Originally Posted by Calista_Syn
If you post it online, and you don't have a copy right, anyone can use it. It sucks, but it's the sad facts about public domain. You're mistaken in thinking that police look at these sites for marks right before an event. .

Well .. When the super bowl was in Dallas I placed an ad as usual I lived there at the time at the shops of legacy area...Posted an ad all the time no problem...My pipes busted and I had to be put in a hotel I DID NOT REMOVE MY AD of my old location did not even think about it.....( I was going through a lot at the time) Anyway Long story short a few days layer the cops did show up when the clean up crew was at my apt with a printed copy of my back page ad and gave it to the office. Also visited a (REAL) RMT) in the area that put a one time ad up during that time and took her in and had her printed ad up.....AND sad but true I have been around a few that they have had printed ads and all printed on the same date. And being an old hat of this of 13 yrs I have learned some inside info AND STILL LEARNING EVIDENTLY....lol And yes Steph...must get smarter in the way I do things
But that is the whole reason I started deleting my ads because I was told how they did there stings. Use to I left my ads up until they expired even if I was gone hundreds of miles away because I would put those who wanted to be on a (text when in town list) I would put them on that list and that was great for business. HOWEVER I found out the hard way how they actually get there info.....AND IT IS NO MISTAKE WHEN THEY DO A SWEEP THEY GO THROUGH THE ADS AND DO A SWEEP ON ALL THE ADS ON THAT TIME FRAME......
Same thing happened in Houston at the big allstar weekend. Not to me but someone I know...
but anyway for those who didn't know thought I would share... You are right if they really want you they will get you but Why be put on a list on a date you are not even there? DELETE DELETE DELETE all old ads make them search to find you.....LOL
Well everyone knows who matters anyway: that I am planning on retiring soon and I have been training ladies on how to give my type of massage. I put them under my wing for 3 weeks and teach them what I know show them how to put an ad up get verified etc. etc.
SO that is why all the different faces ages and services under my info on that's site.
Being new to helping others is exactly what that was BEING NEW.. Still learning everyday and believe me I would of done a few things differently if I had known then what I know now......I really do not mind showing my face on what I offer. For the most part I am left alone however my son could never run for president with out there being a HUGE SCANDLE...LOL