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08-23-2014, 03:33 PM
Account Disabled
User ID: 143061
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Posts: 451
My ECCIE Reviews
"Entertaining Discussions or just blatent attempts atBlackmailing, Bullying and Harassment
Why do Mods feel this is an appropriate place for sexually frustrated Johns to air their dirty laundry with Provider Members? Or even an appropriate place for strung out providers to bitch about a John?
Is there a way to create another type of review that is used for "Appointments That Never Were" or another board (possibly an add-on to the *private* Men's Lounge/Powder Room) to bitch about/claim NCNS that isn't also the board to have "thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining" discussions?
Why is it that the Co Ed Forum is the place to drag other members through the mud with zero check into their claims? Why is it that providers are constantly thrown under the bus and possibly incurring lots of damage to their business because a John may or may not be telling the truth (or full truth) about a private business matter? How does this not go against several of the ECCIE General Conduct Guidelines?
I personally barely have the time to check the boards, let alone defend myself AND take the steps needed to MAYBE get false and
Why do y'all allow so much room for Slander? Members work very, very hard to build up their businesses and/or reputations both here and in the wide wide Hobby World, why do you allow such damaging and personal information litter the boards, especially when the trend is then for others to further trash and/or demean the member in question?
I mean, Thread Titles literally have terms like "Burn Notice" in them making it very clear the purpose of these posts is to ruin reputations and businesses. Why is this allowed and entertained in a thread that is meant to be fun? Are they really trying to suggest that it is entertaining to watch Johns try and ruin a Provider's reputation, business and self worth?
I understand that both Johns and Providers need a space to vent about those super frustrating "Almost Appointments" that don't work out for whatever reason, this is common on both sides of the profession, but why is that place here? And, if the place has to be here, why is there not more of a process to post these very harmful accusations
#1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences.
#3 - Disrespect to others, IN GENERAL, will be considered an item of low tolerance, especially when posting in our coed forums. Follow the Golden Rule and treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. This applies to fellow members as well as staff. We do not require that you have respect for us, but we do require that you treat us respectfully in the public forums. If you feel the need to vent, gripe, or blow off some steam regarding a staff member's action or decision, we ask that you keep it private. Email, RTM, or the PM system would be the appropriate avenue to take in such cases. In cases where you would like to request additional clarity about a staff decision, you are free to pursue an answer in either a public forum or private means of communication. If handled publicly, post your inquiry in a respectful manner.
#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.
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08-23-2014, 04:33 PM
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Join Date: Jul 18, 2010
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Boo Fucking Hoo!! nobody gives a shit about you on this board. If you can't handle being called out on your low life ignorance then that's too fucking bad, get the fuck off the board then if you don't like it. Don't you have some Gay Bang I mean gang bang to tend to
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08-23-2014, 05:07 PM
Join Date: Mar 14, 2011
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Posts: 35,944
Originally Posted by Electricfeelnow
Why do Mods feel this is an appropriate place for sexually frustrated Johns to air their dirty laundry with Provider Members? Or even an appropriate place for strung out providers to bitch about a John?
Mods don't make the guideline they are to follow them. Not their job.
Is there a way to create another type of review that is used for "Appointments That Never Were" or another board (possibly an add-on to the *private* Men's Lounge/Powder Room) to bitch about/claim NCNS that isn't also the board to have "thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining" discussions?
Certainly... send a PM to the godfather. AKA "Whispers". He will pass it up the ladder. If anyone can get it done its him. But if he replies and its starts... "Darling"... well you can just forget it!
Why is it that the Co Ed Forum is the place to drag other members through the mud with zero check into their claims? Why is it that providers are constantly thrown under the bus and possibly incurring lots of damage to their business because a John may or may not be telling the truth (or full truth) about a private business matter? How does this not go against several of the ECCIE General Conduct Guidelines?
Pot calling the kettle black on this one! Perhaps you should go back and read some of your own posts. Opinions..... PLEASE! As many NSNC as you have my gosh you damn near wasted as much gas as the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Sharing information about hookers... no I thinck that's what the board is all about... "darling".
I personally barely have the time to check the boards, let alone defend myself AND take the steps needed to MAYBE get false and
Those naps are nice... yes? Apparently you don't even have time to finish your thoughts either LOL Try BP maybe this isn't your cup of tea!?
Why do y'all allow so much room for Slander? Members work very, very hard to build up their businesses and/or reputations both here and in the wide wide Hobby World, why do you allow such damaging and personal information litter the boards, especially when the trend is then for others to further trash and/or demean the member in question?
SLANDER? Hell I've had more alerts posted about me than Shayla has had 1/2 price BBBJ specials. Put you hands on your computer screen and feel the warmth of my sincerity. Put your big girl panties on and stop having such thin skin. And remember... if one person calls you an ass... forget about it. But take a look at the poll... its time to buy a saddle... "darling".
