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Old 04-03-2013, 10:12 AM   #1
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Unhappy Respect. Thats the only way to put it.

I have been traveling a lot lately. I love it don't get me wrong. But I have a question. Isn't there a certain respect level that both clients and provider have to hold for each other? It seems like more and more often I'm being hustled. Like I go from city to city and then once i come back everyone wants to go lower and lower. Or more time for the same. Now I do understand that sometimes you can lose track of time. I dont think anyone should take advantage of that though. All I'm trying to say is please have some respect. We don't come to your jobs and tell your bosses to pay you less and make you work more.

Note: this message does not mean anyone specific. There are many respectful gentleman on this board. And feedback would be nice. Is this only happening alot to me?
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Old 04-03-2013, 10:42 AM   #2
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It is fast becoming a trend to be disrespectful. As much as it bothers me, I will not respond in the same manner as others do. As you said, there are plenty of respectful gentlemen who still know how to treat a woman.
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Old 04-03-2013, 10:49 AM   #3
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I think a lot of it comes down to basic human nature for the typical person. Clients will in general try to get the most they can for the least amount of money, while providers will try to get the most money they can for the least amount of work.

Now, before I get flamed for the above, remember that I'm speaking in GENERALITIES. There are many clients and providers who treat each other in an excellent manner.

For the most part however, it's all driven by Mr. Benjamin. Let's face it - as a provider, if you found a client willing to pay you $1,000.00 an hour to just sit there and look pretty, wouldn't you do it? And as a client, if I found a provider who met all my expectations and who only charged $10.00 an hour, I'd be crazy NOT to keep seeing her (Yes, those two scenarios would probably be the two extremes...). However, some clients push the issue way too much, and some providers do as well.

Speaking for myself only, I don't hobby very much for one reason - I can't afford to. I hobby when I can afford to spend the money that the provider I want to see charges. If she wants $300.00 and I only have $200.00, I'm not even going to contact her. I also like to think that if I was a female and a provider that I would do my very best to give the best possible session every time, for a fair price.

Unfortunately, not everyone sees things that way.
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Old 04-03-2013, 11:34 AM   #4
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Default Respect come with the image you promote in most cases

This may be the smartest Hobbyist I have encountered here... he gets it he really gets it. LOL...

Originally Posted by hotindallas View Post
I think a lot of it comes down to basic human nature for the typical person. Clients will in general try to get the most they can for the least amount of money, while providers will try to get the most money they can for the least amount of work.

Now, before I get flamed for the above, remember that I'm speaking in GENERALITIES. There are many clients and providers who treat each other in an excellent manner.

For the most part however, it's all driven by Mr. Benjamin. Let's face it - as a provider, if you found a client willing to pay you $1,000.00 an hour to just sit there and look pretty, wouldn't you do it? And as a client, if I found a provider who met all my expectations and who only charged $10.00 an hour, I'd be crazy NOT to keep seeing her (Yes, those two scenarios would probably be the two extremes...). However, some clients push the issue way too much, and some providers do as well.

Speaking for myself only, I don't hobby very much for one reason - I can't afford to. I hobby when I can afford to spend the money that the provider I want to see charges. If she wants $300.00 and I only have $200.00, I'm not even going to contact her. I also like to think that if I was a female and a provider that I would do my very best to give the best possible session every time, for a fair price.

Unfortunately, not everyone sees things that way.

The other opinion I have is that Image, Rates & Service are everything in this business to the hobbyist. The image you promote and the rate you ask will dictate the type of client and in turn the amount of respect you garner.

Now please understand image is more than the photos you present although that is your first impression and you only get one chance to make a first impression.
But it's also how you resond in emails ( spelling, grammar, consideration etc), speak on the phone ( diction, articulation, and professionalism), run your ads ... and so so much more Oh and let us not forget it's how you allow someone to treat you in all those fore mentioned communication methods and then at appointments . (Money is important but never ever let money make the decision.) I am not saying the OP allowed anyone to treat her bad BTW just a point in general.

Lastly once you have worked on your image then you better follow thru with being awesome with your clients... service is always the bottom line. I can help you attract the most amazing clients it's up to you to keep him ladies.

I will say to the beautiful OP... You are 100% correct...Respect should be an absolute.

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Old 04-03-2013, 12:27 PM   #5
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Also don't have 15, 30, 45, 60 minute rates. That right there makes it seem like your willing to negotiate your rate depending on amount of money guy has. He maybe $50 short but still wanting an hr appointment. Some ladies will go with it because they can't afford to pass up the money to start with.
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Old 04-03-2013, 02:16 PM   #6
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Vivian I find your rates very reasonable
I will PM you when you are back in Houston
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Old 04-03-2013, 02:58 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by hotindallas View Post
I think a lot of it comes down to basic human nature for the typical person. Clients will in general try to get the most they can for the least amount of money, while providers will try to get the most money they can for the least amount of work.

