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Old 06-02-2012, 08:06 PM   #1
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Default Backpage Question

I have a few questions about what everyone thinks about backpage. I've read some threads and I am getting the sense that alot of guys HATE backpage but still browse. But I also saw that guys think all backpage advertisers are just for a hard pound ....

So If a guy see's a provider on backpage does he automatically think bad thoughts and back off? Even if she is verified else where?

I've gotten verified on p411, datecheck, erosguide, TER and a couple of other sites. Now that my ads are on those sites Am I automatically suppossed to take my ad off backpage?

With me being so new and green clients are still kind of skeptical. So am I just suppossed to delete backpage (where most of my clientele are coming from) and wait until people see me around longer on these verified sites?

Everyone gets there start somewhere from what I hear bama friends and alot of others sites, not too much different from backpage, are how alot of reputable providers got their start.

So what I'm really getting at is, is my backpage ad really hurting me in the long run? If so where else am I supposed to get my start?
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Old 06-02-2012, 08:59 PM   #2
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Personally, I do not think that you would need to remove your ads from Backpage. Especially if that is where most of your clients are coming from. The fact that you are well reviewed and a member of the more trusted sites just add to the credibility in your Backpage ads. I would just be sure to reference these sites in your Backpage ads and reference your good reviews because your more experienced hobbyists are going to dig around for more information on these sites before they contact you.
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Old 06-02-2012, 09:01 PM   #3
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Please consider making a trip to the Gulf Coast!!!
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Old 06-02-2012, 10:11 PM   #4
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Thanks. and I'm definitley going to get into touring. So visiting will be something I will consider.
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Old 06-03-2012, 01:39 AM   #5
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Keep posting on backpage. Exposure is good if you are new. If you already are on the elite type sites like eccie, p411, datecheck and such its won't hurt to stay there and advertise.

For experienced hobbyist when we see ladies or browse for them via backpage most do not have websites, reviews, or any type or rep for good service easy to find. If you have this stuff already its refreshing for the experienced hobbyist to see a provider like that on backpage.

Now one thing you might want to consider....and maybe put on your ad if it applies.......If you advertise on backpage, yet still require references say so in your ad. Because more often than not most ladies who advertise there won't necessarirly always require them. On the same token most of the guys who trool there won't use or want to forward references because they won't have them, or they don't want too.

Also its good to see ladies from other sites like eccie there. It only adds to your availiability, exposure, and keeps you fresh in their mind. And if a newbie from backpage sees you, he now has a good reference. One hand washes another so to speak.

I wouldn't refer too much to this site persay but posting your website or p411 id is perfect. Backpage sometimes will block certain website links in your ads. But if you creatively type them people can figure. It out. Example:


Www (dot)yahoo com

That way if they wanna research you and your ettiquete they can. Instead of posting your eccie links (tying you directly with services), put them on your website to avoid issues.

So fot the newbie via backpage...make it so where they won't need to ask about ur rate. You can either post it...or put it on ur site to negate the LE money for sservices issues.

Be careful. Whether you choose to advertise there just play safe.
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Old 06-03-2012, 05:55 AM   #6
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Welcome to ECCIE. Glad to have you here. You've done a great job in marketing and preparing your website and packages. Congratulations. In addition, you are quite beautiful. You'll do very, very well, I know.

I'll echo Gimme's comments although I'm more conservative than he with regards to BP. Personally, I will not see anyone who advertises solely on BP. There are many reasons for this and I think from reading your post you understand what they are. If a lady is on BP and a number of other sites, particularly this one, I will consider. Still, I'll look to make sure the lady is not only well-reviewed here but also active. BP ladies who stop by here just to advertise do not catch my attention. Participation here is the only way I get a sense of a lady's personality and character. Those things, plus well-refined BCD skills, are among my primary selection criteria.

In essence, I am suggesting that I don't care for BP advertising (and never browse it) but will overlook a lady's involvement there with sufficient evidence to the contrary that she is, shall we say, marvelous! And I'm sure you are.

All the best.

