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Old 01-15-2015, 07:26 AM   #1
Scarlet O'Shea
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Default Best Gym for Fat People?

So new year's resolutions and all that. I am moving to up in the 183/Anderson Mill area and I am wanting to start getting back to the gym. I was an athlete in high school and kept in shape in the military, but I am so woefully out of shape now that I need help.

I'm looking for a good gym/trainer with positive attitudes towards the overweight. I don't want someone who's never been more than 5% body fat his entire life trying to understand how my body works. So if anyone has had any great weight loss experiences in a Northwest Austin gym, I'd love some input.

Thank you!
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Old 01-15-2015, 08:35 AM   #2
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Your approaching it the wrong way, it's not about how your trainer looks but how well he/she understands nutrition, metabolism and exercise. Look for someone well versed in bodyweight interval training and nutrition.
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Old 01-15-2015, 08:41 AM   #3
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No I'm not. That was an example. I could interview every trainer in the Austin Metro area and I'm sure I could find someone helpful. I'm being lazy, I don't want to do that. I'm not looking for weight loss tips. I'm looking for a personal testimonial from someone who has lost weight with the help of a trainer.

Some trainers are focused on body building, some are focused on toning, some on running. I need one with experience in combining different disciplines for weight loss beyond the norm. What works for someone 10lb over isn't going to help me. Trainers have their specialities just as hookers so. If I were a guy, I wouldn't trust girl with a partial GFE rep to dominate me.
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Old 01-15-2015, 10:08 AM   #4
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Just because John had good chemistry=results with trainer Bob doesn't mean Jane will with trainer Bob.

Any good trainer at any respectable gym is going to focus equally upon

a)Nutrition which is most important
b) Cardio for calorie burning and heart health
c) Resistance training including weights, core, pulleys etc.

What you're training for determines how you customize the above.

I recommend the Fit 4 life regimen which incorporates all of the above and literally changes you in a big way in only 3 months.
It is intense so laziness is not an option.
The book is well known so it is possible to approach any trainer and let them know this is the regimen you want them to follow.

The biggest culprit is self motivation so if you're too lazy to research trainers to find one that fits you then how motivated will you be to stick with the program when it isn't fun or you're tired or the cravings kick in?

The hardest part is just getting the ball rolling so pick any decent trainer and Start keeping the three essentials in mind. You can always change trainers.

"Try not. Do or Do not" ... Yoda

If as your title suggests you are looking for a gym more comfortable for fat people I would recommend Planet Fitness.
At only $10/month the equipment isn't nearly as diverse or hard core as Gold's but you'll see lots of fat people on treadmills.

They take pride in catering to the out of shape calling themselves the judgement free zone.
You also won't find too many buff girls and guys in tank tops walking around posturing in front of mirrors.
In fact you'll get booted out if you start pulling the usual muscle head type behavior such as grunting loud enough for the whole gym to hear you.
I saw an interview with one fit black women who got booted simply because other members complained she looked to intimidating in her form fitting gym clothes which weren't even provocative or revealing. In other words her healthy appearance reminded them just how fat they were.
They are truly known as the fat people's gym.

Me I'll stick with Gold's because I personally like seeing people in top shape which keeps me from becoming complacent with my workouts.
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Old 01-15-2015, 01:33 PM   #5
Claire She Blows
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I was with Gold's for awhile, but got irritated seeing all of the women in full makeup, overly tan, with perfectly straightened hair (not in a ponytail), trying not to break a sweat. Then I tried 24-hour Fitness and that place is laid out terribly, and it seemed like I always had to wait to use a treadmill. And you had to walk around the pool to get to the sauna. I'm tempted to try Planet Fitness next.
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Old 01-15-2015, 03:15 PM   #6
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I like Pure Austin Fitness at Braker/183, I go on the weekends and no one is there. no meatheads and no girls in full make up on Saturday and Sunday..

also try just walking one hour a day. just around your neigborhood or Brushy Creek or Walnut Creek or Town Lake..

as you know being an athlete takes some time to get back at it.
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Old 01-15-2015, 03:17 PM   #7
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I'm at Gold's currently because it is convenient and I have a free membership as a result of barter. It is plenty big. The trainers don't seem overly aggressive / salesy like they were in some of the NYC gyms I used to belong to.

