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Old 04-02-2012, 08:39 PM   #1
Jackie S
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Default Is There Something In The Water In Arizona??

Why not just take the first Amendment, wipe your ass with it, and flush it down the toilet.


I believe the Bill of Rights is no less than a sacred document. To have it's very soul threatened by such petty issues that could be handled with other means is a travesty.
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Old 04-02-2012, 10:01 PM   #2
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I thought Brewer was smarter than this. I hope she doesn't sign it.
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Old 04-02-2012, 11:16 PM   #3
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What gave you any indication that Brewer was smarter than this?

But I will bet you a doughnut that she will not sign it. I still do not think her that bright.
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Old 04-02-2012, 11:20 PM   #4
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Wait wut? You thought Jan Brewer was smart? lol

This is just a continuing wave of things that so many extremist republicans are trying to do across this country. I had linked these in another thread but it is relevant to this post as to the censorship and anti-democratic policies that are happening.

Benton Harbor Take Over The Secret War on Democracy

Last night on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow show, Maddow explained that Michigan Republican Governor Rick Snyder is pushing a bill through that will give ultimate governmental power literally to corporations, thereby using shock doctrine tactics to create a dystopian government. Synder’s bill not only goes after collective bargaining rights, but does in fact seem to represent the Republicans’ final solution to killing democracy by enabling the replacement of elected officials, dissolving entire city’s government and handing them over to corporations. Snyder calls his “budget bill” a “shared sacrifice,” but it gifts corporations with 1.8 billion in tax breaks while hitting citizens with harder taxes, including seniors and other vulnerables, and cutting essential services to an already suffering region.
If you think Republican governors across the country are using fiscal crisis as a pretext to do stuff they otherwise want to do, this is something I don’t think I would have ever believed Republicans even wanted to do, but this is what they are proposing. This hasn’t gotten much national attention, but please check this out.” She described the threat to democracy in Michigan, “Gov. Rick Snyder’s budget in Michigan is expected to cut aid to cities and towns so much that a lot of cities and towns in Michigan are expected to be in dire financial straits. Right now, Gov. Snyder is pushing a bill that would give himself, Gov. Snyder and his administration, the power to declare any town or school district to be in a financial emergency. If a town was declared by the governor and his administration to be in a financial emergency they would get to put somebody in charge of that town, and they want to give that emergency manager that they just put in charge of the town the power to, “reject, modify, or terminate any contracts that the town may have entered in to, including any collective bargaining agreements.”
The bill also has the power to suspend or dismiss elected officials, “This emergency person also gets the power under the bill to suspend or dismiss elected officials. Think about that for a second. Doesn’t matter who you voted for in Michigan. Doesn’t matter who you elected. Your elected local government can be dismissed at will. The emergency person sent in by the Rick Snyder administration could recommend that a school district be absorbed into another school district. That emergency person is also granted power specifically to disincorporate or dissolve entire city governments.”

In the case of Benton Harbor they then proceeded to take over the public radio forcibly and then shut it down and tried to sell it on Ebay which got them into big trouble. The idea here was to silence the radio for airing complaints and dissent about what was happening to their town.

Quotes from posters: "it removes democracy and the separation of powers, just for starters. Of course, the “constitutional conservatives” don’t appear very concerned about the rule of law these days."

I’ve never “replied” before this, so please forgive if I do this wrong. Three points:
1. I would think that this power grab goes against taxation without representation.
2. In essence this is martial law, so I would think whomever takes over a town would have to do so backed up by mercenaries such as Eric Prince’s lovelies. Are you aware of how many guns and rifles people own out here in the Michigan hinterlands? Will the Second Amendment, held to dearly by the ruggedly independent folks of Michigan, be summarily suspended by this bill too?
3. I worry that most of the resources and infrastructure–water, power, roadways,etc. would be co-opted by the corp.
I live on the Muskegon River, I have a deep well, will the corp. be able to suspend my water rights and cap my well, or drill for natural gas on my land, or seize my crops, or take my cattle?
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Old 04-02-2012, 11:39 PM   #5
JD Barleycorn
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Unlike WTF and Eccentric I am going to do MY OWN research. What I have read so far from just this site is a left wing group (Media Coalition) making charges and another using Internet posters comments. I will read both bills and see what they really say. I am against the regulation of free speech (and that includes political correctness) because once regulated (think Rush Limbaugh) it is no longer free speech. At the risk of being lied about (a near certainty by some on this site) at first blush this seems to be a law punishing abuse and not the speech itself. Kind of like not making drunk driving illegal but if you injure people while doing it they will bury you under the jail house. Your free choice.