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Old 06-03-2012, 07:11 AM   #7
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I greatly appreciate the advice I have recieved and will put it to use. Thanks!
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Old 06-03-2012, 10:43 AM   #8
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JDN and Gimme have provided great inputs...I too rarely depend solely upon BP - I review BP ads, but follow up with research - this site, P411, TER, others to ensure that you are who your ad states you are. A personal website, reviews, good indication that you are not a flake. Further research to check to see if we may click (or not).

One thing about BP ads, I have met a few gems - however just like we do your research, ensure that you screen, screen, screen. A few ladies have informed me that BP ads bring about unwanted calls at all times of the day/nights. However, you may find a few gems too.

Stay safe...good luck.
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Old 06-03-2012, 12:48 PM   #9
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In Dothan a BP ad is the same thing as a big bullseye on your back. I dont like to see anyone from BP even if I have seen them before. I'm sure its not as bad in other areas, but Dothan and Panama City those over zealous vice guys try to scope you out. If they can get an idea of where you are from they will cruise the motel parking lots looking for tags from the area. BP is just bad news. you ask for opinions thats mine
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Old 06-03-2012, 01:10 PM   #10
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Janelle, since you just worked with her, ask SweetBrandy what her opinion of bp is and I bet it's the same as mine. I personally think the clientele of eccie and p411 are more of whom you would probably be looking to see in the future.

There are a few diamonds to be found on bp, for example Kute Kylie and Amber Reed where on bp for a minute when they first started. But mostly guys look down on you for advertising there.
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Old 06-03-2012, 01:42 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by pipefitter73 View Post
Janelle, since you just worked with her, ask SweetBrandy what her opinion of bp is and I bet it's the same as mine.............

mostly guys look down on you for advertising there.
That's funny to here as her opinion. I remember for a lil while she posted their too. And some other provider on this site and p411 locally have advertised on BP and some still have ads up. Strickly Indy is one, marie simone, Taylah, Tara_Love, Layla strnhgrl, Melanie Marcel, Heather Nicole, and numerous other current touring reputable providers (even London) used to post there intermittently, and many others. Id be willing to bet those sites get way more traffic in this area than others. How exactly would we look down upon them for advertising there.

Just looking at p411 in huntsville alone I could show you. google cache link of many popular providers.....even some in birmingham (most of which you have reviewed) who have advertised at some point on BP. She even stated in her original post most of her business comes from there. So if your telling her to omit it how does she interpret that into more $$$.
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Old 06-03-2012, 06:24 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by janelle4you View Post
So what I'm really getting at is, is my backpage ad really hurting me in the long run? If so where else am I supposed to get my start?

Yes and no. The issue with backpage is so many fakes posting for the good old bait and switch. Then you have the flakes who have "issues" be it chemical or biological or even the all important crouching thug hidden pimp..

Me personally if I had seen you on Backpage I would have thought you were too good to be true and one of the bait and switch scams where you think your getting 20 something 5'5" and 125 lbs and you really get some tired old hag that is closer to 5'2" and 200 pounds.. But thanks to this site I now know your the real deal...
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Old 06-04-2012, 10:26 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by bladtinzu View Post
... some tired old hag that is closer to 5'2" and 200 pounds.. ...
Please leave my ex-wife out of this.
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Old 06-04-2012, 09:04 PM   #14
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Welcome. It seems most folks are careful of the ladies on BP because there are a large number (and I have no idea what that percentage might be) of bait and switches. However, there might be some real gems out there too.

For my money, I just want to stay with something that I know will be good, and that is eccie.

Anyway, I hope you have fun.
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Old 06-09-2012, 06:10 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Biggreentractor View Post
In Dothan a BP ad is the same thing as a big bullseye on your back. I dont like to see anyone from BP even if I have seen them before. I'm sure its not as bad in other areas, but Dothan and Panama City those over zealous vice guys try to scope you out. If they can get an idea of where you are from they will cruise the motel parking lots looking for tags from the area. BP is just bad news. you ask for opinions thats mine
I'm about to head in that direction next weekend and I'm thinking of Birmingham and I'm meeting someone in Dothan.

Although I completely understand the "bullseye on your back" statement, and I've looked at those ads (some are scary!), it seems like a viable place to advertise.

Why is backpage advertising in Dothan such a concern? Please feel free to PM me.

Big hugs,
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