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Old 12-30-2021, 01:30 PM   #1
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Default Let's make Texas Blue again

I'm a Trump Democrat, and on the national level I'm glad the Republicans are there to block the communist/corporate direction my party has gone under Biden/AOC/Warren, et.al.

But on the state level the Republicans are fucking INSANE.

Last sessions group of laws past including restrictions on abortions and open carry are nuts.

As for you pro-Lifers out there, a human fetus is a human being but it is a human being with no capacity. A human being with no capacity whether because it is a fetus or a human being with advanced dementia or "brain dead" has few rights under the law. It is not enough to be merely human. To possess rights a human must have capacity to think.
"I think therefore I am" as Descartes once put it.

Anyone who needs to travel to get an abortion contact me and i will pay for the expense.
Neither these abortion restrictions or open carry are popular among Texans. They are opposed by a majority of Taxans, and that shows how crazy and destructive Abbott and the leadership of Republicans have become.

As for open carry you should refer to the trial testimony of Wyatt Earp in the matter of his OK Corral shootout. He describes taking his long barrel Colt from his trouser pocket, and NOT from any holster as depicted in Hollywood movies because he never used a holster. And do you know why---------------


Yes boys and girls in our grandfather's times before Hollywood the public viewed anyone, including peace officers, openly displaying weapons as OFFENSIVE AND THREATENING.

In the past no one needed a permit to carry concealed either. Many people even in the big cities of the East carried concealed weapons. That's how we got the under-powered and defective Browning-designed cartridges of the .25 and .38 for Colt models 1903 and 1908. Everybody carried them, and unless they were two feet away and aiming for the brain they were almost useless in a gunfight (although once produced maybe prevented same).

Nevertheless every year over a thousand unarmed people are killed by immature police officers because they carry their weapons on their hips and they're trained to point them and fire at any emotional feeling of distress.

Let's make these "peace" officers keep their weapons in their cars where they belong until they really need them (which is never).

Let's get other conservative Democrats like me to vote more and get others now in the Republican party to vote Democratic and return the state party to it's sane roots. A sane and anti-communist state Democratic party will counter-balance the communist wings in California and New York, and return this state to sanity.
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Old 12-30-2021, 02:20 PM   #2
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P - Align with your views but can’t bring myself to vote for Beto. Is that really the best texas dems can put forth?
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Old 12-31-2021, 10:15 AM   #3
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I can't vote for Beto either.
Too much made of these publicity canidates.

I do miss the times when the parties could work together (Reagan and Tip for example.)

There is some type of insanity that has hit our country. I only watch ABC national news and OAN. Maybe it's my POV (I ignore CNN) but I see alot of diversion from the right with a lack of facts when their supporters try to push something they claim is a fact (rarely supply non-biased highly factual sources.)

I'm seriously worried. Reason being is that these times remind me of the period when the Great Depression was here and the world market was at a virtual standstill. The USA could have easily went the way of Nazi Germany. But today, it is Russia that is capitalizing this path. They have a leader that is everything but in name a Dictator. Every political opponent is getting thrown in jail for any charge they come up with. And if they can't, they call them a Foreign Agent. I know the previous administration would have loved to have that power.

I just hope sanity returns.
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Old 12-31-2021, 01:43 PM   #4
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Help me understand why the no vote for Beto! Anyone has to be better than the dumb ass we have today in office, we need to get rid of Abbott, Paxton and Patrick and have too keep Ted around for a couple more years and that is pretty Damm depressing.
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Old 12-31-2021, 02:30 PM   #5
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Old 12-31-2021, 07:14 PM   #6
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Old 01-02-2022, 08:59 AM   #7
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Abortion should be a choice. Guns should be a choice. The government should stay out of these types of issues.

They should take care of infrastructure, borders, protecting the country from foreign invaders.

Each side has their good and their bad. I for one am fine with guns, I agree concealed is better. But I like that we have the opportunity to protect ourselves.

