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Old 08-30-2012, 08:19 PM   #1
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Default Omaha Lincoln Ladies: Complacent? Or am I unlucky?

Hoo boy! I don't want to get my butt kicked, but I've been wanting to ask this for a long time. Would like the opinion of the guys AND gals. So here goes.

First off...I am a native Nebraskan currently living in Nebraska. Don't want to turn this into a Nebraska vs other states contest. Also, I am a relative newbie. Only been at this for about a year....and I make lots of dumb mistakes. (LOL....like this thread most likely)

I want to compare two markets: Denver vs Omaha. I have family & business in Denver. I have family and business in Omaha. I live almost exactly halfway in between.

Denver population: 2.6 million. Providers currently listed on P411: 254. 10,236 pop per provider. Denver economy: terrible. 8.4% unemployment rate.

Omaha/Lincoln population: 677,000. Providers currently on P411: 31. 21,838 pop per provider. Omaha economy: Pretty darn good. 4.4% unemployment rate.

I have stuck with ladies listed on P411 for my safety.....and because I was led to believe the service would be more reliable.

I have now attempted to see 5 different providers in the Denver area. Number of NCNS? ZERO. All on time, all great ladies. I have attempted to see 5 different providers in the Lincoln/Omaha area. Number of Successes? 3. One lady simply never responded to my requests. Another NCNS'd me....twice.

I want to make one point absolutely clear: The Omaha ladies that DID meet with me were every bit as lovely, professional, and skilled as the Denver ladies.

But why the difference in no-contacts? Does the provider community in this area pretty much take its economically sound and relatively large per-capita customer base for granted?

Or have I just had a run of bad luck in my home state?
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Old 08-30-2012, 10:14 PM   #2
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Interesting question.

It was suggested in one of the national threads, I think, that different boards have different levels of popularity based entirely on region. As an example, this website is hugely popular in Texas, and the number of ptoviders for Texas is proportionally much higher.

This is pure speculation, but I wonder if P411 is simply more popular in Denver?

Based on experience, I have had better luck finding the providers listed in Omaha on either here or BP--even some of the ones that list on P411 don't check in regularly or regularly return their P411 appointment requests. I like seeing them listed there anyway, as I think P411 does a good job screening.

I should also add that at least two providers I really like post on P411 but are WAY easier to get through their BP numbers them through the P411 process.
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Old 08-30-2012, 10:31 PM   #3
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The NCNS in Omaha, who was it? I've had terrible luck with the younger and traveling gals over the years. The only way to stop their piss poor customer service skills is to get the word out and let the marketplace take care of them.
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Old 08-30-2012, 11:08 PM   #4
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I agree with Nash on outing the NCNS but after the flaming those before you have taken I understand why they aren't being posted.

I don't know if the economy is a reason or not. You would have to look at the providers individually and see what their motivation is. Unfortunately there are some that have lifestyles that lend themselves to being unreliable because they are supporting a bad habit.
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Old 08-30-2012, 11:23 PM   #5
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I believe it may have more to do with sociology than economics, population or the popularity of P411. The Denver metropolitan area falls well outside the "bible belt" and IME, the endeavor is looked upon so dramatically differently in Denver that comparing the two seems somewhat unfair. I've worked in Colorado many times and the business has a much higher public acceptance rate - the area is highly "pro-decriminalization" when it comes to prostitution. The exact opposite is true in Nebraska. I believe that you all have touched on components that may contribute to the answer, but frankly, it would be my opinion that it is simply a matter of attitude, insofar as Denver is concerned. Denver is also much like NOLA in tourism fuels the endeavor very strongly, especially in the winter months, along with a substantial amount of business travel that simply does not exist in Omaha/Lincoln. When the cat is away, the mice will play. There is huge money in the Denver / Aurora metro in winter and gentlemen will regularly drive in from the other side of the slope for sex - or order carryout to Breckenridge, Vail, etc., even as far as Aspen - and most all the ladies go, with bells on.


- Jackie
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Old 08-31-2012, 05:31 AM   #6
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I love Denver. On your way to Home Depot on a Saturday morning and you decide you want to stop by an Asian massage parlor for a nice release.

Rocky. Mountain. High!

As to your exact question, even though the sampling might be too small to point to a trend, it is all from your experiences. I'm willing to just imagine that it's purely luck of the draw with a slight emphasis on all the points that Jackie has mentioned. Again, more of a sampling might be more definitive.

