Originally Posted by Dewlover
We know woman's vigiana get streach out with to much sex but what does sex do for you sick size.
I think although I failed my Oklahoman Language Class that I can see what you are trying to ask, and if my translator worked I think I see what you are getting at. Sorry but Google doesn't have a ' Oklahoman to English' option
Can a guy fuck too much that his dick suffers a hit or appears smaller or compacted? Absolutely, in fact I discussed this with my urologist just the other day. I told him I thought something was wrong, that I couldn't get it up as much as usual or perform and I thought I was not my usual size upon return from my last trip. However nothing was wrong. In fact all was normal.
Over ten days in Germany I went to a room with over 30 women, some of these were doubles and some rooms I couldn't cum in ( especially days 7-10) so I only probably came 20 or 22 times when you account for the doubles and as I lost power the latter half of the trip many sessions ended in vigorous blowjobs or milkshakes not fucking, sometimes not working... couldn't finish
I am just about to hit 50

and he tells me unless you are 25 fucking 3-4 times a day isn't exactly natural and one is abusing their friend. All those hands and mouths over ten days multiple times squeezing it and the friction ( even with oil and lube) can compress your arteries a tad and you may not get full expansion from the normal blood flow as your arteries and veins in there can contract or ' nor fully expand' and are themselves tired and perhaps ' shocked' from all the work... A hard dick especially if on Viagra etc 7-10 days in a row 3-4 times a day isn't going to perform or be nearly as firm on day 10 than day one. Nor will it be as firm and solid as a guy who hasn't fucked in two weeks, fresh out of the stable. Sensitivity is also reduced as these tissues that get compressed and nerves of sensation won't feel the usual pleasure as much
So is your dick's ( normal and potential)size itself actually affected? No
Is the perception that it is not up to par correct? Yes
The tissue inside is also highly compacted after such usage too and it will not fully expand as it normally does.
it's tired, let it rest. I have been home 5 days no action until today and after 5 days rest all that ' friction and compression' went away and all systems normal in appearance ( size) and functionality. I ran out for a morning and an evening session today, all good again. Now I need to rest but only have 5 days to get thru next week
so yes, the arteries, veins and erectile tissue can take a beating !
Good luck up there with your penis in Oklahoma