I hate it that MOST providers are viewed as not dependable people.
That we say one thing do another. Or say we are traveling somewhere and then do not show up either days later or not at all!

I under stand that you hobbiers have choices to choose from and set aside others to maybe see a visitor then when they choose not to come it is not right.

I AM SO SO SAD TO SAY THAT MY EL PASO TRIP IS CANCELED! I just got off the phone with the airlines.....................L uckly I am able to use the tickets on another date. They said I could get a refund BUT I DID NOT I CHOSE TO LEAVE IT OPEN SO I CAN COME ONE DAY

Please believe me when I say I had every intention on going their even after the big sting...
I had placed ads daily to get people pre approved etc.
Anyway the change was very last minute and beyond my control.
I will let yall know as soon as I know when I will make it thank you.