Was about to post this as a reply to another thread... but realized that thread had already been hijacked enough.
Originally Posted by zeejoe
Do you really want volunteer mods who are also part of this community to have complete access to the site's toolkit for running IP addresses at will ?
Hate to tell you this but running IP addresses is part of the basic mods tool kit... real problem is that most don't know what to do with those shinny buttons.
Originally Posted by Royalholic
Since this is a VBulletin board, don't Mod's see all users IP Addresses?
That's probably the only real way to see duplicates and that's hard to follow when they're seeing only numbers.
Yes your IP address is logged and posted on every post you make... we can't see it but its listed right along with your join date, location, number of post and ect.
The thing is that a lot of mods want to use IP addresses alone to prove multiple handles... it is not that easy when dealing with dynamic IP addresses.
They constantly change, especially if you are on your cell phone.
Lets say you use Verizon.
When you send a request for connection they will assign you a IP, it might be a different IP address everytime you post/log on.
So where I have this address now, an hour from now someone else will be assigned it from Verizon.
Must home Internet services (TW, Google, Ect) also use dynamic IP addressed, the difference is that they don't change as often... usually about once a month or so.
What that means is if you do a search for any one IP address then chances are that multiple users have logged in/posted with it... especially when using cells.
Now the ones that will get you caught are what is known as Static IP addresses... they usually assigned to businesses and do not change.
But hold on a minute, even if multiple members logged on under a static address, it still does not mean anything,
This lifestyle we enjoy using means we will be visiting many of the local hotels, motels and even a notel here are there.
And what are most of these places? that's right, they are businesses which have set (Static) IP addresses.
Therefore, EVERYONE that logs into the site via the hotels Internet service will show as having the same IP address.
One of the first IP checks I ran showed no less then 15 providers and 4 PA members having logged in from the same IP address... duh it was a hotels IP after all.
Now to my knowledge the more advanced tool kit is reserved for the Admin of the site... it not only shows the IP address but the MAC address of the computer/device.
MAC addresses can still be spoofed, but that takes a little bit more effort then the average member is willing to take.