell that dream somewhere else son. Treating somebody rudely, or with a sense of entitlement, or arrogance is very unbecoming and there are too many gentlemen out there that behave as just that, gentlemen, to put up with anything less than a humble pleasant attitude. If you do not start acting rude/arrogant until AFTER our meeting has began, you better buckle up, because you're in for a hell of a ride. I will not act passive with somebody that displays rude/arrogant behaviors while in my company.

No call no show – if I suspect that you have ever stood me up in the past, you can go wank your wiener in the car with your hundred dollars and use your own spit. If I suspect that you have stood me up in the past I have very little to no respect for you, and even if we were to go through with the appointment, it would be miserable for both of us, so it's not even worth it. If you can't make an appointment, have the courtesy to make the phone call and let me know. It's really that simple. I understand people have to cancel. I am okay with that. But don't be a total douche bag and leave me sitting there with my thumb in my butt, all dolled up waiting for you and not show up. I believe this rule works on both sides of the fence, guys and girls. I don't care who you are, getting stood up just sucks!

Knowing FOR CERTAIN that I don't like you –This may be based off of your board persona, you being blacklisted by somebody I consider credible, or maybe I've met you at a social gathering and knew right away we were not compatible. I am not in this to just get every dollar that I can. I prefer a connection. If I know that I do not like you, we are both better off without an intimate encounter with one another. I'm pretty sure that this rule works on both sides of the fence also. If you do not think your compatible with me, DON'T BOOK ME! Believe me, I prefer it that way.

Stalker tendencies – if you have history with me or any other ladies in the community of not understanding what no means, you are considered dangerous in my book. If somebody has told you to leave them alone and you continue to contact them that would be considered a stalker tendency. Move on and go see somebody else. Not understanding that it is not okay to cross lines that have been drawn is creepy, and it screams at me that you are dangerous. If somebody has asked you to leave them alone, you need to do that.


Poor hygiene – if you stink or you have bad breath or you have a beard that will scratch the shit out of me these are things that I will politely address. PLEASE make sure that you are freshly groomed before you show up to be intimate with me. If you do have a beard that's going to scratch me, I do not expect you to shave it off, but please do not expect me to let you go down on me or kiss me. Beards can be brutal and my delicate little lady down there does not like being poked with a wire brush. This does not apply to all beards, but the ones that are in between short and long, they hurt! Another thing regarding body hair; don't show up with a ball sack covered in hair and ask me to put my mouth on them cuz it's not going to happen. Shave your balls if you want attention to be given to them. And for the love of God, please don't show up smelling like cigarettes. GAG!

Gossiping – If you have been known to gossip with other girls, this is not earning you extra brownie points. Don't tell me where so-and-so works, don't tell me about her family life, and don't tell me her real name if you know it, because all I can think is that you are dangerous and I better not tell you anything personal because if you did this to so-and-so you will most certainly do it to me. BIG RED FLAG! Also, I don't like to hear about how great she is. If she is so great why are you here with me right now, and not with her? I prefer that you leave your other experiences involving other escorts outside. The only time I want to talk about another girl, is when she is present and I am doing a two girl with her. I don't want to hear about you thinking she's a bitch, I don't want to hear how she told so-and-so this and that, and I don't want to know what a third-party said about her. Gossiping is ugly. Our time is our time, so please don't mention her.

Not following directions – this is very annoying, but not a total deal breaker. It may be a deal breaker depending on the extent of your behavior. If you flat out cannot/will not follow directions, then it is a deal breaker. If you have a few slips, I understand and I can probably work around it, but more than likely I will address it with you. Remember that worksheet you did when you were in the the second grade? The one where it says at the top of the paper under the directions to write your name on the paper and not do anything else? But most of the class did not read the directions and filled out the whole damn paper, answered all the questions on there, and got a big fat zero for not following directions? There really was a lesson to be learned behind this exercise.

Lying – I love (or not) it when I get a voicemail that says "hi Destiny this is Frank" and then when I go to call him back, his voicemail says "hi you've reached Steve and am not available to take your call at this time…" Really? I understand you have the need to be discreet, and I respect that, but it is what it is and I do not like liars. It may be petty and miniscule, but it makes me wonder about you. If you'd lie about something so stupid as your first name (the same first names that I'm sure millions of other guys have) what else would you lie about? This may not be a total deal breaker, dependent on your response when I confront you about it.

