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Old 07-07-2010, 04:55 PM   #1
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Default something in my wall

I woke up last night to some scratching noises inside my bedroom wall. It definitely did not sound like a rat , maybe by the sound, a opossum. The sound went away and I though it was gone until a few minutes ago. Its not making the noise it was before but there. I am wondering maybe it is stuck. I will have no choice but to call in the morning some wildlife removal place.

anyone have any experience or someone that actually does this for a living, etc?? let me know...


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Old 07-08-2010, 08:31 AM   #2
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it is a rat dude. if it happens at night. no biggie. just set some traps in the attic with apples. they cannot resist. i personally use poison sticks as well.
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Old 07-08-2010, 09:39 AM   #3
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My guess is that it's a squirrel. I've gotten opossums, raccoons, and even bats out of my attics, but squirrels are a bit more of a challenge. Not sure how to get rid of them should that be the casue of your noise.
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Old 07-08-2010, 09:45 AM   #4
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but if it dies in the wall it will smell pretty bad, so make sure you get the carcass removed
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Old 07-08-2010, 09:52 AM   #5
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if it dies in the wall, yes, it will stink for a while (a week or so normally) With a couple of open windows, a couple of strategically placed candles and a bit of patience, the problem will go away fairly quick. Your real problem is, whatever it is, definitely left a scent trail (for his friends and family). Find where it came in and plug it!!! Otherwise, this is just the "forward Scout" and you'll have followups in the near future. This one isn't your real problem, it's the BEGINNING of the problem.. sorry dude.
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Old 07-08-2010, 11:11 AM   #6
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I live in an older home in south Austin, and I've had issues with squirrels, possums, and raccoons. Best thing you can do is get the thing out with an exterminator service, then check every square inch of the outside house for ways the critters can get in, and seal it up. I found little holes outside the house id never noticed before. The worst is when they do get trapped in the wall and die. That's a smell you do not want in your house!

I had an issue with a squirrel last winter. He had found a way into the wall, AND found a little hole he could squeeze through behind the toilet of my bathroom, and come right into the house. He would only stay in the bathroom. It was a water source, and he'd come in and drink water that was still sitting on the floor of the shower, left from when I had last showered. He would leave little "gifts" for me the next morning. That's when I knew I had a problem. I found the spot he was coming in and sealed it, as well as the little spot he had dug outside to get in. People think they are cute, but they're nasty little rodents. They pretty much ruined my tomato garden this past spring as well.
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Old 07-08-2010, 01:39 PM   #7
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I think it's something MUCH more ominous than a critter. It's a boogie ghost telling you "WTF ARE YOU THINKING BECOMING A MOD"!!!
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Old 07-08-2010, 01:47 PM   #8
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some may not agree with this but I keep water in my birdbath and I feed the squirrels, dove, birds, etc with deer corn and bird seed.. I have never had any issues with them coming in my house, feed them in the yard and they wont come in your house looking.
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Old 07-08-2010, 02:15 PM   #9
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thanks all for the advice. i didnt hear a peep last night or today so far. i also heard that you can buy fox piss and put it around the house and it scares off creatures... i might do that too and seal a couple of holes where that pesky fucker probably crawled through
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Old 07-08-2010, 03:39 PM   #10
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Assuming that you're a carnivore six piss will also discourage them.
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Old 07-08-2010, 05:33 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by 78704 View Post
Assuming that you're a carnivore six piss will also discourage them.
thanks 78704.... i dont know though. i have alot of traffic during the day in my neighborhood.... wouldn't want someone calling APD because they saw me with my dick in my hand pissing outside my house trying not to miss a spot lol
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Old 07-08-2010, 08:04 PM   #12
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You'd be surprised how much noise a little mouse can make. I kept hearing a noise in my house. It was sou loud it sounded like a beaver gnawing at the studs in the wall. I figured out where he was probably traveling and put out a rat trap. I kept hearing the noise for a long time, but finally heard a "snap" and caught a tiny little mouse, about 3 inches long.

No more gnawing sounds.

Try to figure out where they're getting into the house. Plug the holes. Put out some traps. Snap traps or glue traps are good. Try to make sure that there's no easy way for them to get water or food.

Steel wool is good for plugging holes you can't otherwise plug.

Put out some rat/mouse poison packets and check them occasionally. Apart from killing the little bastards, they tell you whether you have rats or mice. If the packages are being eaten, you know you've got problems. If nothing has touched the packages, it's probably a good indication you don't have rats.

Be SURE that cats or dogs can't get to where the poison is. Be sure that it's not somewhere that the rats or mice can spill the poison where a dog or cat can get at it.

The poison is supposed to dehydrate the animals. They may go outside looking for water. and die there. It may dehydrate them enough that they won't smell TOO bad after they die. MAYBE. If you've got an animal colony in your house, it will eventually cause more long term problems than a dead animal in the walls somewhere. You'll eventually end up with a dead animal in the wall even if you don't poison them.
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Old 07-09-2010, 11:57 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by sixxbach View Post
thanks 78704.... i dont know though. i have alot of traffic during the day in my neighborhood.... wouldn't want someone calling APD because they saw me with my dick in my hand pissing outside my house trying not to miss a spot lol

Then piss in the spray bottle while hiding in the locked bathroom.
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