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Old 09-01-2016, 09:17 PM   #1
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Default Just a thought...on GFE

I'm still a newb around here and don't wanna step on any toes or hurt any feelings, but something has been bugging me since I got here. Eccie is an amazing place and I love it and the people I've met so far have been great, but something in some of the nomenclature seems a bit, Idunno...askew.

GFE. Girlfriend Experience. I get it. I know what is meant or insinuated by the term. No need to explain it to me or shoot me links. I just feel it's a little mislabeled. Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's that I'm a little too literal. Maybe, just maybe, I'm bored and feel like rambling for no apparent reason.

The thing is, when I hear or see GFE in an ad, description of service, or review, I immediately picture the provider happily be-bopping out to the mall, maxing out the hobbyist's credit cards, coming back three hours late, and whining about how exhausted she is, how bad her head aches, the throbbing in her feet and how extremely sorry she is that she just isn't in the mood and anything remotely resembling "it" just isn't in the cards tonight. THAT would be the ultimate, accurate, GFE, folks.

Who the hell wants that? That's only slightly more appealing than the ISE (indifferent spouse experience) where she empties two bank accounts, maxes out your cards, maxes out her cards (also in your name), comes stomping in pissed off that you played golf one too many times this week, informs you that dinner is in the oven...somewhere...and you'd better get it called in and ordered before she gets out of the bath...Oh, and she doesn't even bother with the excuses of why "it" ain't happening...it's just a given.

I know there are probably a few hobbyists out there who, due to crippling shyness or some other debilitating physical or emotional trait, genuinely have never had a girlfriend, FWB on the side, spouse, or any long term relationship. But I would assume most of us are here, not because it's hard to find or get a girlfriend, but because it's waaaaaay too damned hard to get RID of one!! The truth is, we're cutting through the prerequisite and ever increasing bullshit of the real life, genuine, true blue GFE. Because almost without exception, after the initial excitement wanes, the real life GFE is a classic case of the juice not being worth the squeeze.

I think I am more inclined to the PPE (professional provider experience). You know, where I mention that I kinda like something and, like magic, it immediately happens!!! It's like having a genie without having to rub the lamp...just gotta drop an envelope on the nightstand next to one. Way more up front and honest than the true GFE, in my opinion. You know what you're getting and what you have to do to get it from jump street. Yes, the rules may fluctuate a little here and there, but nothing like the ever increasing rates and decreasing service of a real GFE...Real life girlfriends increase the cost and decrease service at a rate that insurance CEOs masturbate to.

Now, Idunno what else to call GFE around here...the truth is that it's probably deeply embedded enough that it will always be, and I'm ok with that. Don't really wanna change it or start some crazy coalition to ban GFE from the local vernacular. I just thought it kind of funny and a bit ironic that most of us are in here seeking what we're running from. What do y'all think?

P.S. Thank you to the providers who offer the fantastical version of GFE...pure illusion that it is, you certainly provide more ooh's and ahh's than David Copperfield's best trick could draw in a thousand magic shows.
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Old 09-01-2016, 11:49 PM   #2
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Fantastically well put and I can't agree more. I suspect the nomenclature which will come about to help define the GFE or "rate it", if you will, is going to be the IOP effect. Now the high rated IOP w/GFE should equal the PPE. But just doing this language arts math was too complicated so I think I'm in a lean, heavily towards an exchange of term, traditionally accepted or not, to PPE rather than GFE.
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Old 09-01-2016, 11:55 PM   #3
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I like u.... Ur my type of people! Lol

When I first heard "GFE" I thought to myself , "Self, does he even realize what he is asking for? How do I take a baseball bat to this dudes truck and bust out all the windows, and I'm not even angry. ? I just met the dude! "....

So I agree with what u have stated here Lubbock Exec. .... I've struggled with that term, and honestly I've just had to train my brain to accept a "GFE" as a completely different idea than I've thought of it before.

You will get there eventually, you're already seeing the bigger picture, yet, still so new!

