It is always a good idea to get some background on the people behind such studies.
A new study from the Prostitution Research and Education non-profit group reveals that men who pay for sex are more likely to commit crimes, including violent crimes against women
Who is behind the Prostitution Research and Education non-profit group you ask? Lets look at their website:
PRE was founded in 1995 by Dr. Melissa Farley (view Dr. Farley's CV), a research and clinical psychologist.
But who is Dr Melissa Farley really?
Lets ask Wikipedia: ( )
Melissa Farley (born 1942) is an American clinical psychologist and researcher[1][2][3] and feminist anti-pornography and anti-prostitution activist.
And what have people said about her research methods:
In response to the Scottish study, a paper authored by some 15 academics and sexual health experts was submitted to the Scottish Parliament, strongly rebuking the methods and conclusions of the study. Amongst other things, the report states - "This research violates fundamental principles of human research ethics in that there is no evidence of any benefit to the population studied. Rather the purpose of the research appears to have been to vilify the population of men who were chosen to be interviewed. " In addition they criticize the work as biased, ill informed and unhelpful.
And what are her views on "violence":
Farley is also an anti-pornography activist.[4] In 1985, she led a National Rampage Against Penthouse alongside Nikki Craft. The "Rampage" was a campaign of public destruction of bookstore-owned copies of Penthouse and Hustler (which they denounced as violent pornography). Farley was arrested 13 different times in 9 different states for these actions.
So after reading all that, my only comment really is about possibly changing the title of the thread to:
Menopausal Women who have lost all sexual desire likely never to pay for sex and be against pornography. ( oh and also be in favor of changing laws to conform to their antiquated view of the world.)

Now I'm done.