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Old 05-02-2011, 12:19 PM   #1
Rudyard K
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Default UBL, Part II

In an effort not to hijack the other thread…but because I just like to rile things up…

What is the take (from the kinder and gentler crowd here) on this action? As I understand it, our Prez ordered the execution of a foreign citizen, on foreign lands. Don’t get me wrong. I am and was all for it. It was a no-brainer to me. But I’m just a simple Texan who doesn’t have the sensibilities of some of the more erudite members of our little board here.

Does the Jack Sparrow-like moral compass swing in the direction where this was “Right”?
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Old 05-02-2011, 12:46 PM   #2
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As most of you might guess I would have happily pulled the trigger, the liberal take on this ought to be amusing. One of the great things about having OBL buried at sea, there will be no grave to worship, if the Islamic Radicals all want to rush into the sea like lemmings that would also be just fine with me.

Nice thread RK and it let's us have one thread to honor the memory of 9/11 and another for the kinder gentler set.
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Old 05-02-2011, 01:41 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Wayward View Post
let's us have one thread to honor the memory of 9/11 and another for the kinder gentler set.
OK. How's this for kinder and gentler:

Fuck you Wayward and all the other fucked up people who think like you.

I lost friends on 9/11. I was a couple hundred yards from the Pentagon when the plane went it and I'm sick and fucking tired of having to listen to assholes like you tell me that I can't properly grieve for those people because I hold a different political view.

My people and I just got back from a couple weeks at risk in a stinking shit hole helping the government keep your sorry ass safe from people like bin Laden. People like you make me wonder why we bother.

And since my Navy friends who gave it all on 9/11 can't be here to say it I'll say it for them:

"Go fuck yourself shithead. Those of us who made the ultimate sacrifice did so for everyone in this country regardless of their sex, race, creed, or politics. We were proud to be liberals and we died and left our families and children behind while keeping this country safe for you and your football games and your six packs and your fucked up right-wing attitude. So fuck you asswipe. Go burn in hell. We'll be watching from a higher place."


PS - And if the mods want to ban for this - and they probably will - then please do. It's a minor price to pay for telling an asshead what I think of him and doing honor to my lost friends. I'm so fucking sick of hearing shit like this on here that I doubt I'll ever be back anyway.
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Old 05-02-2011, 01:45 PM   #4
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Default Does this make me kinder and gentler?

Originally Posted by Rudyard K View Post
In an effort not to hijack the other thread…but because I just like to rile things up…

What is the take (from the kinder and gentler crowd here) on this action?
Does the Jack Sparrow-like moral compass swing in the direction where this was “Right”?
Haha , you two are a riot.

You two want an answer, I will give you one.

I think they should go after the neo-cons next.

I was for nuking his ass eight years ago btw. I am for my tribe first and foremost. If people within my tribe are idiots, I am for getting rid of them too.
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Old 05-02-2011, 01:48 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Mazomaniac View Post

And since my Navy friends who gave it all on 9/11 can't be here to say it I'll say it for them:

"Go fuck yourself shithead. Those of us who made the ultimate sacrifice did so for everyone in this country regardless of their sex, race, creed, or politics. We were proud to be liberals and we died and left our families and children behind while keeping this country safe for you and your football games and your six packs and your fucked up right-wing attitude. So fuck you asswipe. Go burn in hell. We'll be watching from a higher place."

A friend of mine used to be contract worker for the USA in Afgahnistan. We like each other dearest, and really accept each other emotionally, btu politically we are far away (he is a member of the tea party) and i am kinky liberal, but we respect each other and had quite a few valuable discussions over the years. What connects us is Polyamory. That is how i got to know him. Him and his wife are participating in a non-monogamous lifestyle. I value this friendship very much in my life, because i like to learn from people that are different from me. That is the greatest resource in life, isn`t it? And thank godm neither him nor me are so rigid to not permit each other to learn vauable lessons from each other.

I really give rats ass if Osama is dead or alive, he deserves to be dead. But the questions is if it does something to help the situation?
Has anyone of you guys seen the movie "MUNICH". Here are similar situations discussed. At the end one guy says that if one shithead is done it does not do anything because others will grow out of the ground instead of him so its better to have one "controllable" risk than numerous unknowns.
That is my rational response to that situation.

My emotional response. Its war . That is an act of warfare, OBL was participating in one, therefore he lost within his own game. He is dead now. Great! Not that he would have reacted any different, right?
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Old 05-02-2011, 01:53 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Rudyard K View Post
I am and was all for it. It was a no-brainer to me.

The expression “eating crow” comes to mind. He probably misses his days of being a non-committal Senator who didn’t have to make life and death decisions, and who could criticize ad nauseam. Thank God he chose to act more like “W” than Jimmy the Peanut!

"There was much accusation about my having acted in an 'unconstitutional' manner. I took the isthmus, started the canal, and then left Congress -- not to debate the canal, but to debate me. . . . While the debate goes on, the canal does too . . . ." Theodore Roosevelt

Originally Posted by Rudyard K View Post
Does the Jack Sparrow-like moral compass swing in the direction where this was “Right”?
IDK. I know the genre, but I've never watched a Jack Sparrow movie.
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Old 05-02-2011, 02:31 PM   #7
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As nina points out it is was so I'm sure a legal argument could be made for ordering OBL's execution; frankly I don't care, I'm glad they got him. If that makes me inconsistent I can live with that.
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Old 05-02-2011, 03:38 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Mazomaniac View Post
OK. How's this for kinder and gentler:

Fuck you Wayward and all the other fucked up people who think like you.