Welcome Aboard!
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Old 09-02-2016, 12:36 AM   #4
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I understand where you're coming from on this hun. I think that gfe in this aspect refers more to the new relationship happiness that everyone experiences. When the sex is still really good and everyone is all happy and cuddly before reality sets in and things get in the way. I enjoy the gfe sessions because for me it's an escape from everyday life and a chance to enjoy myself with someone who wants to enjoy me as well
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Old 09-02-2016, 08:19 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Zraskal View Post
Fantastically well put and I can't agree more. I suspect the nomenclature which will come about to help define the GFE or "rate it", if you will, is going to be the IOP effect. Now the high rated IOP w/GFE should equal the PPE. But just doing this language arts math was too complicated so I think I'm in a lean, heavily towards an exchange of term, traditionally accepted or not, to PPE rather than GFE.
Your math is close. But it's actually [(IOP+GFE)÷PPH]xGA=PPE
PPH is price per hour
GA is Greek aggregate

Then again, I guess that's what makes this stuff hard to define. Everybody's formula is just a little different. But it's a helluva lot more fun than geometry!!!
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Old 09-02-2016, 08:23 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Zgirl2 View Post
I like u.... Ur my type of people! Lol

When I first heard "GFE" I thought to myself , "Self, does he even realize what he is asking for? How do I take a baseball bat to this dudes truck and bust out all the windows, and I'm not even angry. ? I just met the dude! "....

So I agree with what u have stated here Lubbock Exec. .... I've struggled with that term, and honestly I've just had to train my brain to accept a "GFE" as a completely different idea than I've thought of it before.

You will get there eventually, you're already seeing the bigger picture, yet, still so new!

Welcome Aboard!
Thanks Z. Please don't hurt my truck.Lol
I would have to completely reevaluate how much I like you.
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Old 09-02-2016, 08:30 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Emily3292 View Post
I understand where you're coming from on this hun. I think that gfe in this aspect refers more to the new relationship happiness that everyone experiences. When the sex is still really good and everyone is all happy and cuddly before reality sets in and things get in the way. I enjoy the gfe sessions because for me it's an escape from everyday life and a chance to enjoy myself with someone who wants to enjoy me as well
Oh yeah. I get it. And I agree. Like I said, I just couldn't help pointing out the irony.
If you ever decide to escape this direction, be sure and gimme a shout. GFE? PPE? ADD? I dunno. We'll figure out some fun combination of random letters.
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Old 09-02-2016, 10:45 AM   #8
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PPE - That is the BEST experience ever!!! I totally think it is the way to go!
I understand why you would explain it as meaning professional provider experience...
Just tell them hun... Let them know the reeeeaalll meaning of PPE... Don't be shy!

Perfect Playmate Experience!!!
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Old 09-02-2016, 02:37 PM   #9
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i knew i liked this lubbock guy.

le, you're not wrong. there are a lot of stupid things in this corner of the world, but few of them exceed the absolute levels of asinine that the term "gfe" does. it's quite possibly the dumbest thing ever.

imagine walking into a car dealership and telling them you'd like to buy a "nice" car.

somebody is going to end up disappointed.

what's really idiotic, however, are the dumb fucks who INSIST that gfe is a precise formula consisting of a set list of activities. they're followed closely by hookers who advertise gfe with no clue what some clients THINK it means.

it's a recipe for failure and the best advice regarding this term is to never use it.

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Old 09-02-2016, 03:11 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by john_deere View Post
i knew i liked this lubbock guy.

le, you're not wrong. there are a lot of stupid things in this corner of the world, but few of them exceed the absolute levels of asinine that the term "gfe" does. it's quite possibly the dumbest thing ever.

imagine walking into a car dealership and telling them you'd like to buy a "nice" car.

somebody is going to end up disappointed.

what's really idiotic, however, are the dumb fucks who INSIST that gfe is a precise formula consisting of a set list of activities. they're followed closely by hookers who advertise gfe with no clue what some clients THINK it means.

it's a recipe for failure and the best advice regarding this term is to never use it.

