Originally Posted by Nanker Phelge
Sure, it's a rant. Who doesn't rant from time-to-time? Unlike most on here, it's a well-written rant.
MMM. Ok mandle. I'll bite.

I disagree. It's not as well-written as it could be.
Original post:
Wonder how things might change on here if the guys had to post full body shots, headshots with a smile (teeth, bad bonding or worse) and dick pics every time they posted? I am torn between being amused and offended by the outright rude and tasteless comments often posted about me because it is ALWAYS the guys I won't see or the guy who thinks his dick is 'average' and I kindly agree then regret it when he writes his untruths. Oh, wait...men don't exaggerate when it comes to sex.
How about the no review written by the guy with the ankle monitor? When I wouldn't move in the next day? And the guy with bad breath who wants to kiss and kiss and kiss???? Or the really nice guy I had to ask to leave
because of his B.O. hit me like green fog when I came out of the restroom? And then lied in order to avoid the reschedule because it was just that bad?
Apparently putting down the women on here makes up for who you're not to your wife or your boss or yourself. Amazing the things that have been said by the most unattractive and pitifully petered.
When your sword isn't the slayer
, you want it to be, grab a pen and put down a provider.
Not much a pen, but a keyboard.
I've been threatened for not seeing someone. I've been told I'd be raped. I've been told to get out of town. I've been told the rudest things and have had unnecessarily derogatory comments made about me. The funniest part is that I know what YOU look like and what
your shortcomings are
and that you'll never hear
from the providers that choose not to see you.
Because you know, your dick is huge
; you're super hot and great in bed.
The beauty of how ugly you choose to be will always
stun me. Slap some lube on that thought and get to
beating on the keyboard if
you want. But don't forget that it won't improve your appearance any more than it will make you important.
End of post. Grammar police lives matter.