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Old 04-03-2014, 08:12 PM   #1
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Default Obamacare Huge Success!

The chart says it all!

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Old 04-03-2014, 08:24 PM   #2
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RAND corporation – “A new study from the RAND corporation indicates that only one-third of exchange sign-ups were previously uninsured. The RAND study hasn’t yet been published, but its contents were made available to Noam Levey of the Los Angeles Times. RAND also estimates that 9 million individuals have purchased health plans directly from insurers, outside of the exchanges, but that “the vast majority of these people were previously insured.”

Goldman Sachs – “Goldman Sachs is projecting that only 1 million Obamacare sign-ups will come from previously uninsured Americans. Indeed, it estimates that the number of total signups will be just 4 million — not 6 million, as the administration claims — because ‘HHS figures . . .count all persons who selected an ACA exchange plan regardless of whether or not they have actually completed the enrollment process by paying their premium.’ Goldman Sachs also anticipates that fully 75 percent of all the Obamacare sign-ups will be from people who already had insurance.

"The stated goal of Obamacare was not to move millions of privately insured Americans into taxpayer-subsidized health coverage. The goal was to cover the uninsured. That was the justification for all the chaos and disruption Americans have experienced — and that is the standard by which the administration should be judged.”
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Old 04-03-2014, 08:27 PM   #3
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There's always a reason to doubt, you little malicious blasphemer! Crybaby shit, Ad Nauseum.
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Old 04-03-2014, 08:33 PM   #4
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This part bears repeating:

"The stated goal of Obamacare was not to move millions of privately insured Americans into taxpayer-subsidized health coverage. The goal was to cover the uninsured. That was the justification for all the chaos and disruption Americans have experienced — and that is the standard by which the administration should be judged.”

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Old 04-03-2014, 08:41 PM   #5
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According to you EVERYTHING bears repeating... at least 500 times!


Whine on, crybaby!
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Old 04-03-2014, 09:20 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
According to you EVERYTHING bears repeating... at least 500 times!


Whine on, crybaby!

You and your Butts, Rectum Rider...

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Old 04-03-2014, 09:41 PM   #7
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Thanks for shitting on the families at Fort Hood, asshole!
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Old 04-03-2014, 10:32 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
This part bears repeating:

"The stated goal of Obamacare was not to move millions of privately insured Americans into taxpayer-subsidized health coverage. The goal was to cover the uninsured. That is the standard by which the administration should be judged.”

The cancellations should never have happened. There were grandfather rules in the ACA law that were put there so that old policies that did not meet the new standard ( the 10 minimum benefits) could be continued and not cancelled. The health insurance companies ignored this part of the law and sent the out the cancellation letters. It was much easier for the I/T department of each health insurance company to program cancellation letters than maintain two types of policies. The health insurance companies took the cheapest way out.

In the state of Kentucky a state which excepted the Expanded Medicaid the percentage of uninsured citizens did go down. Clearly the ACA law worked for the State of Kentucky.

It is safe to say that the health insurance companies will sell policies on the government exchanges in 2015. The ultimate test is will the projection that the CBO makes in year 2017 be realized, that the percentage insured increases from 83 to 93 percent.

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Old 04-03-2014, 10:37 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
The cancellations should never have happened. There were grandfather rules in the ACA law that were put there so that old policies that did not meet the new standard ( the 10 minimum benefits) could be continued and not cancelled. The health insurance companies ignored this part of the law and sent the out the cancellation letters. It was much easier for the I/T department of each health insurance company to program cancellation letters than maintain two types of policies. The health insurance companies took the cheapest way out.

In the state of Kentucky a state which excepted the Expanded Medicaid the percentage of uninsured citizens did go down. Clearly the ACA law worked for the State of Kentucky.

It is safe to say that the health insurance companies will sell policies on the government exchanges in 2015. The ultimate test is will the projection that the CBO makes in year 2017 be realized, that the percentage insured increases from 83 to 93 percent.

No matter how you twist it and deflect, Flighty, Odumbo knew he was lying when he claimed: "If you like the plan you have, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too. The only change you’ll see are falling costs as our reforms take hold." Odumbo, June 6, 2009.

Built into Odumbocare were plans to cause:

Seniors to Lose Benefits and Choices as a Result of CMS' Proposed Cuts to Medicare Advantage

On February 21, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), released the 2015 advance notice, which include proposed changes to Medicare Advantage payments for next year. According to a new report from Oliver Wyman, these changes, if finalized, would result in a 5.9 percent cut to Medicare Advantage payments in 2015. This would result in seniors facing benefit reductions and premium increases of $35-$75 per month, or $420-$900 for the year, according to the report.

If the new changes proposed by CMS are implemented, the program would be hit by a double-digit cut over just a two-year period, causing cost increases and benefit reductions for seniors of $65-$145 per month, or as much as $1,740 over two years, according to the Oliver Wyman analysis.

Cuts of this magnitude could result in a “high degree of disruption in the MA market,” including the “potential for plan exits, reductions in service areas, reduced benefits, provider network changes, and MA plan disenrollment,” the report stated.

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Old 04-03-2014, 11:01 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
No matter how you twist it and deflect, Flighty, Odumbo knew he was lying when he claimed: "If you like the plan you have, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too. The only change you’ll see are falling costs as our reforms take hold." Odumbo, June 6, 2009.

Built into Odumbocare were plans to cause:

Seniors to Lose Benefits and Choices as a Result of CMS' Proposed Cuts to Medicare Advantage

On February 21, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), released the 2015 advance notice, which include proposed changes to Medicare Advantage payments for next year. According to a new report from Oliver Wyman, these changes, if finalized, would result in a 5.9 percent cut to Medicare Advantage payments in 2015. This would result in seniors facing benefit reductions and premium increases of $35-$75 per month, or $420-$900 for the year, according to the report.