LMAO. Hell, I just thought it was confusing. Like calling a fat guy 'Slim' or a short guy 'Stretch'. I like the car dealership analogy though. Better tell 'em you want leather bucket seats and premium sound...otherwise you'll wind up tooling around in a "real nice" '84 Mazda with vice grips clamped on the mechanism to roll down the "AC".
I really don't mind when guys use it in reviews or when the girls advertise it. I just giggle a little on the inside and shrug off the fact that I mostly still dunno wtf they're talking about. I'm gonna book based off of two major factors... Whatever I can tell about her personality from reviews and messages, and positive sounding reviews. GFE, PSE,PPE, I don't care if she has ESP as long as shes fun to hang out with and provides at least one OMG!!
Sounds like I touched a nerve as far as you're concerned, though so I feel better that I'm not the only one that sees it as, well, a little bit goofy.
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Old 09-02-2016, 03:30 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Perfect Playmate View Post
PPE - That is the BEST experience ever!!! I totally think it is the way to go!
I understand why you would explain it as meaning professional provider experience...
Just tell them hun... Let them know the reeeeaalll meaning of PPE... Don't be shy!

Perfect Playmate Experience!!!
PPE? That's easy to define-- Getting what you want, when you want it, the way you want it, with an individual who is really talented at taking both subtle and not-so-subtle cues as to what, when, and how. That's it really. Everything else becomes specific services that fall into some, but not all ideal versions of PPE.

Did we just make up another acronym? Fuck. My favorite will still be JD's BPS (bargain pussy shopper). Literally laughed out loud in an inapropriate setting on that one. Thanks JD. Now everyone at the dentist thinks I'm either insane or retarded.

Back to the question. One cool thing about PPE from my perspective is that every provider has or has the potential to have her own signature on it. And thats what I think most of us are seeking. Variety. Nothing wrong with a few nice surprises while you're getting whatcha, whenya, and howya want done.

As far as that goes, Perfect, from what I can tell you've figured out PPE to a science. Can't wait to put my theory to the test at some point and actually meet up with you. There's always the possibility of you breaking down somewhere around here, right? I mean right here. I'm too damned lazy to travel. Lol

Hope that answers your question, Doll. Thanks for playin'.
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Old 09-02-2016, 03:50 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by LubbockExec View Post
... I immediately picture the provider happily be-bopping out to the mall, maxing out the hobbyist's credit cards, coming back three hours late, and whining about how exhausted she is, how bad her head aches, the throbbing in her feet and how extremely sorry she is that she just isn't in the mood and anything remotely resembling "it" just isn't in the cards tonight. THAT would be the ultimate, accurate, GFE, folks.

Who the hell wants that? That's only slightly more appealing than the ISE (indifferent spouse experience) where she empties two bank accounts, maxes out your cards, maxes out her cards (also in your name), comes stomping in pissed off that you played golf one too many times this week, informs you that dinner is in the oven...somewhere...and you'd better get it called in and ordered before she gets out of the bath...Oh, and she doesn't even bother with the excuses of why "it" ain't happening ...

What do y'all think?
I think if those two examples demonstrate the type of woman you've either dated or married, then you should be less concerned about reforming the ECCIE "nomenclature" and more concerned about transforming yourself.

Or maybe you just like labeling women as either ditzy shallow money grubbers or stone cold shrews? (I've never met anyone close to what you described, even allowing for hyperbole or poetic license.)

You asked. That's what I think.
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Old 09-02-2016, 06:14 PM   #13
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There's always the possibility of you breaking down somewhere around here, right? I mean right here. I'm too damned lazy to travel. Lol

Hope that answers your question, Doll. Thanks for playin'.

I don't know about breaking down lol my cars are pretty reliable but I am making a trip to Lubbock in the next few weeks possibly sooner!
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Old 09-02-2016, 07:27 PM   #14
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Good addition to the math equation there LE. But like JD said "what's really idiotic, however, are the dumb fucks who INSIST that gfe is a precise formula consisting of a set list of activities. they're followed closely by hookers who advertise gfe with no clue what some clients THINK it means. it's a recipe for failure and the best advice regarding this term is to never use it" - I say NAILED IT.

The experience is always, least for me, intended to be the best experience to date, either in terms of totality or particular activity.

Good topic.
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Old 09-02-2016, 07:46 PM   #15
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Sure would be nice to have a secret code or handshake, so then you could ask for exactly what you were looking for. Reviews are great but every guy is different and every provider is different for every guy. But the topic is spot on,
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