Originally Posted by Twain
I got such a kick out of this report that Microsoft released a chat bot for twitter teens. Soon after its debut the trolls turned it into a racist pig... LOL
So here's my take.... Imagine if the Eccie community got hold of it!!
What would it be saying?
"Whores are not real!"
"Never pay more than $200."
"These whores think their pussy is gold. It's not."
"They are ALL the same! I screwed 984 whores though, just to say I did."
"Reviews are the best source of information!"
"What do you mean you paid full price, moron?"
"If a car is in demand...blah blah blah"
"She's a cum dumpster, you are giving it too much thought."
"We are just ATMs to ALL of them."
"They have to... (insert anything here, because some think they know what others are required to do as per the non-existent employee handbook we all get, right along with the 401K info, insurance plan, etc, and as if ladies are known for pleasing all the gents all the time, because we are all like Superwoman, every darn one of us, even if we are "just" whores.)"
And then there would be every hateful name in the book, every insult known to men and some women, added to the program, just for sh*ts and giggles.
It's fav emoticons would be,









