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Old 07-10-2017, 09:45 AM   #1
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Default Was Barack The Magic Negro Really Smarter Than All Those White Republicans

I mean come on.....hahahahaha you bitches control the House, Senate. Supreme Court, and the Presidency.... and goddamit you still can't repeal Obamacare. Like really what the fuck. Was this Negro that Fucking Smart?

Thus far failed in the House and now it's dead in the Senate. You morons control all branches of government at the moment. No Dem Power to stop your agenda...so tell me again why can't you FUCK FACES get er done. ohh wait Barack The Magic Negro

Lets' now ask the Revenered Al to Lead us in Prayer Song:

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Old 07-10-2017, 09:47 AM   #2
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Old 07-10-2017, 10:17 AM   #3
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Old 07-10-2017, 10:26 AM   #4
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The best magic trick as of mid-July is the Great Disappearing Act to the so-called Obama Legacy President Trump is performing thus far. Quite soon the closet muzzie will be historically remembered as nothing more than being the first (and possibly the LAST) Negro president of the United States.

So go ahead, laugh now if you want, SissyChaps....its not a matter of IF but WHEN the Affordable (lol) Care Act is finally disposed of once and for all. That collapsing Ponzie Scheme was designed by idiots to fail (even if Barry was given three - four terms to massage it by hook or crook)....it was and IS simply a matter of time.

What else ya got, homeboy? So far, you be battin' 0.00 for your triumphant return, suckah.
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Old 07-10-2017, 10:43 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Chateau Becot View Post
The best magic trick as of mid-July is the Great Disappearing Act to the so-called Obama Legacy President Trump is performing thus far. Quite soon the closet muzzie will be historically remembered as nothing more than being the first (and possibly the LAST) Negro president of the United States.

So go ahead, laugh now if you want, SissyChaps....its not a matter of IF but WHEN the Affordable (lol) Care Act is finally disposed of once and for all. That collapsing Ponzie Scheme was designed by idiots to fail (even if Barry was given three - four terms to massage it by hook or crook)....it was and IS simply a matter of time.

What else ya got, homeboy? So far, you be battin' 0.00 for your triumphant return, suckah.
He seems pretty bitter with ever post he makes and remember Shit-stain white is the color of the big boss man again Baaaaaaaaaaaa
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Old 07-10-2017, 10:52 AM   #6
Sistine Chapel
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Originally Posted by Chateau Becot View Post
The best magic trick as of mid-July is the Great Disappearing Act to the so-called Obama Legacy President Trump is performing thus far. Quite soon the closet muzzie will be historically remembered as nothing more than being the first (and possibly the LAST) Negro president of the United States.

So go ahead, laugh now if you want, SissyChaps....its not a matter of IF but WHEN the Affordable (lol) Care Act is finally disposed of once and for all. That collapsing Ponzie Scheme was designed by idiots to fail (even if Barry was given three - four terms to massage it by hook or crook)....it was and IS simply a matter of time.

What else ya got, homeboy? So far, you be battin' 0.00 for your triumphant return, suckah.

What's so gut busting hilarious is that we liberals recognize how inferior you dummies are in comparison to us. We understand you guys aren't on our same intellectual wave length so we don't take your insults personal...it's part of the poor hick playbook.

We expect people like you to think Trump is dismantling Obama's legacy when in reality because of his sheer stupidity and incompetence he's actually ENHANCING Obama's legacy. Smart people.....No really....Smart people pre-calculated this..we knew it would happen. Here's something you may not realize....the smart Republicans in Congress the ones that look for sucker ass voters like you..they know that Trump by virtue of his sheer incompetence is also enhancing Obama's legacy but they'll never admit that openly.

