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Old 05-17-2010, 08:17 PM   #1
huck finn
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Default amps vs. independent providers

Hey guys, I'm somewhat new to the hobby and all my experience has been in amps for the last 7 months. I have never been with an independent provider and I was wondering about the pros and cons from you more experienced hobbists. Here's my situation: I have always had very good experiences in the amps, but I see some independent girls that I would like to get to know, but there are a few roadblocks that keep me from making an appointment. First of all, I'm on a limited hobby budget and I'm wondering if the extra expense is worth it. I don't have any references and I am not comfortable in having the P411 people get my personal info and calling my employer in order to verify me for a fuck license. Also, I see things about being in email hell with the indies, having to make appointments days in advance only to have them cancel at the last minute, etc. Another thing is that I see in their show cases where they tell what gifts they like. So, do they expect gifts? Also do they expect tips in addition to the normal price? Can you all enlighten me and others like me how it works with them. Also, compare your experiences with the amp girls and the independent providers.
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Old 05-17-2010, 09:21 PM   #2
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AMP = dark room, good massage and then a quick release based on whatever L-level you pay for

Provider = eye candy, convo, variety of services, interactive

Obviously this is a total generalization, but AMP is basically you lying back and getting a cock massage with her using whatever tool you pay for.

EDIT - again...is a generalization, I've been with very mechanical providers and very GFE-like AMP girls...but overall I stand by the characterizations
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Old 05-17-2010, 11:27 PM   #3
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I'm a big fan of AMPs because of the convenience and the fact that no advance planning is required. That fits my very busy and ever-changing schedule. But I also see independents. The theory is that the independent is a more relaxed experience and, perhaps, a more quality one. Sometimes it is and sometimes is isn't. But it's hard to beat an AMP for convenience and value, IMHO.
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Old 05-18-2010, 05:34 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by huck finn View Post
I have always had very good experiences in the amp....
I think your answer resides in the above statement. Unless you want to explore outside of that realm! You just gotta make up your mind about what you want to risk and what you expect in return.

I know clear as mud!

In my opinion is OKC, Dallas and Houston are 3 different markets if I am to believe this thread!
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Old 05-19-2010, 08:36 AM   #5
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I don't like the AMP's because it seems like the preponderance of cases the women working there are not there willingly. They have been forced into it somehow. Not sure if that is the case down in Texas, but in NY it sure seems that way.

I don't have any moral qualms about a woman getting into this business willingly, but I don't like the thought of someone being forced into the business against their will.
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Old 05-19-2010, 10:11 AM   #6
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I did AMPs pretty exclusively for a couple of years and now see mostly independents.

The big advantages of independents over AMPs, IMHO, are a nicer, more relaxed, more natural setting (a room, a bed, etc.), the opportunity for more personal interaction with the gal (sharing a drink, conversation, etc.), more variety of women, and the opportunity to see a picture before scheduling. Independents can have more of a girlfriend feel to the experience. Independent cost seem to have come down over the last few years and are pretty much in line with AMPs now. Scheduling is more difficult, no shows, running late, and poor communication happen frequently. Independents can be more convenient for me as I'm in Tarrant County and there are no quality AMPs here and it's a long drive to Dallas. I still go to AMPs, but it's a different feel to the experience and it depends on what mood I'm in.

BTW, I love p411--if you are going to start seeing independents it is well worth it for the convenience in scheduling, easy access to more providers, and much much more security (not needing to give out personal info to providers) it buys you.
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Old 05-19-2010, 12:05 PM   #7
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Ask yourself this: While I often eat at different restaurants and fast food places based on many reasons, Do I prefer a wonderful steak place with great wine list more often than a $8.99 buffet place?
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Old 05-19-2010, 07:01 PM   #8
huck finn
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Thanks for the insights. I will eventually try an idependent. I'm just trying to understand how it works. The first time I went to an amp I was clueless and was told to leave. At the next place, I told the mamasan it was my first visit and I was nervous. She did a great job of walking me through it without compromising herself or the amp. As a result I became a very profitable customer.

The restaurant analogy is good. But I've got to decide if I want to eat at the buffet once a week or at a better place once every two weeks.

