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Old 01-25-2013, 11:48 AM   #1
ms jade
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Default **Rude Providers for ref?**

Hello everyone I have a quick topic. How do you ladies feel about your fellow providers being rude over the phone when you call them to verify a client. Also, I would love to see some comments from the gentleman's point of view.
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Old 01-25-2013, 12:03 PM   #2
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Rude that you're asking? Or rude in their comments about the particular guy?

Not to detour the topic, but I've wondered what would keep a provider from saying a guy was an a-hole (even if he's not), therefore keeping him from getting to see the new provider that's doing the calling. I'm a relative newbie (as far as seeing indies), so before long, I'll want to see someone who needs multiple references.

Interesting topic...how those conversations sound between providers.
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Old 01-25-2013, 12:10 PM   #3
ms jade
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Rude as in she was acting like she had better things to do than to help a fellow provider on this site.
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Old 01-25-2013, 12:14 PM   #4
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I think it is pretty shitty for a provider not give a reference check. She asks for them, so why can she not give them. Maybe there should be a thread that lists providers that do not give reference checks. I bet that would change their minds.
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Old 01-25-2013, 12:20 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by ms jade View Post
Rude as in she was acting like she had better things to do than to help a fellow provider on this site.
Well that doesn't make sense. The reason you're doing it is to protect yourself (in many ways). Why wouldn't she understand that basic concept? Pretty crappy.
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Old 01-25-2013, 12:22 PM   #6
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That's very unprofessional of her. Providers should always assist each other with references to keep each other safe. Now, if you contacted her at a bad time she should POLITELY say so and let you know when she can get back to you...

....What goes around, comes around.

PM me her name, I would like to add her to my DNS see list.

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Old 01-25-2013, 12:31 PM   #7
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Old 01-25-2013, 12:49 PM   #8
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I have came across rude providers when they don't know who I'm talking about and don't try to remember either. It makes me wonder if it would help if the client notified her before the provider contacts her and she will be expecting it.
This is why I really love p411 when I see he has so many provider okays and I can't find any thing bad on him then it's almost pointless to contact another provider about him.
I will always give out the most honest and helpful references.
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Old 01-25-2013, 12:54 PM   #9
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Let me know if my references are rude. If somebody says they are, I'll check it out on their end and then decide what to do about it. Nobody is irreplaceable on this board (a couple of 24/7/365 white knights excepted), and my references are an extension of me, so I wanna know.
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Old 01-25-2013, 02:08 PM   #10
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I am to the point where I don't even accept references from certain providers anymore because they are rude, catty, cutthroat, try to steal your clients, or go bat shit crazy on you for asking.

Most of my clients are on p411 thankfully and I am starting to get hesitant seeing eccie only gents because it is so dang hard to get them verified.

Every provider has different wishes on how they would like to be contacted for a reference. Some prefer email or pm contact only because they do not advertise their phone number (like me) and some are cool with you giving them a call. This is another reason why I like p411 so much especially for last min appointments.

It is always helpful to me at least, when a guy asks me ahead of time so I can be expecting to hear from a lady.
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Old 01-25-2013, 02:50 PM   #11
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I agree with Jules. It is harder and harder to verify an Eccie gent. The majority of gents I see are on P411. I'm grateful for P411 because it is much easier to contact a provider if I would like more information about a gent.

Heck, there is one provider I haven't heard back from since November a year ago AND I never heard back from the gent. Go figure. Since then, I don't contact her when a gent uses her as reference. I skip to the next provider never telling the gent. Another provider I sent a pm, no response, I called and she hung up on me. We all have these stories.

I come from the point of view that this is the hobby. Most gents like variety. They want to experience different types and styles of ladies on here. More power to them. We are not their spouse/girlfriend. Gents help gents with reviews/intel. Providers help providers stay safe by providing references. It gets "messed up" when we, as providers, take it personally if a gent would like to partake in someone new. That's when a lady won't respond to reference request. Or tells the gent to come see her instead. Her feelings are hurt and she is personally wounded. It's not personal it's the lifestyle of the hobby. My hope is gents recognize and appreciate when a provider gives a reference. Without making them feel like they have to go see her instead of the one he wants to visit. (P411 is your friend)

It's a touchy subject. Naming names will make a drama filled thread full of name calling and denials. Maybe even all out war. Which, I would love to read when my life is boring or I wanna feel better about myself. Then I could say to myself, hey, at least I don't do that. Feel proud for just a brief moment in time *giggle* Then back to real life and see how flawed I am.