Everything smart and intelligent white people ever espoused this buffoon is making a mockery of in a very bad way. You know basic shit such as competence, intelligence, hard work, good ethics, creativity...with Trump the converse is true...he's dumb, ineffective, incompetent, LAZY as hell, and doesn't have the brain capacity to learn. His yes men that he hired to help and protect him his entire business life...well they don't know shit about governing a Nation. Trust me I'm glad you support your guy we expect you idiots to go down in flames with him..in fact we'd want it no other way....fact is though he's marginalized this country he's made us weaker by virtue of isolating us from our own fucking Allies....and he's clearly made our enemies stronger....the guy leaks like a sieve....he tells all of secrets and our allies secrets to our enemies and laughs about it as if it's a joke....he's made a mockery of the Presidency and world leaders and enemies alike are LITERALLY laughing at this clown....

What is priceless is people like you thinking it's cool for our allies to be laughing at us....everything he and you morons accused of Obama of...Trump is actually doing....this won't end well for him, his retarded ass supporters such as yourself....and this country....
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Old 07-10-2017, 11:15 AM   #7
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post

What's so gut busting hilarious is that we liberals recognize how inferior you dummies are in comparison to us. We understand you guys aren't on our same intellectual wave length so we don't take your insults personal...it's part of the poor hick playbook.

We expect people like you to think Trump is dismantling Obama's legacy when in reality because of his sheer stupidity and incompetence he's actually ENHANCING Obama's legacy. Smart people.....No really....Smart people pre-calculated this..we knew it would happen. Here's something you may not realize....the smart Republicans in Congress the ones that look for sucker ass voters like you..they know that Trump by virtue of his sheer incompetence is also enhancing Obama's legacy but they'll never admit that openly.

Everything smart and intelligent white people ever espoused this buffoon is making a mockery of in a very bad way. You know basic shit such as competence, intelligence, hard work, good ethics, creativity...with Trump the converse is true...he's dumb, ineffective, incompetent, LAZY as hell, and doesn't have the brain capacity to learn. His yes men that he hired to help and protect him his entire business life...well they don't know shit about governing a Nation. Trust me I'm glad you support your guy we expect you idiots to go down in flames with him..in fact we'd want it no other way....fact is though he's marginalized this country he's made us weaker by virtue of isolating us from our own fucking Allies....and he's clearly made our enemies stronger....the guy leaks like a sieve....he tells all of secrets and our allies secrets to our enemies and laughs about it as if it's a joke....he's made a mockery of the Presidency and world leaders and enemies alike are LITERALLY laughing at this clown....

What is priceless is people like you thinking it's cool for our allies to be laughing at us....everything he and you morons accused of Obama of...Trump is actually doing....this won't end well for him, his retarded ass supporters such as yourself....and this country....
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Old 07-10-2017, 02:10 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Chateau Becot View Post
The best magic trick as of mid-July is the Great Disappearing Act to the so-called Obama Legacy President Trump is performing thus far. Quite soon the closet muzzie will be historically remembered as nothing more than being the first (and possibly the LAST) Negro president of the United States.

So go ahead, laugh now if you want, SissyChaps....its not a matter of IF but WHEN the Affordable (lol) Care Act is finally disposed of once and for all. That collapsing Ponzie Scheme was designed by idiots to fail (even if Barry was given three - four terms to massage it by hook or crook)....it was and IS simply a matter of time.

