Originally Posted by willro
I like the part of the story that reads "Then each group can apply for a $1 million grant to scale up production and do rigorous clinical trials." Rigorous clinical trials??? Grant money for fucking.... er, rigorously? 
I went to college at Washington University in St. Louis. For those of you who are watching "Masters of Sex" you know (if they're doing the show with an eye to factual accuracy; I'm not watching it so I don't know) that this is the university that William Masters and Virginia Johnson did their sex research at (before the University got a bit too squeamish about their research methodology, and pushed them off-campus to their own Reproductive Biology Research Foundation (later The Masters and Johnson Institute)).
If you hung out in the right circles in St. Louis (and I sorta did... some of my college teachers fell into this category) you could have some of the classmates of Master's and Johnson's research subjects (nobody I knew ever confessed to
being a participant in the research studies) tell you about the general reaction to the solicitations to be research participants: "What? You mean get
paid to fuck? You have
got to be shitting me..."
While I was an undergrad at WU I also got to interview Dr. Masters for a student publication... but
that is another story...