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Old 06-22-2011, 08:33 PM   #1
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Default judgements...ugh

I was contacted by a gentleman who needed a dinner date however do to the short notice I was unable to help him. So I send him a follow up email asking how dinner went. To make a long story short after a few emails he made some statements the were very negative and judgmental based on society's views of us and what we do. I promptly and nicely set him straight and after we talked he commented "You are intelligent,well rounded so why do what you do?"...I replied because I choose to. I do not like when people think because of what we do they think it defines who we are and that we are low class. Hopefully he realized we are just normal people....
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Old 06-22-2011, 09:33 PM   #2
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Being in the escort business you will always be judged differently. Some will think your a W****, drug addict, that walks the street and preforms sex acts in back alleys. I firmly believe that people in the hobby truly understands why someone provides or hobbys.
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Old 06-22-2011, 09:53 PM   #3
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There are a lot of people out there that the only exposure they have to our world is what they see on TV. What do you usually see there? Streetwalkers/pimps/substance issues. Many people out there have no idea our world even exists.
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Old 06-22-2011, 09:56 PM   #4
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Old 06-22-2011, 10:02 PM   #5
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Ya see, I see it as we are smarter than the rest as we can live debt free.. never starve, be gratuitous, have their kids go to college without coming out in debt, etc.

If some people really only had a clue.. Funny people prostitute them self out in many ways all day.. just because no cash or sex exchanged...
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Old 06-22-2011, 10:11 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by LynnT View Post
Ya see, I see it as we are smarter than the rest as we can live debt free.. never starve, be gratuitous, have their kids go to college without coming out in debt, etc.

If some people really only had a clue.. Funny people prostitute them self out in many ways all day.. just because no cash or sex exchanged...

gold digger = prostitute
person with drive to succeed at their jobs - can easily be a whore....they want to offer their services for the ability to get more money.

It's all in how people look at it.

I think many a mans' wife - even on this board - are in a way prostitutes. Many of them stay with a husband they can't stand - due to their financial status.

Which is worse? Fuck if I know. I'm just doing what I do, and trying to do a really good job at it!
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Old 06-22-2011, 11:45 PM   #7
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you have to remember there is always a person behind every job..no matter what it is..ditch digger..model..striper and usually its a fascinating story to go along with it.
always take time to get to know someone and always respect them before you ever judge them.
I have met many people in this hobby and i would rather sit down with them than some of these so called do-gooders because most of the people here have been thru a lot and are not quick to judge others.
Irish im sure you are as classy and smart as you seem on this board if not more and hope to meet you one day.
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Old 06-23-2011, 07:17 AM   #8
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With very few exceptions we all prostitute ourselves for the almighty $$$. We may be engineers, doctors, nurses, salemen, artist, athletes, waiters/waitresses, cooks, policeman, soldiers, or, yikes, providers, but we do it for the money.

The only difference is the tricks of our trade we use (with all of the pun fully intentioned), and which organs of our bodies we use to perform said tricks.

Some of us use our hands, our eyes, our mouths, our ears, our feet, our noses, our brains, or even our sex organs. A good provider probably uses more body parts than others, as a good provider must be able to use all of her senses (sight, smell, hearing, taste, & touch) as well as her brain and yes, those delicious sex organs, to earn her living. Does being talented and learning how to utilize more of her body than others make her a bad thing?

Alas, most people have a view of prostitution provided them by the media as (1) Street walkers earning a few dollars for their next drug fix; (2) sex slaves forced to have sex to pay for their transportation from some 3rd world country; or (and the closest to our reality on these boards) (3) the movie Pretty Woman with Julia Roberts. Few people see providers has ladies who choose this career path, either short term or long term, as a means to provide for themselves and their children a living, possible an education, and to avoid being a drain on society.
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Old 06-23-2011, 07:37 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by LynnT View Post
Ya see, I see it as we are smarter than the rest as we can live debt free..
Well... seeing as it takes me almost 2 days of exhausting physical labor to save up enough to see you for an hour, you may be on to something.