What else ya got, homeboy? So far, you be battin' 0.00 for your triumphant return, suckah.
Hello CB. Remind me again, What has Trump done?
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Old 07-10-2017, 02:11 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by gary5912 View Post
He seems pretty bitter with ever post he makes and remember Shit-stain white is the color of the big boss man again Baaaaaaaaaaaa
GFairy, please remove your Avatar Comrade
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Old 07-10-2017, 02:18 PM   #10
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Shitstained...you haven't changed. First, Obama didn't write his healthcare law so he gets no credit for what's in it. That belongs to all of those hard working communists working on the left. Second, Paul Shanklin did not coin the term "magic negro". It was a reported for the LA Times in a column by gay, Jewish writer David Ehrenstein though the term has been around much longer (see Spike Lee). In this context of yours it was Mr. Ehrenstein you should take it up with. Thirdly, we have far too many cowardly, shiftless (can you say that word?) GOP politicians who are unwilling to do the right thing (see Spike Lee again) when it comes to the American people. Obamacare is failing and will collapse. Even if the GOP fails to repeal it, it will still collapse because it was poorly written and illegally introduced.
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Old 07-10-2017, 02:35 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
Shitstained...you haven't changed. First, Obama didn't write his healthcare law so he gets no credit for what's in it. That belongs to all of those hard working communists working on the left. Second, Paul Shanklin did not coin the term "magic negro". It was a reported for the LA Times in a column by gay, Jewish writer David Ehrenstein though the term has been around much longer (see Spike Lee). In this context of yours it was Mr. Ehrenstein you should take it up with. Thirdly, we have far too many cowardly, shiftless (can you say that word?) GOP politicians who are unwilling to do the right thing (see Spike Lee again) when it comes to the American people. Obamacare is failing and will collapse. Even if the GOP fails to repeal it, it will still collapse because it was poorly written and illegally introduced.
GOHP has had 7 years to come up with something. So far they have a tax break for the rich and cut poor peoples health care. Even the Panty Boy Bitch Trump thinks its mean spiited.
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Old 07-10-2017, 03:11 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
GOHP has had 7 years to come up with something. So far they have a tax break for the rich and cut poor peoples health care. Even the Panty Boy Bitch Trump thinks its mean spiited.
Most poor people get healthcare given to them. Regardless of what Government Plan is in play, that will not change.

The only thing up for debate is who pays, how much they will pay, and how the Government will collect.

A good example is the Harris County Hospitol District, (Houston). Go over to LBJ Hospitol on the 610 Loop. It's packed, every day. The majority of the people in there are not paying one red cent for anything.

Take a trip down Harrisburg on the inner East Side of Houston. There are "Clinics" everywhere. They have lines outside them, people waiting to get in.

Do you think any body is paying?

It was this way befor the ACA was passed, and nothing has changed.
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Old 07-10-2017, 03:26 PM   #13
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First off , welcome back Sistine. As for why they can't get it done, they thought 2 to 1 was unfair so they figured at 3 to 0 they had it in the bag. What they forgot was while some republicans are fools, there is enough normal thinking ones to combat most of the nonsense they can put in a Bill. They need to stick to anything that an EO can push through. Let the orange one run it in for them.
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Old 07-10-2017, 03:35 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
Shitstained...you haven't changed. First, Obama didn't write his healthcare law so he gets no credit for what's in it. That belongs to all of those hard working communists working on the left. Second, Paul Shanklin did not coin the term "magic negro". It was a reported for the LA Times in a column by gay, Jewish writer David Ehrenstein though the term has been around much longer (see Spike Lee). In this context of yours it was Mr. Ehrenstein you should take it up with. Thirdly, we have far too many cowardly, shiftless (can you say that word?) GOP politicians who are unwilling to do the right thing (see Spike Lee again) when it comes to the American people. Obamacare is failing and will collapse. Even if the GOP fails to repeal it, it will still collapse because it was poorly written and illegally introduced.
You have a point. I think Reagan was one of the first to work on a version of the ACA. Either way it is the GOP that refers to it as Obamacare, as a way to demean it. And along with no credit he gets no blame right? Bet you still want to shoot it down and blame him don't you? By the way it does not matter if he wrote it he supported it and if its good he gets credit for passing it just like he would've if it was bad. But since its better than anything the GOP can muster it wins by default for now.
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Old 07-10-2017, 04:39 PM   #15
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Default "Smart" Libtards Versus "Dumb Hicks"

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
What's so gut busting hilarious is that we liberals recognize how inferior you dummies are in comparison to us. We understand you guys aren't on our same intellectual wave length so we don't take your insults personal...it's part of the poor hick playbook.
Yeah, SissyChap... it's soooo cool to have someone in this forum who is intellectually SUPERIOR to the rest of us poor dumb hicks... why don't you apply some of your superior intellect to reading and responding intelligently to William McGurn? If you can.

Why Elites Hate

The liberal contempt for middle America is baked into the idea of identity politics.

