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Old 03-10-2012, 12:57 PM   #1
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Default AlexandriaSquirtz

The reason I posted this Alert is that Jade, aka SQUIRTNCUTIE:

...is also on here currently advertising as AlexandriaSquirtz

...and she stole from me a while back, alternately admitting and then denying that she had anything to do with it:

I told you I was going to expose you every chance that I got, sweetheart. Apple has the iPod Classic for sale at $249.00: http://store.apple.com/us/browse/hom...y/ipod_classic
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Old 03-10-2012, 01:32 PM   #2
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That happened almost a year ago...how is it relevant today? I fail to see how bumping an old alert makes the community any safer...ijs
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Old 03-10-2012, 01:40 PM   #3
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It is relevant because she has changed her name, has at least two handles on Eccie, is a danger because of her lifestyle that cannot be mentioned here, steals and because Alerts are meant to alert people.

How is your comment relevant? I did not bump an old Alert. I created a new Alert and made mention (linked to) a previous one and the multiple handles.

If you fail to see how alerting the community to this has any merit, you can choose to refrain from responding.

Eccie sort of prides itself on being a single source of truth regarding the hobby with Ads, Reviews, ISOs, Discussion and Alerts. This is in keeping with that mutual exchange of information.
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Old 03-10-2012, 02:00 PM   #4
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We will deal with the multiple handle issue, directly.
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Old 03-10-2012, 02:07 PM   #5
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I have joined the masses and sent a PM as well. Just can't stand a thief....
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Old 03-10-2012, 02:07 PM   #6
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Thank you, Duke.

I'm sorry that this particular alert isn't one where a guy was corn-holing a Playmate at ZaZa when Guido the killer pimp busted down the door wielding a light saber and threatening to cut off his pecker if he didn't endorse a check made out to cash for a thousand.

I like those too.
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Old 03-10-2012, 02:43 PM   #7
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Sweetheart I'm not a thief and never have been, I have multiple reviews that say YES! You are a stalker and really are crazy! LOL, Have a great day!
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Old 03-10-2012, 02:54 PM   #8
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MY lifestyle? I am a single mom who goes to college, wow pretty scary lifestyle
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Old 03-10-2012, 03:08 PM   #9
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Glad to hear that you have changed for the better. You have 6 Yes reviews in a little over 3 months using your current alias. Not exactly enough to apply for a Black AMEX, little lady.

I have some people who would still like to speak with you regarding a burglary. I will give them your info and you can explain how you're a better person now, didn't mean to take things that weren't yours and that you'll provide restitution.

If you really want to clear your name, you'll do that. Granted, you've gain a fair amount of weight since your photos on my building's security camera in the elevator and parking garage, but I think they'll agree that its you.

If they catch up to you before then, you will be arrested, you will be taken to jail and given your previous criminal record, you'll do more time in jail.

Life is just a series of choices. Choose wisely.

(before you respond with a snarky comment, you need to know that multiple people & providers have PM'd me telling me even more about you. You also need to know that I intend to follow this through because you think you can simply get away with stealing)

This will be settled one way or another. One way is fast, easy, restores the reputation that you are supposedly carefully crafting on this board. The other is not so easy, involves temporary bracelets for both wrists, and a lot more money.

As another Eccie member pointed out, all I have to do is find out where you are at any given time, contact the police (any police) point you out and tell them that you are a suspect in a felony burglary case. They will get your identification, run you for warrants (local, state & nationwide mind you) and contact the Dallas Police Police Detective who's card & number that I give to them that has this file (yes, he knows what circumstance that you came to be in my home). You'll get booked for the warrant that is outstanding in this case, any other warrants that you may have and if you're on probation or parole for anything else, they'll get a call too.

Seems like a lot to look forward to, to choose not replace an iPod. That you stole.

You have made unsubstantiated real life accusations and threats of outing.
These are not acceptable in ECCIE.
If you have legal complaints you need to take them to the proper authorities. This is not the forum to do so.
You are very close to a long vacation.
I don't know what your agenda is, but get over it, or take it somewhere else.
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Old 03-10-2012, 03:49 PM   #10
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Can you spell a-g-e-n-d-a? Leave the poor girl alone dude. You're out a freaking iPod...who the f--- cares?
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Old 03-10-2012, 05:50 PM   #11
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You really are crazy man. I don't have time for your games so this will be the last time that I post on this thread. I DID NOT STEAL ANYTHING FROM YOU & I have no warrants & I really could care less what you think! I really doubt providers have contacted you about me since I don't associate with anyone in the business. Have fun wasting your time
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Old 03-10-2012, 06:29 PM   #12
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Fess up honey and do the right thing, your lying and everyone knows it.
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Old 03-10-2012, 07:08 PM   #13
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Thanks, titlover1. She is and that is why no one is rushing to her defense.

As for an agenda, sure I have one, I want her to replace my iPod and learn that being a thief doesn't bring benefits - it creates problems. Problems that, sooner or later, you have to face. If that means that otherwise interested patrons move her off their list and business suffers, so be it. If it means that she continuously runs into public shaming when I see her ads, fine. If it even means that, after all her opportunities to just admit it and make restitution, she gets arrested on an open case that was completely avoidable, that's fine too.

The most expensive thing in life is regret.

Maybe when she is in handcuffs and riding to Lew Sterrett one night looking at a very long night/day/weekend and having to pay a bail bondsman, an attorney or even just sit there until the judge sees her, she'll think, wow - I could have just worked an extra hour or two back in March, dropped a stupid iPod off somewhere, told him where to pick it up and none of this would have happened.
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Old 03-10-2012, 09:44 PM   #14
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Dude - uptowndallas - I am almost am willing to buy you a new iPod just so you don't post this crap any more. Do you not realize that shit happens in the hobby environment? LET IT GO!

You have 134 posts and ZERO reviews. Where are your reviews? I think I remember this shit going down when it happened but really, a friggin i-pod? If my memory is still there you were out some Bob Seger and 18K other music tunes. REALLY?

Post one review on a girl you have seen and then get some street cred. Never seen the girl that is in the post but my money is on her
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Old 03-10-2012, 10:49 PM   #15
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Pimps with light sabers? Oh shit!..then again I doubt many pimps could spell light saber.
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