I mean, Thread Titles literally have terms like "Burn Notice" in them making it very clear the purpose of these posts is to ruin reputations and businesses. Why is this allowed and entertained in a thread that is meant to be fun? Are they really trying to suggest that it is entertaining to watch Johns try and ruin a Provider's reputation, business and self worth?
So now your going to drag Hunter Grace into your bat shit crazy crapola? What did she ever do to you? Your just making points with hobbyist and providers. I wonder what's next?
I understand that both Johns and Providers need a space to vent about those super frustrating "Almost Appointments" that don't work out for whatever reason, this is common on both sides of the profession, but why is that place here? And, if the place has to be here, why is there not more of a process to post these very harmful accusations
"WHAT EVER REASON"? There is NO excuse for NSNC unless you are in the hospital, jail or dead! A provider can call and cancel because she has the walking farts for all I care but at least call "John". (She must know a lot of hobbyists named John!) Not doing so lets everyone know you just don't give a shit! Kind of like how many will feel about your thread.
#1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences.
#3 - Disrespect to others, IN GENERAL, will be considered an item of low tolerance, especially when posting in our coed forums. Follow the Golden Rule and treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. This applies to fellow members as well as staff. We do not require that you have respect for us, but we do require that you treat us respectfully in the public forums. If you feel the need to vent, gripe, or blow off some steam regarding a staff member's action or decision, we ask that you keep it private. Email, RTM, or the PM system would be the appropriate avenue to take in such cases. In cases where you would like to request additional clarity about a staff decision, you are free to pursue an answer in either a public forum or private means of communication. If handled publicly, post your inquiry in a respectful manner.
#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.
Oh goody you do know where the guidelines are posted.
Any chance you have heard of the 10 Commandments? Well just in case...
The Ten Commandments (SL 1-10) 1 “I am the Hooker Whisper®, who brought you out of the land of Hookerville, out of the house of bondage. Ok you like bondage, you can have it! You shall have no other pimps before Me. 2 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Hooker Whisper® your Man Whore, am a jealous Stiff Leg, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments. 3 “You shall not take the name of the "Hooker Whisper® in vain, for the Stiff Leg will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. 4 “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your tricks, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Hooker Whisper®. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Hooker Whisper® made the hotels and motels in the Vagina triangle®, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Hooker Whisper® blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. 5 “Honor your gynecologist and your frequent flyers, that your days may be long upon the land which the Hooker Whisper® is giving you. 6 “You shall not spit. 7 “You shall not commit NSNC. 8 “You shall not steal from John (SL, Toyz etc.). 9 “You shall not bear false witness against your fellow providers. 10 “You shall not covet other hot providers ATF'S.
I hope this helps EFN. Remember...
Spin Doctor & Image Consultant
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08-23-2014, 05:07 PM
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EFN, once again you fail to realize why eccie exist.
Its here for us clients to exchange information with each other about escorts, so there is no reason for clients to do so in a private forum.
If you are looking for a site that simply allows you to post ads without "Johns" being able to post their experiences which could hurt your business then you truly should move to backpage.
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08-23-2014, 05:16 PM
Gaining Momentum
Join Date: Oct 20, 2013
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Posts: 53
You know if your TCB wasn't so shitty you wouldn't have this problem. It's that simple...
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08-23-2014, 05:20 PM
Join Date: Mar 14, 2011
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Originally Posted by Fred Rogers
You know if your TCB wasn't so shitty you wouldn't have this problem. It's that simple...
Eleventh commandment?
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08-23-2014, 05:28 PM
Account Disabled
User ID: 143061
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My ECCIE Reviews
Full Post -
Sorry again for the accidental submission. I normally know when I'm being naughty :P
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08-23-2014, 05:35 PM
Join Date: Mar 14, 2011
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Posts: 35,944
Originally Posted by Electricfeelnow
Full Post -
Sorry again for the accidental submission. I normally know when I'm being naughty :P
BULLSHIT! The new post looks like your damn AD!
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08-23-2014, 05:43 PM
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for someone who doesnt have much time to be on the board you sure are able to constantly post up lengthy BS
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08-23-2014, 05:47 PM
Account Disabled
User ID: 143061
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My ECCIE Reviews
Full Post in case this is never closed or removed
Warning: This post is long, so for you little boys who have trouble staying awake to read big words and complete sentences, make sure to take plenty of naps in between paragraph breaks. We wouldn’t want y’all getting tiiiuuuurrrrrd and falling ashleeeeep : (
You've been warned!
I understand that both Johns and Providers need a space to vent about those super frustrating "Almost Appointments" or “NCNS” that don't work out for whatever reason.
I understand that this kinda thing is common on both sides of the profession and it’s something that can make a John or SW feel very confused, upset, betrayed and owed.
