The last two weeks have been good to me, but I'm starting to run into a problem...
...mainly, the outfits that you see in my pictures are the only outfits I have for this. And particularly since I don't want to wear the same outfit for someone twice (barring a specific request), I feel like it's about time I expanded my wardrobe.
Do you folks have any particular places you recommend? Most of the things I'm wearing now I got from Deb, but I figure it's not a bad idea to see about other places.
(I'm also just slightly too big for most of the mall stores. Working on it! But that'll factor into the advice. Size 14 jeans, for example.)
As for my own advice?
I get most of my hosiery from
SockDreams . Though I hear the socks made of recycled fibers can be a little stiff/rough. I haven't bought any so I can't say for sure.) And they also tend to tell you in the description how they'll fit on differently-shaped legs.
My absolute favorite right now is this: Mine have sprouted two holes; I need to get a few more pair, I think.
And like I said above, most of what I wear in my pictures (including the knee-high boots) are from Deb.

All of it is hand-wash only, but the dresses have treated me very well so far. This is definitely one of the places I'm going to go to replenish...
...but like I said, variety is good. So what can you lovely folks share with me?