Police need to go back to walking the streets and getting to know the people they are there to "serve and protect."

We all need to get back to talking and listening to each other and from that discussion implement the best plan.
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Old 01-03-2022, 07:13 AM   #8
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Default Can't Google-ize it anymore

Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
...There is some type of insanity that has hit our country...
It's called Mass Formation. Here is a link to a short version of it:

Professor of Clinical Psychiatry Who Studied the Psychology of Totalitarianism: ‘This is How We Win’

"...In dictatorships, obedience comes from a basic fear of the dictator. But with totalitarianism, people are hypnotized into obedience. In psychological terms, this mass hypnosis is known as mass formation.

And totalitarianism always starts with a mass formation inside the population.

A mass formation requires 4 conditions for it to take root:..."

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Old 01-03-2022, 09:59 AM   #9
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Got a better source wyid?
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Old 01-03-2022, 10:27 AM   #10
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Let's not and say we didn't.
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Old 01-03-2022, 10:52 AM   #11
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Default Swing and a miss

Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
Your own personal Ministry of Truth?? Actually, according to FaceBook, those are protected opinions now. As an alternative, you could try thinking for yourself. Failing that, you can look up his full thesis yourself, if The Google let's you. I was simply providing the readers Digest version as an overview because I am so darned merciful.

To go a bit deeper you could (you won't) read up on the below, though I will tell you now, you have to scroll down a couple pages of EULA type schtuff to get to the article. Pro Tip: scroll to the words below in the article. Am I not merciful?!?


BY GUSTAVE LE BON {b. May 7, 1841—d. Dec 13, 1931}

Desmet's line of postulation seems to source from this somewhat. Maybe leverage is a better term - as his thesis is focused mainly on Totalitarianism.
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Old 01-03-2022, 08:25 PM   #12
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Nope. I don't fund that site.
*BUT* it is the easier, for me, to see if what others post is worth looking into.

So, until you can offer a better site to do a precursor vet of other sites, i'll stick with it. I am not one ot those people who have countless hours to read every link on the net.

So, for *me* (and you don't have to burden yourself to do it), if you'd post a link to something other than a crackpot site (mediabias site says so) to host what your putting out, chances are more people would check it out.

Save the mercy for those deserving it.
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Old 01-04-2022, 07:36 AM   #13
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Default Count on it - in due time

I don't manage your time and I insist on the reciprocal. However, you will have to catch it on the nation political forum thread when I post more as I don't want to be a thread jacker to the OP on this thread.

Being merciful, as I am, I'll post a thread link here at that time. In the meantime, feel free to stuff your fact jackers even further up your keester. Ironically, that is actually a big part of the problem that will be the more difficult challenge for you, to wit - coming to grips with The Red Pill and what not. Whether you do or you do not is not my concern.

In the mean time, consider this:
The totalitarian fears the free person, but they fear the former slave that becomes a free person far more. (thought moment - consider the Civil War as an example)

Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
Nope. I don't fund that site.
*BUT* it is the easier, for me, to see if what others post is worth looking into.

So, until you can offer a better site to do a precursor vet of other sites, i'll stick with it. I am not one ot those people who have countless hours to read every link on the net.

So, for *me* (and you don't have to burden yourself to do it), if you'd post a link to something other than a crackpot site (mediabias site says so) to host what your putting out, chances are more people would check it out.

Save the mercy for those deserving it.
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Old 01-04-2022, 07:56 AM   #14
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I’d vote for a yellow dog before I’d vote for the criminals in the Texas Capitol right now.

Or the elected judges who enable and empower them.
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Old 01-04-2022, 08:33 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
I’d vote for a yellow dog before I’d vote for the criminals in the Texas Capitol right now.

Or the elected judges who enable and empower them.
I agree 100% with you they all need to go especially Abbott, I don't understand what people see in him nothing but lies and deciet and kissing Trump's ass from his chair.
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