Interesting Blog. .... What do yall think about it?
I am not for certain if this belongs in CoEds or The Sandbox. ....I feel it's pertinent to the hobby. But I guess i will just see if the Mods move it or not. Anyways, I read this blog on another website. And I found it very interesting. Sometimes I question my own motives for doing some of the things I do. I found this blog answering alot of those questions I asked myself. Here goes....
"Sending naked photos has become a trend even with celebrities. Scientists are investigating why this is happening ...
‘When they know that they are desirable, women get excited’, claims Martha Meana, clinical psychologist, president of Research association of sex therapists.
‘Data show that the way women perceive themselves is an important factor in their sexual experience and sexual life in general, and it affects the need to dominate their partner’.
Recent studies found that with more than half of the women, sexual fantasies are a reflection of the desire to be irresistible to men. In one of these studies 47 percent of women said they fantasize about themselves as strippers, women of the harem, and about 50 percent of women fantasize about having sex with more than one man.
Dr. Meana, who conducted the study, believes that it is necessary to have more research in the field of eroticism. These few data we have indicate that eroticism can’t be connect with what others tell us we should do. On the contrary, eroticism is associated with personal wishes of the weaker sex.’
The popularization of ‘smart’ phones with cameras has constantly been increasing over the last couple of years. A number of photographers rises, together with artistic photos of celebrities that reveal more than they hide. Sites that publish amateur ‘selfies’ had huge success and mainly use Facebook and other social networks as their source.
Such behavior is not uncommon for men either, which researchers associate with genetics – apparently, such instinct was inherited from their primitive ancestors."