Top of the list for outstanding in giving reference to me consistently...
The following ladies are personable and professional in giving references. AngelaS, Reese Foster, Honey Rose, Lindsey Lacey, Italian Princess, Fawn, Laura Lynn. They also happen to be tops in popularity. I can see why based on the way they TCB. I'm sure I'm leaving out a few.
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Old 01-25-2013, 03:38 PM   #12
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p411 is the best way to screen, but some providers never respond and then I PM. Wow I get a response. Makes me wonder if they screen at all.
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Old 01-25-2013, 03:47 PM   #13
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Taint it the truth. Ms Jade, several of the fucktards who are giving ref names are probably giving you names of ladies not on icky. I have heard of bp girls and dancers being used as references, I would not consider them to be valid. That is taking nothing from them but its just the reality. Icky ladies tend to be more reference friendly, but there are exceptions.

Some ladies do not take references from certain ladies due to a variety of reasons. Some reasons may be valid, others catty ... But whatever the reason there is a reason.

Fortunately, the ladies tend to remember me. Mostly from their sides hurting from me undressing, I thinck one lady dislocated a rib due to laughing so hard. My 1.3" of dangling death is a sight to behold, I can only thanck Tebow for my bounty. Or it may be my BCD prowess ... those two minutes are pure heaven. I do not want to brag but the two minutes includes foreplay. Yes I make an impression on the ladies.
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Old 01-25-2013, 03:51 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by EmilyEzzell View Post
I agree with Jules. It is harder and harder to verify an Eccie gent. The majority of gents I see are on P411. I'm grateful for P411 because it is much easier to contact a provider if I would like more information about a gent.

Heck, there is one provider I haven't heard back from since November a year ago AND I never heard back from the gent. Go figure. Since then, I don't contact her when a gent uses her as reference. I skip to the next provider never telling the gent. Another provider I sent a pm, no response, I called and she hung up on me. We all have these stories.

I come from the point of view that this is the hobby. Most gents like variety. They want to experience different types and styles of ladies on here. More power to them. We are not their spouse/girlfriend. Gents help gents with reviews/intel. Providers help providers stay safe by providing references. It gets "messed up" when we, as providers, take it personally if a gent would like to partake in someone new. That's when a lady won't respond to reference request. Or tells the gent to come see her instead. Her feelings are hurt and she is personally wounded. It's not personal it's the lifestyle of the hobby. My hope is gents recognize and appreciate when a provider gives a reference. Without making them feel like they have to go see her instead of the one he wants to visit. (P411 is your friend)

It's a touchy subject. Naming names will make a drama filled thread full of name calling and denials. Maybe even all out war. Which, I would love to read when my life is boring or I wanna feel better about myself. Then I could say to myself, hey, at least I don't do that. Feel proud for just a brief moment in time *giggle* Then back to real life and see how flawed I am.

Top of the list for outstanding in giving reference to me consistently...
The following ladies are personable and professional in giving references. AngelaS, Reese Foster, Honey Rose, Lindsey Lacey, Italian Princess, Fawn, Laura Lynn. They also happen to be tops in popularity. I can see why based on the way they TCB. I'm sure I'm leaving out a few.
I have seen AngelaS, LindseyLacey, ItalianaPrincess, & Fawn, Thank you to all of you. Great bunch of fun ladys that are very professional and really TCB!
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Old 01-25-2013, 03:57 PM   #15
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Happens all the time...I once gave a provider as a reference...when the provider I was trying to see called her, she was cussed out,

I then received an angry text asking why I was gonna see someone else instead of her, then tried to give me a special rate to come see her instead.


Of course I now ask providers whether or not I can use them as a reference, and what the "trigger" should be so they remember our session
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