Once you've experienced kidney stones and a urologist breaking it down that dark soda's are basically poison.... No Pepsi or coke for this gal...

Not that I was ever a Cola fan... It's aiight.
My heart belongs to.... This....

Yup. The old school can.

Worse, I can say I used to live in a super itty bitty town, Pop.: 74!
I can remember as a kid, walking up the dirt roads, to the grain-elevator Co-Op, in Kansas, to the only place in town to get a soda- after I had diligently scoured for my 40¢ to go buy a glass bottle of Dew.
Ah..... That dates me, doesn't it? lol
Nothing like those cold glass bottles though!
I was stoked when they revived them & restocked it in glass bottles last year!

We used to get a nickel or so back for bringing the glass bottles back to trade in, too! Ah the good old days...
(So, I guess if I had to lean one way or another... Pepsi-Cola company gets it? Hrmm. Fuck Pepsi, Fuck Cola, Just Dew the Dew! LOL!