Not sure if I should or

Oh... and by the way... I love your new avatar photo, Lynn. Very hot!
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Old 06-23-2011, 09:44 AM   #10
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This would be a much better hobbie if every guy would treat the ladies with respect, in and out of the bedroom. I have had several friends that provided and it horrifies me to here some of the stories of abuse BCD and it makes it harder for the rest of us.
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Old 06-23-2011, 10:32 AM   #11
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I understand what your saying Irish, Society's labels play a big part.
Date-$ spent-flowers dinner, movie,drinks, BCD activities --Good
Date-$ spent -BCD activities --Bad
Society's labels. go figure, I never understood this.
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Old 06-23-2011, 11:48 AM   #12
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Why are women *here* judged for enjoying sexual pleasures with men when those same men seek sexual pleasures from their SO or civis in bars etc??

IMHO: the men doing the judging of women, are men trying to find an excuse to cover their own guilt of why they hobby* with various women, in this adult lifestyle.

Send him my way. I'll tell him WHY!
Because I'm an adult. I enjoy MEN and it's MY hobby, my time to be with an OPEN-MINDED man, when I chose to. I don't go scouting the bars for drunk dicks just to get fucked. I prefer sober,clean respectful men to ravish.( W/o all the drama
& emotional attachments men bring to a relationship. )
The hobby is one of the best places to find someone just like yourself, where you can enjoy NOT only sexual pleasures but like minded intelligent folks with beautiful souls that are worth knowing with NSA!!

Originally Posted by Irish Vixen View Post
I was contacted by a gentleman who needed a dinner date however do to the short notice I was unable to help him. So I send him a follow up email asking how dinner went. To make a long story short after a few emails he made some statements the were very negative and judgmental based on society's views of us and what we do. I promptly and nicely set him straight and after we talked he commented "You are intelligent,well rounded so why do what you do?"...I replied because I choose to. I do not like when people think because of what we do they think it defines who we are and that we are low class. Hopefully he realized we are just normal people....
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Old 06-23-2011, 04:00 PM   #13
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That is so pathetic. What difference does it make why you do it? If you are not educated or highly educated. Have children or do not have children. Have another job or this is your only job.

The point is you are a lady and a person and should be respected as such for who you are and not by what you do. Some may be in the business for the enjoyment, some just for the money, some to supplement their other income, some to support their kids. All of that is irrelevant because you are still a living, breathing person and should be respected as a person and not by what you do.

I have a real problem that people do not respect other people because that is the only proper thing we should all do. They stick their nose in the air and look atothers as if they are subhuman.

I've said it too many times on this board, every lady deserves respect regardless of who they are, what they do, what race they are, large or small, all of you ladies are to be respected.

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Old 06-23-2011, 04:54 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Biomech View Post
Well... seeing as it takes me almost 2 days of exhausting physical labor to save up enough to see you for an hour, you may be on to something.

Not sure if I should or

Oh... and by the way... I love your new avatar photo, Lynn. Very hot!
Awe shucks Thanks Biomech.
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Old 06-24-2011, 06:11 AM   #15
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well I hopefully gave him a different view and reminded HE contacted me for a dinner date....
Originally Posted by topsgt38801 View Post
That is so pathetic. What difference does it make why you do it? If you are not educated or highly educated. Have children or do not have children. Have another job or this is your only job.

The point is you are a lady and a person and should be respected as such for who you are and not by what you do. Some may be in the business for the enjoyment, some just for the money, some to supplement their other income, some to support their kids. All of that is irrelevant because you are still a living, breathing person and should be respected as a person and not by what you do.

I have a real problem that people do not respect other people because that is the only proper thing we should all do. They stick their nose in the air and look atothers as if they are subhuman.

I've said it too many times on this board, every lady deserves respect regardless of who they are, what they do, what race they are, large or small, all of you ladies are to be respected.

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