So let the lies begin WTF.

Okay, it took some looking for the actual text. It is buried behind six pages on Google and seven pages on Bing. A lot of left wing outfits printing "their" version of what happened. Here is the change to the current law; http://www.azleg.gov/legtext/50leg/2r/bills/hb2549p.pdf

What I read into it that it includes not just the Internet but also radio, TV, Ipads, or any other electronic device. What the bill says (don't take my word for it, look it up) is that anyone who uses an electronic device to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy, or offend an individual with obscene, lewd, or profane language by suggesting a lewd or lascivious act or threatening physical harm to a person or their property. It also becomes unlawful for someone to use anonymous means to disturb the peace, quiet or right of privacy.
It also changes the stalking law in Arizona by redefining what stalking is;
stalking is the intentional or knowingly engaging in a course of conduct that would: cause a reasonable person to fear for their or their families safety or
cause a reasonable person to fear for their or their families lives.

Okay, what does this mean to the average person (except an average person wouldn't be doing this stuff); if you were to post on Facebook a series of statements intentionally designed to harass, insult, intimidate, annoy, or offend someone would that be illegal. Pay attention, WTF they're talking about you. It seems to me that it would only be against this law if it contained lewd, obscene, or profane language. It would also be against the law to suggest that a lewd or lascivious act be performed on someone else.
So I guess if you said that you should go fuck yourself then it would be illegal. I guess it would have to be shown that the statement was done with malicious intent with the intent to terrify, offend, annoy, harass, or intimidate. I take it that the statement would have to be repeated numerous times to show intent.
Would this include a bill collector who calls repeatedly demanding payment? Only if done anonymously or was done with profane langauge or a threatened obscenity.

It does not stop someone from posting once or twice that someone has a girlfriend who is a slut but if it becomes a campaign to impune someone's reputation with malicious gossip intentionally then it rises to the level of illegality.

How do I stand on this bill? Everything comes down to enforcement. If it can allow someone to charge someone for a couple of statements rather than a series then it is not a good law. There are a couple of words open to interpretation like "annoy" and "profane" that bother me. Someone people just use profanity to express themselves without directing it at someone. We have all probably had some jackass hang up on us when we ask "what is with this shit?" You're not attacking someone, you're reinforcing your displeasure by events. This is a problem. Also what constitutes annoying? What if that pyscho girl friend keeps calling at all hours suggesting that you and her have sex and it is starting to annoy your wife. Is that illegal? There way I read this I would say yes. If this was a US Contitutional bill then I would have to oppose it but this is a state law and until someone can prove their rights have been violated I have to support what Arizona is doing.
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Old 04-03-2012, 12:40 AM   #6
Chica Chaser
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I'm embarrassed to be "represented" by pretty much anyone in AZ state government, at any level. Our problem is we can't get these ultraconservatives out of office due to the part-time resident voters that do not represent the real people of the state. That includes Joe Arpaio.
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Old 04-03-2012, 12:42 AM   #7
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Since the allotted hour has passed I have to post again.

This bill passed the final committee with a vote of 30-0 so it is a bipartisan bill. So we can't blame those rascally republicans if you are honest.
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Old 04-03-2012, 05:30 AM   #8
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The only thing in AZ that Chica Chaser is really interested in are some pretty cool ladies.
And they have a lot of them down there.
AZ was always a lucky stopover when I commuted between El Paso and San Diego.
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Old 04-03-2012, 06:52 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by waverunner234 View Post
The only thing in AZ that Chica Chaser is really interested in are some pretty cool ladies.
And they have a lot of them down there.
AZ was always a lucky stopover when I commuted between El Paso and San Diego.
oh yeah! i luv visiting az. az is full of hispanic bitches. theyre all sluts & whores. they run around behind their mens backs constantly. just easy pickins. LOL!
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Old 04-03-2012, 11:13 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
I'm embarrassed to be "represented" by pretty much anyone in AZ state government, at any level. Our problem is we can't get these ultraconservatives out of office due to the part-time resident voters that do not represent the real people of the state. That includes Joe Arpaio.

me not living there, I wont comment. My mom lived in Ph Az for 10 years, and looking at the picture from the outside I have to agree with CC. As of late Im surprised the hispanic community hasnt elected a hispanic Gov ... hell, a hispanic everything, and made Joe the f'n dogcatcher
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Old 04-04-2012, 01:13 AM   #11
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Joe already IS the dog catcher. Maricopa Co Animal Control falls under the sheriffs dept.
He has always made a big deal publicly about treating the animals better than the inmates.
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