Hobbyist when you are going to be late to a session or have to
reschedule please give your provider a courtesy call and let her know.
If you no show a provider more than once,
especially if you scheduled your appointment for in the middle of the night)
you really can not be mad when she will not schedule a appointment with you again.
No matter how many references you have or who your references are.
I have had a gentlemen (
Name: Mar**is Number:50*-612-3*41)
Who has called and scheduled a 4:00a.m outcall and a few days later a 4:45a.m incall.
He has very well known ECCIE provider references and quite a few of them.
When he scheduled the 4:00a.m outcall
he told me he would would be getting home from work around 3:00a.m
and would text me and let me know when to head his way.
and asked what area I was located in so see how long it would take me to get there.
I responded but never herd from him again that night.
When he scheduled the incall he said that he was getting off work at 4:00a.m
and he would let me know after he got showered and was on his way.
After I realized he was a no show I went to sleep because i was leaving town the next day.
I woke up around 10 the next morning with a text that was sent at 6:10a.m asking if i was still awake.
That same evening he texted again asking to see me,
I told him that i had left town that morning but that i would be back in town soon.
When i got back in town tonight he called to schedule yet another
appointment when i questioned him about the no shows he got very upset
and rude with me and told me that i was the one that no showed him....

I always try to be kind and polite to everyone... but i had sat up till 5:00a.m twice,
for this gentlemen not to show... and was not going to do it again

If he would have called and said he would be late or called and
rescheduled/canceled i would have been more than happy to see him tonight.
Out of respect for your provider if you cant make the scheduled time...
please just let her know