Originally Posted by SexyPlatinum
DK you should stop being so self conscious there. There is nothing wrong with you.
Actually, I'm not self conscious at all, I used to be until I found out that around 25% of the male population had them (hell one study suggested a higher amount 95/200 or 48%.
I was even at the point I was going to laser them sumbitches right off, but that would have been disrespectful to my cock. I thought "am I actually going to pay someone to take a laser to my dick just for aesthetics?" Then I had the realization that I'm me, and I love me so, fuck that!
I have had relations with numerous ladies and they've only been pointed out once since they are virtually unnoticeable, that was right before she slipped junior in her mouth, lol!
I think guys are less willing to discuss since PPP's can be perceived as something else, especially when they are pronounced but it's more or less a penis freckle.
Invisible: I wish that was a pic of my penis, the size my playground would almost immediately double if it was!
Chung: Nothing like alliteration, it's my drug!