By William McGurn
June 5, 2017 6:33 p.m. ET

Nine years after Barack Obama accused small-towners of clinging to guns or religion, nearly three years after Jonathan Gruber was shown to have attributed ObamaCare’s passage to the stupidity of the American voter, and eight months after Hillary Clinton pronounced half of Donald Trump’s voters “irredeemable,” Democrats are now getting some sophisticated advice: You don’t win votes by showing contempt for voters.

In the last week or so a flurry of articles have appeared arguing for toning down the looking-down. In the New Republic Michael Tomasky writes under the heading “Elitism Is Liberalism’s Biggest Problem.” Over at the New York Times , Joan C. Williams weighs in with “The Dumb Politics of Elite Condescension.” Slate goes with a Q&A on “advice on how to talk to the white working class without insulting them.” Stanley Greenberg at the American Prospect writes on “The Democrats’ ‘Working-Class Problem,’ ” and Kevin Drum at Mother Jones asks for “Less Liberal Contempt, Please.”

None of these pieces are directed at Trump Nation. To the contrary, they are pitched to progressives still having a hard time coming to grips with The Donald’s victory last November. Much of what these authors write is sensible. But it can also be hilarious, particularly when the effort to explain ordinary Americans to progressive elites reads like a Margaret Mead entry on the exotic habits of the Samoans.

Mr. Tomasky, for example, informs progressives that middle Americans—wait for it—“go to church.” They have friends (“and sometimes even spouses”) “who are Republicans.” “They don’t feel self-conscious saluting the flag.” Who knew?

Most of these writers allow that there is at least some fraction of Trump voters who are not deplorable. What they do not appreciate is how condescending they can be while advising their fellow Democrats to be less condescending. Exhibit A: Mr. Drum’s recommendation that Democrats can “broaden [their] appeal” because these are “persuadable, low information folks.”

Still, Mr. Drum comes across as Gandhi when set against the writer at Slate who interviews Ms. Williams. The following question conveys the tone: “What attitude should we be taking toward people who voted for a racist buffoon who is scamming them?”

Ms. Williams, a University of California law professor who has written a new book on the white working class, generously avoids telling her interviewer he is a perfect instance of the problem. But the larger progressive dilemma here is that contempt is baked into the identity politics that defines today’s Democratic Party.

When Mrs. Clinton labeled Trump voters deplorable (“racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it”) she was simply following identity politics to its logical conclusion. Because identity politics transforms those on the other side of the argument—i.e., Americans who are pro-life, who respect the military, who may work in the coal industry—from political opponents into oppressors.

Which is precisely how they are treated: as bigots whose retrograde views mean they have no rights. So when the Supreme Court unilaterally imposes gay marriage on the entire nation, a baker who doesn’t want to cater a gay reception must be financially ruined. Ditto for two Portland women who ran a burrito stand that they shut down after accusations of cultural appropriation regarding their recipes.

No small part of the attraction of identity politics is its usefulness in silencing those who do not hew to progressive orthodoxy. This dynamic is most visible on campuses, where identity politics is also most virulent. It’s no accident, in other words, that the mob at Middlebury resorted to violence to try to keep Charles Murray ; after all, he’s been called a “white nationalist.” In much the same way identity politics has led Democrats to regard themselves as the “resistance” rather than the loyal opposition.

The great irony here is that this has left Democrats increasingly choosing undemocratic means to get what they want. From President Obama’s boast that he would use his pen and phone to bypass Congress to the progressive use of the Supreme Court as its preferred legislature to the Iran and climate deals that made end runs around the Constitution, it all underscores one thing: The modern American progressive has no faith in the democratic process because he has no trust in the American people.

Here it helps to remember the tail end of Mr. Obama’s snipe about guns and religion: it was a crack about voters clinging to “antipathy toward people who aren’t like them.” Sounds like a pretty accurate indictment of contemporary American liberalism, judging by all these articles begging progressives to be a little more broad-minded.

So good luck with the idea that the Democratic Party can restore its relationship with Middle America without addressing the identity politics that fuels it. Especially when it starts from the premise that the Americans they are condescending to will remain too stupid to figure it out.

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