Just a side note on traveling gals. Not referring to any that happen to be on this board and well established, but when a traveling gal turns up in a listing or online ad, I do like to call and make sure they are/will be in the area. I get a little annoyed when they get annoyed with a question like that. Well, for me, I need to make my plans slightly ahead of time to cover things, and I don't want to do that if the traveling gals plans have fallen through. I don't think it's a waste of a lady's time to confirm that she will be or is in the area and, if not listed, her rates. Some seem to get bothered by it though, as if why am I calling if I'm not ready right then to book a date?

Just the cost and part of doing business, I think.

Speaking of Denver, and not meaning to hijack anyone's thread here, has anyone else noticed that massage parlor just off the Interstate, around exit 75 I believe, in Colorado? Right there, with neon lights even. Oh yeah, and that also happens to be the turn off for the Colorado State Patrol training center or some such. Talk about a cock blocker! lol

Okay, obviously the Cap'n Crunch sugar rush is kicking in this morning, we now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.
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Old 08-31-2012, 07:46 AM   #7
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Agree with Jackie and Devlin, Denver has medical marijuana. It is just a different vibe in Denver. As someone who has hobbied on both coasts and across our nothern border, I will say that different areas have different pros and cons.

I also think that the Lincoln/Omaha area has an underground/underground market. That is, there are many ladies that hone their craft develop a following and work only with regulars. You won't see them on boards. They rely on folks that they know and regulars.
From my experience, LinOma is just as good as any other area in the U.S.
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Old 08-31-2012, 08:00 AM   #8
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I don't hobby very often but when I go to Vegas once or twice a year I do and have had MUCH more luck there. Not only the quality but also they actually responded to requests and show up when scheduled which doesn't always happen here (again my pool of requests is pretty low).

I actually thought Vegas would be the place that would be flakey, not to mention 100X the selection than here.
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Old 08-31-2012, 08:09 AM   #9
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Jackie made some valid points. But.............

Your problem with ladies not responding isn't necessarily just an Omaha thing, it happens all over the US. I hear the same complaint when I work in Iowa, KC, Wisconsin and when I have worked in Chicago.

In my opinion it will always boil down to how a lady runs her business. Myself, the hobby is a business and I treat it as such. If I want a guy to respect me, I need to respect him and if I want guys to contact me, book with me.....I need to have great communication skills. If I want a guy to stay my client, I need to have great physical skills.

Some ladies only work for today, meaning that if they need a bill paid......that's when they'll work. Some ladies work for next month, next year and those are the ladies who usually have a good business ethic and those are the ladies you want to stick with. The problem then is trying to find that lady and weed out all the bads ones. Its a process, but usually worth it in the end.
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Old 08-31-2012, 11:13 PM   #10
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I don't know the economics or the sociology of it, but I have found great times in Denver. For me, visits there offer some freedom from concern of begin recognised and hence a greater feeling of discretion and safety while hobbying. I tend to be very cautious locally and see few locals as a result of that caution. As I become more familiar and comfortable "at home" I hope to expand my local visitations.
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Old 09-01-2012, 01:02 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by MsElena View Post
Jackie made some valid points. But.............
Very true Elena, I was remiss in addressing the OP's concern specifically, regarding the quality of the experience. I was attempting more to point out the difference between the two markets and IMHO, what made the unevenness of the comparison.


- Jackie
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Old 09-01-2012, 06:18 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin View Post
Very true Elena, I was remiss in addressing the OP's concern specifically, regarding the quality of the experience. I was attempting more to point out the difference between the two markets and IMHO, what made the unevenness of the comparison.


- Jackie
Your points about the cultural differance between the two markets is good. I had a Denver provider tell me that she competes with over 400 ladies. Why so many? Denver's history as a mining capital has always made it a haven for prostitution.

What I was getting at was the level of competition. There's a thread on the Denver local board right now, started by a provider, berating the other ladies for competeing by lowering rates. Getting kinda nasty, too.
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Old 09-01-2012, 02:03 PM   #13
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Why so many? I suppose for the same reasons I've detailed and more than a few I've certainly overlooked.

As for rate discussions, I stay clear of them. My rate is my rate - what others do has no bearing upon what I will do and I have no opinion or feelings about other ladies fees/charges. It is a dangerous slope to begin giving it any thought.


- Jackie
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