Originally Posted by Cpalmson
What about suggestions for pre-mature ejaculation. I know it has been discussed before. I've tried everything from squeeze technique, to thinking of ugly women, to rubbing one out before a session. I get overly stimulated. Hell, my pre-cum is enough to soak through my undies and looks like I've peed my pants-- embarrassing  I can't last but a few minutes once we get going. I'd love to be able to last a longer time. My normal routine is to just the first one out of the way, and be ready for additional rounds. However, recovery time is starting to get longer and longer. No problem getting it up again. Just a problem popping again as I lose sensation at the tip of my cock. Instead of 10 minutes between pops, it is starting to be more like 20 minutes or longer. I'm now seeking longer dates but it starts to be cost prohibitive. Suggestions?
Thicker Rubber -? Just kidding . There are several variables that could come into play .
Not knowing your your level of fitness are physical condition it is hard to say .
Every thing i have ever read about what you described concludes that a average male in decent shape could control this problem with mental conditioning .
But the whole idea of the conditioning defeats the reason to be having sex in the first place .
Biofeedback using thoughts to control your bodys functions works for some people . Control of the body through the conditioned thought is not something i recommend if you still would like to enjoy (normal) activities . It can be something that if a person gets very skilled at it adverse effects of the original intent to use it could be obtained .
In other words you could cum instantly !!