I understand that after an experience like that, some people are going to need to vent or seek guidance.
Why is that place the Co-Ed Forum?
And why is there not more of a process to screen and settle these potentially harmful and malicious accusations in a more private and professional manner?
Perhaps we need have a refresher discussion on NCNS’s and last min cancellations in general. What’s qualifies as a NCNS, a last min cancellation or just a simple miscommunication?
Perhaps it’s time that we, together (meaning both Johns and Providers that are both Veterans and Newer to the community), come up with a better solution for how to deal with these situations that don’t quite qualify for a review, but, for the legitimate cases, may be important thing to figure out and note for Providers and Johns alike?
Perhaps we should discuss if these things even have any business in this forum or particularly outside of the private Provider/John forums?
Personally, I’m not really sure how to go about fixing this commitment problem both Providers and Johns often have with one another or how to fix the glaring harassment that occurs regularly on the Co-Ed board in response to these "Non-Reviews", but what’s happening now is chaotic and it's dangerous.
Listen, y’all, I get it!
None of us have time to waste.
NONE of us like getting stood up.
None of us like getting canceled on last minute.
I'll go ahead and say it...
Ain't NOBODY got time for THAT!
For a John, it means blue balls and a lot of risk and vulnerable time wasted just for someone to stand you up. For a Provider, it may mean the phone or cable gets shut off as well as a lot of risk and time wasted just for someone to stand you up.
But to automatically think either party did it out of malice or disrespect considering the profession/hobby we are involved in (you know, the one that the government and most of society disapproves ofand forbids leaving most of us to keep every bit of our hobby life under wraps) while then blasting and punishing them publicly based on that assumption less than a week after the incident is farcical and reckless.
Why do Mods feel this is an appropriate place for sexually frustrated Johns to air their dirty laundry with Provider Members?
Or even an appropriate place for strung out providers to bitch about a John?
Why is this the place to dump non reviews of sessions that never took place?
Is there a possibility to create another type of review forum that is used for "Appointments That Never Were" or another board forum (possibly an add-on to the *private* Men's Lounge/Powder Room) to bitch about/claim NCNS that isn't also the board that's supposed to be for "thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining" discussions?"
Why is it that the Co-Ed Forum is the place to drag other members through the mud with zero check into their claims and accusations?
Why are providers being constantly thrown under the bus and possibly incurring lots of damage to their business because a John may or may not be telling the truth (or full truth) about a *private* business matter? (or the other way around)?
***How does this not go against several of the ECCIE General Conduct Guidelines?***
Why do Mods allow so much room for Slander?
Members (both Johns and Providers) work very, very hard to build up their businesses and/or reputations both here and in the wide wide Hobby World, why allow such damaging and personal information litter the boards, especially when the trend is then for other members to further trash and/or demean the member in question, even when they have zero business experience with them?
I mean, there are thread titles with terms like "Burn Notice" in them making it very clear the purpose of these posts is to ruin reputations and businesses. Why is this allowed and entertained in a forum that is meant to be fun?
Are Mods really trying to suggest that it is entertaining to watch Johns try and ruin a Provider's reputation, business and self worth…for fun?!
I know for a fact I am not the only one who views this normal practice as disgusting and objectifying harassment (and it’s Johns who are PMing me to back me up), so why is this kind of BS tolerated?
You are allowing for an environment of blackmail,
and members are taking full advantage of it.
I have personally had several Johns threaten “bad reviews on co-ed” against me in order to get discounts, IOUs, faster replies or for more attention/time.
These Johns have ranged from immature/inexperienced Newbies to experienced lurkers to well respected/well known board members.
You are allowing a trend that is being used to threaten your members in their private business and personal lives and you’re encouraging a practice that I would think a community like this would work hard to protect itself and its members from.
Why is it that session details are so private that EVEN THE PROVIDERS WHO ALLOWED, HOSTED AND RAN THE SESSIONS CAN’T SEE THE FULL REVIEW/RUNDOWN, yet, details about anything leading up to that is fair game to air AND to declare open season upon?
Why is it that these types of “non-reviews” are actually DEFAULTED to the Co-Ed forum?
Is it to have the issue dealt with by both parties IF both of them happen to see it? Even then, it’s very hard for someone other than the OP to get a “review” removed or to be heard over the slanderous yelling that’s created after you throw one of these into the gauntlet, so, I don’t get it.
What is the logic in these types of non-reviews going here?
Why stress the importance of member privacy when you are encouraging a practice that forces the victim of such a post to reveal personal information in order to “explain themselves?”
(#5 in ECCIE Guidelines: …Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously)
What if they have children or a sick family member or juggling two other jobs plus school or are going through some rough times themselves and sometimes have situations where they’re not sure how to say “sorry I can’t make it, but I’m just too depressed to make our appointment today?”
