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Old 10-24-2024, 08:21 PM   #1
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Default How low can they go in the desperation department?

The democrats can really go low, just looking for one more unbalanced fool.


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Old 10-24-2024, 08:33 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
The democrats can really go low, just looking for one more unbalanced fool.


We're not the one talking about the enemy within. If Trump stopped talking and acting like a fascist then maybe he wouldn't be labeled as one.
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Old 10-24-2024, 08:49 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by txdot-guy View Post
We're not the one talking about the enemy within.

Enemy within? You mean like letting in millions of illegals, around 500,000 with criminal records, flying them to different airports in the middle of the night? Are you including our present president (cough) and his border czar as being a part of the enemy within? Are you talking about a sitting president being basically kicked out of off office by a coup and the persons responsible as being a part of the enemy within?

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Old 10-24-2024, 09:43 PM   #4
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^^^ Trump ignorant speak is not hard to translate because of his lack of an adult level vocabulary, DJ. His definition of enemy from within is anyone who dares to not follow his way of thinking and especially those who prosecute his sorry ass for his malfeasances.
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Old 10-24-2024, 09:54 PM   #5
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Holy FUCK.

You cannot be serious, posting that link.

I mean....we all know that Murdoch's NY Post is a steaming pile of lies and shit. But that column is a new low, easily one of the most insulting, divisive things I have seen so far in this campaign.

It is sensationalizing, dog-whistling garbage.

By citing it, you only pass on views that further inflame and anger everyone, and that cause more divisiveness.

It does not support your "point"...whatever it is... in any meaningful or insightful way. Nor does the reply you post after, where you just repeat talking points that by now most know are exaggerations and simplistic misrepresentations.

You have been used. By a "columnist" who is a piece of shit, racist, climate denying shill for Rupert Murdoch.

The vast majority of people in this society want no part of violence. It doesn't matter what party they are in. And it includes current leadership.

This woman is lying to you.

(EDIT ADD: I highly recommend that anyone reading this NOT read the column that is linked above. It is a pile of insults and cheap lies, not worth your time. It is not even worth pursuing out of curiousity. DON'T GIVE RUPERT MURDOCH THE CLICKS)

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Old 10-24-2024, 10:09 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
The democrats can really go low, just looking for one more unbalanced fool.


... Thanks fer posting that, mate.

You gotta understand - the Dems are a desperate lot.

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Old 10-24-2024, 10:10 PM   #7
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You mean the OP has reached a new low
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Old 10-24-2024, 10:13 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by rooster View Post
Holy FUCK.

You cannot be serious, posting that link.

Yes I was

I mean....we all know that Murdoch's NY Post is a steaming pile of lies and shit. But that column is a new low, easily one of the most insulting, divisive things I have seen so far in this campaign.

So, I one person can cause that much divisiveness? So I, one poster in an obscure website in a forum with only 20 or so posters can cause this many problems?

It is an unbelievable piece of sensationalizing, dog-whistling garbage.

Differing opinions. This Trump is Hitler/fascist crap is all over the media right now.

By citing it, you only pass on views that further inflame and anger everyone, and that cause more divisiveness.

This was addressed already.

It does not support your "point"...whatever it is... in any meaningful or insightful way. Nor does the reply you post after, where you just repeat talking points that by now most know are exaggerations and simplistic misrepresentations.

Again, opinions.

You have been used. By a "columnist" who is a piece of shit, racist, climate denying shill for Rupert Murdoch. The vast majority of people in this society want no part of violence. It doesn't matter what party they are in. And it includes current leadership.

Who's to say you haven't been used by cnn, msnbc, morning joe, or that rachel maddow dude.

This woman is lying to you.

Boy, that's a first. Aren't a majority of guys here used to being lied to by females.

(EDIT ADD: I highly recommend that anyone reading this NOT read the column that is linked here. It is a vile pile of insults and cheap lies, not worth your time. It is not even worth pursuing out of curiousity. DON'T GIVE RUPERT MURDOCH THE CLICKS)

The ignore function is your friend.

I do appreciate you telling people not to click on the link which guarantees me that they will click on the link and read it. That's the way human nature works.