I lost friends on 9/11. I was a couple hundred yards from the Pentagon when the plane went it and I'm sick and fucking tired of having to listen to assholes like you tell me that I can't properly grieve for those people because I hold a different political view.

My people and I just got back from a couple weeks at risk in a stinking shit hole helping the government keep your sorry ass safe from people like bin Laden. People like you make me wonder why we bother.

And since my Navy friends who gave it all on 9/11 can't be here to say it I'll say it for them:

"Go fuck yourself shithead. Those of us who made the ultimate sacrifice did so for everyone in this country regardless of their sex, race, creed, or politics. We were proud to be liberals and we died and left our families and children behind while keeping this country safe for you and your football games and your six packs and your fucked up right-wing attitude. So fuck you asswipe. Go burn in hell. We'll be watching from a higher place."


PS - And if the mods want to ban for this - and they probably will - then please do. It's a minor price to pay for telling an asshead what I think of him and doing honor to my lost friends. I'm so fucking sick of hearing shit like this on here that I doubt I'll ever be back anyway.
I note you slyly dodged the query of the original OP (that would be me ) If was posted a bit "tounge in cheek", but with some degree of real question too. If you're having trouble with your moral compass, you might want to get it checked. I, most certainly, am not.

It would seem most all of us think...the man had to go...by any means necessary. But it does fly in the face of the seemingly higher ground that many choose to stand upon in other arenas. I was simply curious how those folks might "rationalize" their beliefs when faced with these set of facts.

As Mr. Churchill said, "Now we're just negotiating the price."

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Haha , you two are a riot.

You two want an answer, I will give you one.

I think they should go after the neo-cons next.

I was for nuking his ass eight years ago btw. I am for my tribe first and foremost. If people within my tribe are idiots, I am for getting rid of them too.
Damn!! And I was so counting on an insightful vision into the master of "putting themself in another's shoes".
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Old 05-02-2011, 03:41 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by discreetgent View Post
If that makes me inconsistent I can live with that.
It does. But that's ok DG. I don't think you ever claimed to be.
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Old 05-02-2011, 03:52 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Mazomaniac View Post
OK. How's this for kinder and gentler:

Fuck you Wayward and all the other fucked up people who think like you.

I lost friends on 9/11. I was a couple hundred yards from the Pentagon when the plane went it and I'm sick and fucking tired of having to listen to assholes like you tell me that I can't properly grieve for those people because I hold a different political view.

My people and I just got back from a couple weeks at risk in a stinking shit hole helping the government keep your sorry ass safe from people like bin Laden. People like you make me wonder why we bother.

And since my Navy friends who gave it all on 9/11 can't be here to say it I'll say it for them:

"Go fuck yourself shithead. Those of us who made the ultimate sacrifice did so for everyone in this country regardless of their sex, race, creed, or politics. We were proud to be liberals and we died and left our families and children behind while keeping this country safe for you and your football games and your six packs and your fucked up right-wing attitude. So fuck you asswipe. Go burn in hell. We'll be watching from a higher place."


PS - And if the mods want to ban for this - and they probably will - then please do. It's a minor price to pay for telling an asshead what I think of him and doing honor to my lost friends. I'm so fucking sick of hearing shit like this on here that I doubt I'll ever be back anyway.
^^^Makes me proud to be a lefty^^^ because he's right, just because our politics aren't faux-macho doesn't mean that we don't love our country and can't appreciate it when criminals are made to pay for their acts.

The best part of all of this is the "WTF just happened" factor. UBL was holed up in relative luxury the distance from Dallas to Weatherford from the Pakistani capitol city...heh heh heh...40 minutes later, he's toast and on his way to becoming fish food. It may have taken 10 years, but that just shows to go ya.'
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Old 05-02-2011, 04:00 PM   #11
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He's dead and that is all that matters to me. I am curious how we are going to handle the delicate matter with the Panamanians though. Is it going to be an even-Steven: we killed someone in your country and they harbored that skumbag OBL?
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Old 05-02-2011, 04:20 PM   #12
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Hey Mazo, et al:

Trust me, my town lost a bunch of people in the towers and a buddy flew the Boston/SFO route that ended up in the north tower. Ex-navy too. He was not flying that day.

Being in the New York area we are wall-to-wall coverage on TV. And rightfully so. Lots of stand-ups and remotes from G-Zero. While some family member who lost loved ones in the towers or were rescuers are talking, I can't imagine the wounds in their hearts being opened back up. Granted this year on the tenth anniversary, the wounds were going to be re-opened anyway.

It is an emotional subject. I knew there'd be posts here. This is my first chance to view it all.

As to the television aspect, ya gotta love that the WH pre-empted Celebrity Apprentice. You knew it was serious when NBC started an "L" key squeeze back just before the break and during it, announcing that the POTUS was going to speak.

Sadly, though I mentioned the local TV coverage, they are soaking it for ratings too.
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Old 05-02-2011, 04:30 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post
I am curious how we are going to handle the delicate matter with the Panamanians though.
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Old 05-02-2011, 04:33 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by discreetgent View Post
Grrrrr - Spell check! I meant Pakistanis.
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Old 05-02-2011, 05:25 PM   #15
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The expression “eating crow” comes to mind. He probably misses his days of being a non-committal Senator who didn’t have to make life and death decisions, and who could criticize ad nauseam. Thank God he chose to act more like “W” than Jimmy the Peanut!
Other than taking a jab at Obama, was there really a reason for this statement? No president would have allowed bin Laden to live, regardless of their affiliation. Why is it that hardcore right wingers never cease to be antagonistic?
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