Why do you encourage information like that to be brought out and picked apart in one of the most hostile forums on this site?
Why create situations where someone is forced to choose between humiliating and compromising themselves further by revealing personal info or to just sit quietly while the dogs pick them and the business apart so they can protect their dignity/family/privacy?
I'm very, VERY curious...
any answers or additional opinions about this topic are encouraged and welcomed!
With Great Love And Concern,
Electric Feel Now
formally known by handle Nightmaresally 2012 - 2013
*** ECCIE General Conduct Guidelines these "Non-Review" posts and their comments violate and that are ignored when posted in the Co-Ed Forum ***
#1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences.
#3 - Disrespect to others, IN GENERAL, will be considered an item of low tolerance, especially when posting in our coed forums. Follow the Golden Rule and treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. This applies to fellow members as well as staff. We do not require that you have respect for us, but we do require that you treat us respectfully in the public forums. If you feel the need to vent, gripe, or blow off some steam regarding a staff member's action or decision, we ask that you keep it private. Email, RTM, or the PM system would be the appropriate avenue to take in such cases. In cases where you would like to request additional clarity about a staff decision, you are free to pursue an answer in either a public forum or private means of communication. If handled publicly, post your inquiry in a respectful manner.
#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.
#5 - ...Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously
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08-23-2014, 06:21 PM
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I'm not sure why this young lady is so upset. I read time and time again how little impact ECCIE has on providers' business. There are so many other sources, blah, blah, blah. Hobbyists are meh. Methinks she doth protest too much.
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08-23-2014, 06:40 PM
User ID: 165635
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My ECCIE Reviews
Let me start by apologizing for those that are offended by what I have to say if you are not personally mentioned...
EFN, from my observation, all PervusMaximus wanted was for you to make good on your commitment to an appointment, but instead of apologizing or even explaining your side of things, you get all defensive - just like a guilty party would do.
This is getting annoying reading your rants and such. You've even bumped threads that had been idle for a month or more.
The co-ed section is the correct place for the NCNS 'reviews' to be that way the lady can either explain or apologize. I don't see the mods taking sides. But I also don't see you explaining YOUR side of things either.
I normally try not to get into the drama and I treat people with respect, but IMO you're acting like a spoiled brat that needs to grow up and take responsibility for her own actions.
If you have the reputation for being a NCNS as a provider, you need to prove yourself reliable before again. If a client is a NCNS, they don't always know that there are threads about them and they have no recourse. Not all of the guys on here have PA so can't get into the ML to see what posts are in there, which is probably why the guys post in co-ed instead. The same as not all of us ladies are verified with access to the powder room but we still post privately.
NCNS isn't really a threat, so wouldn't fit in the alert section. And is hobby related so sandbox isn't right place either. The natural place for those NCNS 'reviews' is in co-ed.
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08-23-2014, 07:03 PM
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Cain't We All Jus' Git Along?
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08-23-2014, 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
Let me start by apologizing for those that are offended by what I have to say if you are not personally mentioned...
EFN, from my observation, all PervusMaximus wanted was for you to make good on your commitment to an appointment, but instead of apologizing or even explaining your side of things, you get all defensive - just like a guilty party would do.
This is getting annoying reading your rants and such. You've even bumped threads that had been idle for a month or more.
The co-ed section is the correct place for the NCNS 'reviews' to be that way the lady can either explain or apologize. I don't see the mods taking sides. But I also don't see you explaining YOUR side of things either.
I normally try not to get into the drama and I treat people with respect, but IMO you're acting like a spoiled brat that needs to grow up and take responsibility for her own actions.
If you have the reputation for being a NCNS as a provider, you need to prove yourself reliable before again. If a client is a NCNS, they don't always know that there are threads about them and they have no recourse. Not all of the guys on here have PA so can't get into the ML to see what posts are in there, which is probably why the guys post in co-ed instead. The same as not all of us ladies are verified with access to the powder room but we still post privately.
NCNS isn't really a threat, so wouldn't fit in the alert section. And is hobby related so sandbox isn't right place either. The natural place for those NCNS 'reviews' is in co-ed.
Thank you Tammie for chiming in. IMO her approach is actually doing irreparable damage to her persona on the board as well as her business. If I was on the fence about seeing her I'd have to pass from the information shared here as well as from her rants.
Her business model seems a little flawed with her tactic of insulting prospective clients, I can't speak for anyone else but the demeaning manner and her liberal use of the term "Johns" just rubs me in the wrong way. If that's how she actually sees each gentleman that she meets in person, I'd like to extend my best wishes to her business and since it'll probably go up in flames I'll bring the mushrooms, chocolate and graham crackers for the roast.
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08-23-2014, 07:26 PM
El Hombre de la Mancha
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There needs to be some taint photos in her very hard to read diatribe.
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