These are a few things that I either consider dealbreakers or things that should be addressed. The opposite of any of these things listed above are qualities and traits that I find it desirable. I believe that from my personal experience I only encounter the things mentioned above only about every 1 out of every 10 experiences that I have. With that being said, I would like it to be noted that most of my encounters are very enjoyable and the details outlined above are definitely the minority. I would also like to say thank you to each and every one of you guys that are awesome, so, THANK YOU! You awesome guys make this a very enjoyable experience and I am VERY grateful to you!

To the other ladies, do you have anything that you would like to throw in? And of course, this discussion is open for the gentlemen and the not so gentlemen that care to participate.

Have a great weekend everyone!
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Old 09-24-2011, 05:25 PM   #2
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If they are asking like what do they get for $$$ that's a deal breaker. If they want to discuss sexual likes and dislikes and it's not listed on my site or in reviews then that's not a big deal to me.
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Old 09-24-2011, 05:30 PM   #3
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My list starts long before that lol.

Insecure cry babies on review boards...done. Guys who follow girls around, send them countless unsolicitated emails and PMs, stalk them, etc.

Hagglers, cheapos, and whiney brats. I would love a dom session with them just to kick the crap out of them...even do it for free lol.

I agree with most of your list Destiny...good summation.
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Old 09-24-2011, 06:33 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by London Rayne View Post
My list starts long before that lol.

Insecure cry babies on review boards...done. Guys who follow girls around, send them countless unsolicitated emails and PMs, stalk them, etc.

Hagglers, cheapos, and whiney brats. I would love a dom session with them just to kick the crap out of them...even do it for free lol.

I agree with most of your list Destiny...good summation.
There you go with the cry babies and whiney brats again. Lol I would love a domme session, pain and I have a weird relationship.
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Old 09-24-2011, 09:55 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by London Rayne View Post
Hagglers, cheapos, and whiney brats. I would love a dom session with them just to kick the crap out of them...even do it for free lol.
That was funny!
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Old 09-24-2011, 11:22 PM   #6
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I guess my deal breakers are providers that set up 84 things that are deal breakers
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Old 09-24-2011, 11:27 PM   #7
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I want to text a provider and ask her what she does and will she do it for half off then I show up 40 min late right after I run a mile. When we start I tell her she will do what I say at all times and that I want to cum 4 times and if we go over she shouldn't expect anything extra. I want bbbj, anal,swallow,and I want to put it on video. Now is that too much to expect out of a provider. Come on show some initiative. Oh yea I hate rules. Common sense is a good one. The rest will take care of itself
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Old 09-25-2011, 05:30 AM   #8
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im glad extra large cocks wasnt on her list of deadbreakers lol
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Old 09-25-2011, 05:43 AM   #9
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Default all of the above

seems reasonable and intelligent. if those guidelines were adhered to the world would be a happier place.
Originally Posted by burkalini View Post
I want to text a provider and ask her what she does and will she do it for half off then I show up 40 min late right after I run a mile. When we start I tell her she will do what I say at all times and that I want to cum 4 times and if we go over she shouldn't expect anything extra. I want bbbj, anal,swallow,and I want to put it on video. Now is that too much to expect out of a provider. Come on show some initiative. Oh yea I hate rules. Common sense is a good one. The rest will take care of itself
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Old 09-25-2011, 07:20 AM   #10
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Your list pretty much covers everything. I'd like to add trying to negotiate prices.
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Old 09-25-2011, 07:57 AM   #11
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How about evident nasties on the genitals? That's a deal breaker for anyone!
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Old 09-25-2011, 08:28 AM   #12
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Clients that come back the next day to give you a gift WITHOUT letting you know they're coming. WTF???
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Old 09-25-2011, 08:35 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by KatieKuada View Post
Your list pretty much covers everything. I'd like to add trying to negotiate prices.
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Old 09-25-2011, 08:37 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Naomi4u View Post
Clients that come back the next day to give you a gift WITHOUT letting you know they're coming. WTF???
lol..that's happened to Me and my roomie..I think they are trying to figure out if we have men living in out domain AND when they see we dont they just might be aiming for a freebie..lol..Just another Reason I do INCALL from hotels.
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Old 09-25-2011, 09:52 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Af-Freakin View Post
im glad extra large cocks wasnt on her list of deadbreakers lol
Well...it's on MINE! What of it lol.
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