Now, before I get flamed for the above, remember that I'm speaking in GENERALITIES. There are many clients and providers who treat each other in an excellent manner.

For the most part however, it's all driven by Mr. Benjamin. Let's face it - as a provider, if you found a client willing to pay you $1,000.00 an hour to just sit there and look pretty, wouldn't you do it? And as a client, if I found a provider who met all my expectations and who only charged $10.00 an hour, I'd be crazy NOT to keep seeing her (Yes, those two scenarios would probably be the two extremes...). However, some clients push the issue way too much, and some providers do as well.

Speaking for myself only, I don't hobby very much for one reason - I can't afford to. I hobby when I can afford to spend the money that the provider I want to see charges. If she wants $300.00 and I only have $200.00, I'm not even going to contact her. I also like to think that if I was a female and a provider that I would do my very best to give the best possible session every time, for a fair price.

Unfortunately, not everyone sees things that way.

YOU win the "hobbyist of the year" award baby!!!!!!!!
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Old 04-03-2013, 03:29 PM   #8
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Thank you, MagnificMedia and DallasRain...I just call them like I see them.
Now, about that $10.00 an hour rate...
(just kidding!!!)

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Old 04-03-2013, 04:44 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by shorty View Post
Also don't have 15, 30, 45, 60 minute rates. That right there makes it seem like your willing to negotiate your rate depending on amount of money guy has. He maybe $50 short but still wanting an hr appointment. Some ladies will go with it because they can't afford to pass up the money to start with.
I have never posted or had a review stating a half hour rate, but I still get asked. If a hobbyist, especially here, is going to spend his hard earned money, he should do his research first.
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Old 04-03-2013, 05:34 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Nicolet View Post
I have never posted or had a review stating a half hour rate, but I still get asked. If a hobbyist, especially here, is going to spend his hard earned money, he should do his research first.

Silly woman ... that would require the fucktard use his big head.
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Old 04-03-2013, 06:04 PM   #11
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Interesting post. One thing is some people like the negotiations. Like going to a flea market. They get the thrill of "getting their price". I am sure you ladies don't appreciate that but it is true.

There are many women that I would love to see or I have seen and would see again but I would only if they ran a special and cut prices. I have never told these ladies this I figure no woman would want to hear "I want to see you but your not worth $X" I a woman were to try to call me out "why haven't you booked with me yet" I would tell the truth (not on a public board). I am not expecting that conversation to happen.
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Old 04-04-2013, 09:44 AM   #12
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Another factor to consider is familiarity. The OP mentioned that she seems to experience the "haggling" effect when she returns to an area. Once a client and provider have met and had a positive experience, there is a degree of familiarity built up between the two. From a guy's perspective, he may just be asking for a special rate because the two hit it off the first time. It is probably not good form to ask for a lower rate, but to some extent, the guys have been conditioned to do so. There are girls out there who will offer repeat customers a discount. I have noticed this becoming more prevalent. Also, there are a lot of girls who are trying to follow the "sugarbaby" route where they offer lower rates per session if a guy is willing to see her multiple times in a given time frame. I really don't think there is a disrespect thing going on. At least I hope not.
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Old 04-04-2013, 10:48 AM   #13
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Come to Dallas and see me....problem solved
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Old 04-04-2013, 11:19 AM   #14
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Sometimes I wonder if some of the providers ( not all) truly understand the value of a dollar. Do they understand how hard or how long the averge Joe has to work to see them once. Some of us are fortunate in that we are retired and planned well but the average guy is still working at the national average salary of $15.00 an hour. That guy has to work 20 hours just to see the average out of town traveling provider that provides CBJ,CG and no MSOG. Now don't get me wrong I am not complaining or saying that it's not worth it but just trying to get some understanding what the average guy goes thru to see you once. If they try to get the best deal they can get maybe you can understand why. I agree respect is always a must.
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Old 04-04-2013, 11:50 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by burkalini View Post
Sometimes I wonder if some of the providers ( not all) truly understand the value of a dollar. Do they understand how hard or how long the averge Joe has to work to see them once. Some of us are fortunate in that we are retired and planned well but the average guy is still working at the national average salary of $15.00 an hour. That guy has to work 20 hours just to see the average out of town traveling provider that provides CBJ,CG and no MSOG. Now don't get me wrong I am not complaining or saying that it's not worth it but just trying to get some understanding what the average guy goes thru to see you once. If they try to get the best deal they can get maybe you can understand why. I agree respect is always a must.
Here's a few more things to consider too. Most ladies only work when they need money and don't treat this like a regular job. I haven't found a lady that doesn't work every week, most days except for the few days Aunt Flo visits. With this being said, guys know when ladies post. they need money. So in a guys mindset, they have the money and knowing the lady needs the money, so there going to ask is that the best deal you got? It's really no different if a lady or guy is shopping for a new or used car. Your always going to ask if this is the best you can do on the price.
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