Originally Posted by TheBizzer
Most Disconcerting Avatar Change --- monkmonk. Subconciously I actually pictured Marshall Mathers typing away everytime I read one of his posts.
I am trying to support the new wave of happy people attempting to take back coed from the miserable fucktards of the board. A little holiday cheer. I have also gotten tired of the eminem cd in the car and traded it out for exile on main street.
At the same time I am protesting the christmas decorations already prominently displayed at every god damn store I go in. November is for thanksgiving, and I am thankful for pussy.
I have a special christmas avatar in the works but you will have to wait for black friday. Unlike walfuckingmart, I celebrate thanksgiving.
I nominate Fawn for best moderator as she is apparently the only one with the balls to call out a troll

Certainly not implying Fawn has balls, but you know what I mean.