Hi there,
Time wasters are very common in this industry and both gentlemen and women have to deal with it, however I am not one of them. Just to ensure we are on the same page I know exactly who this is and if this is your rejected & bitter personal attack to ruin my credibility you should realize I’ve worked hard to achieve and maintain the reputation I have and it will take more than an army just to discredit me.
Let’s get some things straight:
#1 you never provided references to screen
#2 NCNS. In order for it to be a ncns we have to have an appt set-WHICH WE DID NOT
#3 you never asked for what city, not once, However I did let you know at the beginning of our conversation my location.
#4 spamming includes asking for a picture over & over & over
#5 I told you I would be in Omaha the following day & that was to ensure you were informed and could take the necessary steps to set an appt ie fill out my screening form
#6 since I didn’t get your info from you idk how I took 3 days to verify you, when you didn’t provide me anything to screen. but I will be very clear -I CAN TAKE AS LONG AS I NEED TO VERIFY SOMEONE ITS MY CHOICE BECAUSE ITS MY SAFETY!!!!
#7 The next time you want to make false accusations as an attempt to make someone look bad cuz your mad or upset they denied you from ever seeing them you should make sure they’re not smart enough to keep the conversation and are not capable of providing screenshots as proof. Which btw I have no problem posting to prove just how false this original post is
Well it’s been a complete blast correction you misleading information about me. Next time a little honesty wouldnt hurt, anyway Welcome to Eccie and good luck!!!!