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Old 05-01-2011, 03:25 PM   #1
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Default CVR/FDR of AF447 found

Air France Flight 447 was a scheduled airline flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris that crashed into the Atlantic Ocean on 1 June 2009, killing all 216 passengers and 12 aircrew. (source wikipedia) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_France_Flight_447

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Old 05-01-2011, 03:40 PM   #2
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Given the depth and the elapsed time underwater, I'd be surprised if anything useful could be gleaned from them, unfortunately.
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Old 05-01-2011, 04:02 PM   #3
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These things are designed to be resistant for worse depths and for worse temperatures, the depth was 3000 meters and its made for 6000 meters, and the temperature is always 4 degrees centigrade after about average 100 meters down the sea, so the temperature stays the same no matter what depth we are talking about, and 2 years is not a really problematic time span.
So Chances are extremely good they will find readable data.
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Old 05-01-2011, 07:51 PM   #4
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Good to see they got lucky and found it. I would be fairly surprised if the data thing tells us anything new, though.

From everything we've got so far it seems pretty certain that there was a problem with the air speed indicators that let them fly into the Q-corner. (I'll let TopGunTex explain that one for the non-techies as he's probably able to do it much more eloquently than I can - although I assume the fine hardware he flew had significantly greater tolerance for such conditions than the A330 has.)

Once they were in the corner it was only a matter of time given the weather. These were, after all, Air France pilots not U-2 jockies.

What would be much more interesting and important is the voice recorder as it will undoubtedly prove to be a useful training aid for upcoming pilots. Should provide some excellent insight on the confusion that hits when you're flying in the corner and don't know it. I would imagine that the A330 is quite a beast to handle under those conditions even when you're getting a correct indicated airspeed.

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Old 05-01-2011, 10:34 PM   #5
Marcus Aurelius
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I flew the A330. I'll wait to see what's found.
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Old 05-02-2011, 04:24 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Mazomaniac View Post
From everything we've got so far it seems pretty certain that there was a problem with the air speed indicators that let them fly into the Q-corner.
You are talking about the "coffin corner" i assume? I think that was the reason, IMHO. There are - of course - plenty of arguments that speak for it. For example that the airplane was almost intact at crashing and such things. If there were other reasons like it breaking apart in the air the debris would have been scattered way more. But i still can`t wait what really happened. Its still a mystery to me and still there could be a variety of other reasons.

Here is a flight simulation for the tupulov crash for non- technicians to see what it means. Its a tricky question of aerodynamics. God beware i have a friend who is patient enough to explain that to me. I love to read all these CVR transcripts and educate myself on aviation security since i am a control freak and want to know what can happen and why, and if you survive and can escape what is the best method to do so. I also never sit on window seat. ALways isle. Might sound ridiculous for some, but there is a likelihood of better survival if you do. Oh and first class - not so good either.....;-)
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Old 05-02-2011, 08:43 AM   #7
Marcus Aurelius
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It's not a bad idea to count the number of seats to the nearest exit. You might have to count them with your hand if you cant see. Keep your head down etc.
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Old 05-02-2011, 10:31 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius View Post
It's not a bad idea to count the number of seats to the nearest exit. You might have to count them with your hand if you cant see. Keep your head down etc.
Are there really no safety places where you have more chances to survive in cattle class? I always tried to book near the wings but someone told me not good idea because there is the fuel.

I also heard you should wear cotton because if you don`t and wear artifical fibres (especially plastic) it melts into your skin. But you know what? I tried to find an all cotton trainer - its near to impossible ;-).

Also - the place underneath your seat should be stuffed with something so you don`t break your shins at the impact (the brace position alone won`t help).

Oh btw: in the video when the plane falls down like a leave without control its called "stall spin" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stall_(flight)
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Old 05-02-2011, 03:06 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius View Post
I flew the A330. I'll wait to see what's found.
What did you think of the aircraft as a whole? What were your thoughts when it first went down?

Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius View Post
It's not a bad idea to count the number of seats to the nearest exit. You might have to count them with your hand if you cant see. Keep your head down etc.
I generally always do in both directions. Heck I'll read the emergency card on a craft I haven't been on before.

But if the pilot has a Darth Vader head gear on, I'm de-planing.
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