You might also want to look into your local YMCA. I know a few providers that have had memberships there. Reasonable priced and all sorts of body shapes there.

Good luck.
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Old 01-15-2015, 05:25 PM   #8
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Get a bike and ride it everywhere you can. Short trips to the store, ATM, etc. I wnet back to college and road everyday, just a few blocks to campus and between classes. I lost at least 30lbs in about 2 months, and it's just the sort of low-impact aerobic exercise one needs when starting out.
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Old 01-15-2015, 08:00 PM   #9
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My understanding is that losing weight is 80% diet, and 20% exercise.

It's far easier to consume less calories than it is to burn them through exercise. For example, a can of coke is 140 calories, but an online calculator I just looked at says that at my weight & running pace I'd consume 470 calories doing a 5k run. So if I had a can of coke with lunch every day, I'd have to do two 5k runs a week to balance it out.

Not that I'm trying to discourage you from going to the gym. Getting strong is awesome and feels great. A runner's high feels great, and is totally safe and legal.

The best book I've read on losing weight is called: Why We Get Fat, by Gary Taubes. Hint, it's because we consume far too much carbs.
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Old 01-15-2015, 09:50 PM   #10
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Ah'd be happy ta help ya out. Ah'm always ready ta pound sum o' yer pounds plumb off. An' mah rates is real reasonable.
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Old 01-15-2015, 10:05 PM   #11
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i renamed my toilet from "the john" to "the jim"
now i tell my friends i hit the jim for and hour in the morning and an hour in the evening.
i do some light reading, and i can honestly say i come out feeling 5 to 8 lbs lighter.
even my pants fit looser
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Old 01-15-2015, 10:44 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Claire She Blows View Post
I'm tempted to try Planet Fitness next.
Well there's certainly no beating the price at $10/month.

If one truly has the desire they'll get in shape no matter the gym. Hell guys in prison stay in shape lifting water jugs with towels.
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Old 01-16-2015, 02:51 AM   #13
Mr Peabody
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Look for motivation to come from within yourself and the results will be more long lasting.
Try to go a little further every exercise session.
Always drink a glass of water prior to eating anything
Turn the temperature down in your dwelling.
Increase your fiber intake.
Get good ear buds and fantastic music so you will thoroughly enjoy your workout and look forward to it.
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Old 01-16-2015, 07:47 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Captain Kremmen View Post
My understanding is that losing weight is 80% diet, and 20% exercise.

It's far easier to consume less calories than it is to burn them through exercise. For example, a can of coke is 140 calories, but an online calculator I just looked at says that at my weight & running pace I'd consume 470 calories doing a 5k run. So if I had a can of coke with lunch every day, I'd have to do two 5k runs a week to balance it out.

Not that I'm trying to discourage you from going to the gym. Getting strong is awesome and feels great. A runner's high feels great, and is totally safe and legal.

The best book I've read on losing weight is called: Why We Get Fat, by Gary Taubes. Hint, it's because we consume far too much carbs.
Burning calories is but one advantage of exercise. It increases your metabolism so you burn more calories even when not exercising. You increase muscle mass. You reduce fat. You lower your resting heart rate. I could go on and on. Losing weight by itself does nothing for muscle tone, which is what really makes somewhat look fantastic.

I belong to Gold's Gym and usually go the Anderson Arbor location at Anderson Mill and 183. A handful of people whom I would call "body-builders". Most of the people there look better than average because of the exercise they are doing, but even the most out-of-shape person has to start at the beginning.

If you want a recommendation for a personal trainer at Anderson Arbor, I would say Jamie, She really puts the client first and set up specific programs for each person.
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Old 01-16-2015, 07:52 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Windinhishair View Post
Well there's certainly no beating the price at $10/month.

If one truly has the desire they'll get in shape no matter the gym. Hell guys in prison stay in shape lifting water jugs with towels.
I agree up to a point. Like almost everything in life, there are multiple ways to do things and some are more effective than others. I see people at the gym who are absolutely clueless as to what they are doing, some actually doing exercise that is dangerous to their bodies.

If you are a newbie, I would advise spending a little money on a personal trainer for a short period of time. They will get you started and hopefully set up a program that you can continue or modify on your own.
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