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Old 09-25-2013, 06:23 PM   #1
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Default New Obamacare Prices - Hot off the Press - Liberals Lied about reducing costs

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Old 09-25-2013, 11:05 PM   #2
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Old 09-25-2013, 11:12 PM   #3
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Assup snicks at a government report, outlining the effect of Obamacare! This place is really getting funny again!

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Old 09-25-2013, 11:15 PM   #4
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I'm glad I'm not a 27 year old.

Aren't you?

You've probably been on the government dole for 5 years now, whiny.

did JL/Rock/Kayla accurately post the article? Was the article about liberal lies? Or did he just make up some shit and then back it up with worst-case scenario stuff, made to look like doom and gloom?

again ... SNICK!
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Old 09-26-2013, 12:08 AM   #5
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the self-employed don't seem to share your libtard enthusiasm for Obamacare Assup.

"Like an estimated 22 million other Americans, I am a self-employed small-business owner who buys health insurance for my family directly on the individual market. We have a high-deductible PPO plan that allows us to choose from a wide range of doctors.
Or rather, we had such a plan."

what will it take for you to stop sucking that ntard's dicknose, assup? what??
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Old 09-26-2013, 12:19 AM   #6
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Hey, dipshit, I've been self employed and buying individual health insurance for myself and my family for nearly 30 years. I'm paying the highest possible premiums now and getting nothing for it. New deal is a great deal for me and mine.

What the fuck do you know about this?

Or are you just cutting and pasting Malkin's enlightened bullshit?

That would come as a tremendous shock!

Keep whining away. I'm happy as a bearded clam! Sucks for you that assholiness is not covered.
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Old 09-26-2013, 12:32 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Hey, dipshit, I've been self employed and buying individual health insurance for myself and my family for nearly 30 years.

i didn't know you could be self-employed as a dumbass? does it pay well?

What the fuck do you know about this?

Or are you just cutting and pasting Malkin's enlightened bullshit?

That would come as a tremendous shock!

yep. cut and paste. for those of you not able to "click"

Keep whining away. I'm happy as a bearded clam! Sucks for you that assholiness is not covered.

enjoy that pearl.
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Old 09-26-2013, 12:41 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by therock18 View Post
Rockhead18 you left out the fact that it is just younger buyers who may have a higher premium, not all age groups. The cheapest Obamacare plan will have more benefits than a bare bones policy, that is why the premium is higher. The article also leaves out the fact that a single person who makes less than 400% of the poverty level (about $64,000) will get help to pay their premium. A family of four that makes less than $80,000 will get help to pay their premium. Do you have a plan that will insure an extra 30 million people? The GOP does not have one, and that comes from Newt Gringrich. The government exchanges will be open for business Oct 1, 2013. Your coverage will begin Jan 1, 2014. Just don't get sick until then.

From the link that you have provided.

Compare insurance premiums for the lowest-cost ‘bronze’ plan for a 27-year-old single person with the current lowest-cost option for a man in a metro area in 36 states where the federal government will oversee exchanges. Some people may be eligible for subsidies towards the cost of coverage.
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Old 09-26-2013, 01:31 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
Rockhead18 you left out the fact that it is just younger buyers who may have a higher premium, not all age groups. The cheapest Obamacare plan will have more benefits than a bare bones policy, that is why the premium is higher. The article also leaves out the fact that a single person who makes less than 400% of the poverty level (about $64,000) will get help to pay their premium. A family of four that makes less than $80,000 will get help to pay their premium. Do you have a plan that will insure an extra 30 million people? The GOP does not have one, and that comes from Newt Gringrich. The government exchanges will be open for business Oct 1, 2013. Your coverage will begin Jan 1, 2014. Just don't get sick until then.

From the link that you have provided.

Compare insurance premiums for the lowest-cost ‘bronze’ plan for a 27-year-old single person with the current lowest-cost option for a man in a metro area in 36 states where the federal government will oversee exchanges. Some people may be eligible for subsidies towards the cost of coverage.

there are 50 options for buyers to choose from ... rockhead left out a lot of the facts and printed what he found to match his mouth. Some plans cost as little as $11 a month
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Old 09-26-2013, 03:22 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
Do you have a plan that will insure an extra 30 million people? .
The US House Republicans actually had a plan, that being to kill Obamacare. It wasn't a good plan but it was a plan nonetheless! Then Sen. Teddy Cruz stages a filibuster. Twenty one plus hours later, Teddy then makes a decision to abort his filibuster plan and he develops a new plan. His new plan is to vote against a bill that would kill the bill that he was filibustering a few minutes before.

Other than those failed plans they have not engaged themselves in the health care debate. As opposed to bringing forth meaningful dialogue to try to improve the Affordable Care Act, they resort to 40+ attempts to repeal the ACT in the US House of Representatives.

And then if that is not enough, Teddy Cruz stages his meaningless 21+ hour filibuster against Obamacare.

If that is still not enough, Teddy then joins every other US Senator in voting against a House Bill that would actually kill Obamacare. (It is hard to follow the bouncing Republican ball!)

It should be noted that the Republicans in the US House and Senate had (emphasis on the had) another plan. That being to make certain that Obama would be a one term President.

How are all of these plans working out for the Wing Nuts?
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Old 09-26-2013, 05:53 AM   #11
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They often fail to tell that the price represents the "subsidized" price and is in fact much more expensive in total. The difference is that our tax dollars and "fines" (who are we kidding), the money that we have to borrow, will go to pay the subsidies. What a fraud.
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Old 09-26-2013, 05:57 AM   #12
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
They often fail to tell that the price represents the "subsidized" price and is in fact much more expensive in total. The difference is that our tax dollars and "fines" (who are we kidding), the money that we have to borrow, will go to pay the subsidies. What a fraud.
Yeah, it's amazing how the lib-retards can rationalize that taxpayers paying for someone else's health premiums aren't themselves incurring increased healthcare costs.
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Old 09-26-2013, 06:01 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Yeah, it's amazing how the lib-retards can rationalize that taxpayers paying for someone else's health premiums aren't themselves incurring increased healthcare costs.
It appears that JD Idiot's twin brother IB, says shame on me for wanting everyone to have access to medical care and health insurance as good as I have.
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Old 09-26-2013, 06:06 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
Shame on me for wanting everyone to have access to medical care as good as I have.
But not everyone wants health care as poor as yours, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar Asshat.
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Old 09-26-2013, 06:09 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Yeah, it's amazing how the lib-retards can rationalize that taxpayers paying for someone else's health premiums aren't themselves incurring increased healthcare costs.

It is so stupid to implement a government program and actually try to pay for it. goes againsr everything a republican believes in. They never want to pay for it just borrow.
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