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Old 10-24-2024, 10:39 PM   #9
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Ugh. Another one here that goes line by line in response. So tiresome.

I'm not going to do the same. Just make a few points. Then this gets no more of my time.

First, you COMPLETELY missed my point when you said "So, I one person can cause that much divisiveness? So I, one poster in an obscure website in a forum with only 20 or so posters can cause this many problems?"

Let me re-post my original statement, with emphasis:

"...that column is a new low, easily one of the most insulting, divisive things I have seen so far in this campaign."

And that lying cunt gets read by a LOT more people than you do. Regretfully.

I do, however, stand by what I later said with "By citing it, you only pass on views that further inflame and anger everyone, and that cause more divisiveness."

But I made no claims about how "many" problems you were "causing." I know very well how little this crap is paid attention to. And I am very grateful for it. We sure AF don't need more.

Lastly...when I suggested people not "click"... I did consider the very thing you pointed out about human nature. But then again...since only 20 people max are gonna do it...it doesn't increase Rupert's click count in any meaningful way. My only REAL point in saying that was just to emphasize AGAIN that it was a mutherfucking worthless pack of lies. And thanks for the opportunity to say it again here!

Dude, up your game. Seriously. That piece was pure extremist trash, only intended to piss people off. On both sides. It's how she and Rupert make money and a name for themselves.

You could have started a REAL conversation about this topic. But by citing that, you ruined any credible argument you could make.

Like I said, none of us want Trump to come to harm. Harris doesn't either. Propagating this type of stuff is just making things worse.

I'm done here. I cannot believe I wasted so much time discussing anything that was in the NY Post...

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Old 10-25-2024, 01:40 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by rooster View Post
I'm done here. I cannot believe I wasted so much time discussing anything that was in the NY Post...


My game is fine. OK, then don't waste time discussing ny times, washington post, cnn, msnbc, nbc, abc, cbs, yahoo, Atlantic magazine, etc, or any other mainstream media outlets.
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Old 10-25-2024, 08:38 AM   #11
Yssup Rider
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The ignore button is your only hope, DEAR_ JOHN.

You have rejected a free press.

You have embraced Trump fascism.
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Old 10-25-2024, 10:38 AM   #12
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There is no interest in a discussion. Like many threads started in this subforum, it was intended only as a dog whistle or as an attack on people who oppose the candidate of the person who started the thread. They are useless.

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Old 10-25-2024, 11:04 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
The ignore button is your only hope, DEAR_ JOHN.

I've thought about putting you on ignore, especially when you call me friend or buddy, or the many times you're a moderator wanna-be, but your entertainment value is through the roof and with election day coming and our polls way on our side, I'm just wondering what kind of jewel you will come up with next.

You have rejected a free press.

There is a difference between a free press and a credible press. There aren't a lot of credible press around. So yes, I refuse to contribute to a press that comes off as being sponsored by the DNC.

You have embraced Trump fascism

Welcome to a delusional and alternate universe. Just more of your entertainment value with this post.

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Old 10-25-2024, 11:41 AM   #14
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Didn't know the NYP was owned by the kangaroo kicker.

But I got a huge laugh hearing that the onion skinned orange one was being as he says so many times:

Scene: kangaroo kicker and melange one.
"...and a big orange guy came up to me. Tears in his eyes. He says 'Sir...it's only 21 days. Can you PLEASE go easy on me?'"

Goes to show that Bautista video was the truth. Guy trying to keep tilting things his way.

Epitome of desparation.

I thank the OP for starting a thread for showing it.
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Old 10-25-2024, 11:41 AM   #15
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Didn't know the NYP was owned by the kangaroo kicker.

But I got a huge laugh hearing that the onion skinned orange one was being as he says so many times:

Scene: kangaroo kicker and melange one.
"...and a big orange guy came up to me. Tears in his eyes. He says 'Sir...it's only 21 days. Can you PLEASE go easy on me?'"

Goes to show that Bautista video was the truth. Guy trying to keep tilting things his way.

Epitome of desparation.

I thank the OP for starting a thread for showing it.
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