Originally Posted by Tony Barlow
Usually I don't even know my schedule week to week. Sometimes I can plan and try to get pre-screened if I think I might be in their area. So far I haven't had to cancel on anyone but I try not to schedule too far out.
Not sure what to say really. It's easy to find any provider in a week, but to really research & find a specific one for your taste takes some time.
Is there any rhyme or reason to your work schedule? Are there particular cities that you travel to often? Although you may not know where you're headed a week ahead, if there's a group of cities that you travel to often, you can make contact in those cities weeks, months ahead, get all the pre-meet work done, and if that week you happen to be in one of those cities, you'll have someone to call on. Don't look at it as scheduling in advanced. Look at it as "priming the pump" for an eventual meeting. In fact, if you enjoy what Dallas & Ms. Athena have to offer, you'll appreciate the pre-meeting flirting & banter. Being relaxed & comfortable is important when indulging in fetish or "outside the norm" activities.