Questions: Do the independents expect a tip above the quoted price. I mean, do you come off looking like a cheap bastard if you don't. Also, what about the gifts they list in their show cases? Do they expect you to bring them something? And again, if you don't do you come off looking cheap? I'm on a limited hobby budget and I would like to know if there are "hidden" fees. One last question. Should I be concerned about giving P411 my personal info and having them contact my employer? If they screwed that up I would be in deep dodo.
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Old 05-19-2010, 07:39 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by huck finn View Post
I'm on a limited hobby budget and I would like to know if there are "hidden" fees.
i wouldn't try to check any bags or anything.

i hear ya dude. i keep telling myself i'll see some indies once i run out of amp girls i want to see. not quite there yet. they keep sending new ones (damn them). i too am tempted but my windows of opportunity are tailor made for the amps and asians are so freaking hot so.. there you are. nothing like being nekkid in the table shower with a hot nubile Asian girl 15 minutes after you get the initial urge. TTH had a very good take on it. you (huck finn) are an amp guy so i'm not telling you anything you don't already know.

gifts? i don't think they really expect that from new clients but if you insist they'll take it obviously. they're just like women everywhere. they won't put you on a "no gift cheapass blacklist" (that i know of...HDH's may have greater expectations in this area.) or anything if you don't show up with something. being relaxed and fun to be with is a lot more important to them than getting "stuff". if she becomes your ATF then sure knock yourself out and spoil her rotten with the occasional something extra but do it cuz you want to...not cuz you feel you have to.

press on brother

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Old 05-19-2010, 08:42 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Happy Tongue View Post
Ask yourself this: While I often eat at different restaurants and fast food places based on many reasons, Do I prefer a wonderful steak place with great wine list more often than a $8.99 buffet place?
Good analogy. Highlights one key advantage (drive thru service) of an AMP. But as Shack points out the cost of indys has come down quite a bit and they and the term "indy" covers a great range: everything from your wonderful steak place to say Waffle House.

I'm really not sure the cost is that big of a difference. I've seen plenty of great Dallas Showcases with rates around $200-250/hour. Less for a half ($150). What do you pay for your AMPs? $140-160 all in?

Originally Posted by huck finn View Post
Questions: Do the independents expect a tip above the quoted price. I mean, do you come off looking like a cheap bastard if you don't. Also, what about the gifts they list in their show cases? Do they expect you to bring them something? And again, if you don't do you come off looking cheap? I'm on a limited hobby budget and I would like to know if there are "hidden" fees. .
Price listed should be all-in. There should not be a "holdup" midsession for more.

Tips are appreciated but not expected (despite what she says "Usually I get tips" or if there is an out of the door hustle like "what no tip?")

Gifts the same. Appreciated, but not certainly not expected. I prefer bringing something small like a bottle of wine or flowers (e.g. a gesture vs. a big time "gift"). But if you do, exercise discretion. Bringing flowers in plain view to a room at the Holiday Inn isn't discreet.

Those "gift pages" on her website, I pretty much ignore. I've always figured she'd really rather have a $100 tip than me bring her a $100 worth of Victoria's Secret. This has pretty much been confirmed by the ladies I've asked. Again....this isn't expected so don't build it into your budget.
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Old 05-19-2010, 08:51 PM   #11
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It is a YMMV business. So, if your mileage is high with an AMP girl, you will have great fun. If your mileage is low with a well reviewed indy, it will not be that much fun.

I have been with HDH and thought what a waste of time. I have been with AMP girl that does not understand a word I said and have a great time. And vice versa.

I like both indies and AMPs. They both serve their own niche. With indies, you will have to read many reviews. With AMPs, you can just roll the dice at reputable establishments.
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Old 05-20-2010, 11:00 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by huck finn View Post
Questions: Do the independents expect a tip above the quoted price. I mean, do you come off looking like a cheap bastard if you don't. Also, what about the gifts they list in their show cases? Do they expect you to bring them something? And again, if you don't do you come off looking cheap? I'm on a limited hobby budget and I would like to know if there are "hidden" fees. One last question. Should I be concerned about giving P411 my personal info and having them contact my employer? If they screwed that up I would be in deep dodo.
No, there are no hidden fees. Tipping and gifts are optional.

I wouldn't be concerned about giving p411 my personal info (in fact I did many years ago!). I would much, much more trust p411 with my personal info than any provider. They've been around for years and have a great reputation. They say they delete your personal info after verifying you. They must be making fistfuls of money, so they have all the incentive in the world to be discreet.

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Old 05-20-2010, 06:00 PM   #13
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They both serve a purpose. I have always preferred the indys.
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Old 05-20-2010, 06:46 PM   #14
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This as been helpful. It has answered a lot of questions I had. I will probably try out one of the indies that has caught my attention. I think it would be a nice change of pace from the amps. But I agree with Rakuguy that I too loves being nikked with the amp girls. I like eating at the Korean buffet. I love banging on their little asses. I love..... Hey, I've got to go and have a private moment with myself!
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Old 05-21-2010, 10:40 AM   #15
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I am not comfortable in having the P411 people get my personal info and calling my employer in order to verify me
We don't call your employer, we call YOU at your place of employment.

(and only if you don't have two provider references, in which case we don't need your private info at all)


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