Some guys are not in the know and some guys are perfect gentleman, but
do some of ya'll guys know what a gentlemanly introduction is when contacting
a provider for the
first time?
Sending me a text that only includes: hey, hi, u available, hows it going, are u there? Etc.
will only get deleted asap.
I don't have a clue who you are and it makes me think you're some teenager
in the basement looking at adult sites playing on your phone.
When sending a first time pm only saying 'im on the way just tell me where im goin and im there or u hot girl im on the way. Not
including a name or anything else and your profile shows you've been a member here for a number of years
and you only have one post, will only get your pm deleted and no response.
And calling me on the phone and we've never met or spoke before, after i say hello the only thing you have to say is: You available
and not wanting to provide any other info just means this phone call will be ending very quickly.
Help me out here am i wrong for deleting and not responding to these 'hey' text messages and the inappropriate pm's and phone calls?
A big thank you to the perfect gentlemen who are in the know

Thank You!!!!