If the new changes proposed by CMS are implemented, the program would be hit by a double-digit cut over just a two-year period, causing cost increases and benefit reductions for seniors of $65-$145 per month, or as much as $1,740 over two years, according to the Oliver Wyman analysis.

Cuts of this magnitude could result in a “high degree of disruption in the MA market,” including the “potential for plan exits, reductions in service areas, reduced benefits, provider network changes, and MA plan disenrollment,” the report stated.

1. The grandfather rules would have allowed people to keep their old plan, if the insurance companies did not ignore the grandfather rules.

2. The ACA does not dictate which doctors are kept in a particular heath insurance companies NETWORK. The health insurance company decides which doctors it keeps in its NETWORK.

3. Your guy Paul Ryan wants to cut every single entitlement and INCREASE military spending.

4. You want to solve the issue with the Medicare? Increase the FICA TAX.

5. The individual market old system did not work. That is why we have 40 million who are uninsured ( it would be 50 if you include illegal immigrants). The health insurance companies were not going to insure high risk people in the individual "Free" market. See table 3 in the link below for the number of uninsured people.

6. The republicans have no alternative plan, other than let the uninsured remain uninsured.

7. If you had an alternative plan, you should have sent it to the committee that was chaired by Senator Baucus.

8. The ACA is moving forward and that is a good thing.

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Old 04-03-2014, 11:18 PM   #11
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Hey Lord Bieberdick! The OP was funny! I got it!
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Old 04-04-2014, 12:04 AM   #12
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April 1st was a few days ago. You must have missed it.

Why do you blame insurance companies for doing what they have to do to create profits. The insurance companies were promised to have their losses covered so they fell into line for this fraud. They got lied to just like the rest of us. They believed it unlike about half of us.

The old system did not work...we had 40 million uninsured. I got news for you, a trillion dollars later we still have 40 million uninsured. If you want to get technical I guess you can say 39 million uninsured. The insurance companies have said (the government has been unable to supply any numbers) that nearly 80% of those enrolled already had insurance...before they lost it.

The republicans do have a plan. It is on the Internet. Just look it up.

Face it. Obamacare is a disaster on so many levels. It failed to insure everyone like it was promised and it doesn't look like it ever will. It failed to lower costs for everyone. They went up for almost everyone. It never addressed the issue of healthcare itself, just insurance. Doctors are leaving the sinking ship along with other medical providers. It has done nothing except to split the country, drain resources, and cost money.
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Old 04-04-2014, 04:38 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
1. The grandfather rules would have allowed people to keep their old plan, if the insurance companies did not ignore the grandfather rules.
The authorizations built into the ACA allow the Secretary of HHS to issue "exemptions" from the "mandatory requirements" of the ACA ... she did ...

....... approximately 2500 of them.

At the top of the list were unions ... who supported Obaminable .. for awhile.

The recent uprising of the loyal union ("Unite") demonstrates that once the bullshit is peeled away the "exemption" is not so "rosey" ... because the union still has to find a carrier to insure their membership. (Employers quietly shifted the health care responsibility over to Unite, which "thought" it would be an opportunity to increase membership and provide a "service" to employees to increase their "influence" in the workplaces served by "service employees.")

When the government subsidies to the insurance companies expire, the shit will hit the fan. But by that time Obaminable will be vacationing in Hawaii and bragging on his library. The health care insurance tsunami.
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Old 04-04-2014, 05:55 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
1. The grandfather rules would have allowed people to keep their old plan, if the insurance companies did not ignore the grandfather rules. You're not reading Flighty, it didn't "grandfather" anyone. It was a pre-planned measure built into Obamacare to change the coverage, and that change is likely to require people on a fixed income to go to other doctors and clinics for healthcare.

2. The ACA does not dictate which doctors are kept in a particular heath insurance companies NETWORK. The health insurance company decides which doctors it keeps in its NETWORK. Odumbocare did dictate that there would be an increase in cost for these patients.

3. Your guy Paul Ryan wants to cut every single entitlement and INCREASE military spending. Paul Ryan didn't cram Odumbocare through Congress, Flighty.

4. You want to solve the issue with the Medicare? Increase the FICA TAX. So that's your back-handed way of admitting Odumbocare fucked-up healthcare coverage for millions of Americans, Flighty, after Odumbo lied and promised there would be no increase in costs; after Odumbo lied and promised you can keep your doctor; after Odumbo lied and promised you could keep your health insurance plan?

5. The individual market old system did not work. That is why we have 40 million who are uninsured ( it would be 50 if you include illegal immigrants). The health insurance companies were not going to insure high risk people in the individual "Free" market. See table 3 in the link below for the number of uninsured people. All of that was "supposed" to happen without any increase in costs and without disruption of service and providers for the Americans who had healthcare, Flighty.

6. The republicans have no alternative plan, other than let the uninsured remain uninsured. Many are still uninsured, Flighty.

7. If you had an alternative plan, you should have sent it to the committee that was chaired by Senator Baucus. That's nothing but deflection, Flighty.

8. The ACA is moving forward and that is a good thing. It's an abomination, and it will collapse under its own weight, Flighty. .
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Old 04-04-2014, 07:09 AM   #15
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It will be interesting to see how many actually pay for the insurance that they "enrolled" inl
How many "enrolled" that previously had insurance but lost it due to Obamacare and were "forced" into the exchanges.

From what we have seen from this administration, we expect lies and misinformation as the standard. I seriously doubt they would start to tell the truth now.
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