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Old 11-21-2010, 09:26 PM   #1
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Default Frequent Fly Her Discounts

Straight to the questions. Do you think that a hobbiest that sees a provider on a regular basis, be it weekly or biweekly or whatever regular schedule fits the people involved, should be given a rate of a lesser amount than someone who is not a "regular" or frequent fly her passenger? Should rates be based on ability to pay, or number of visits? Or maybe even number of pops? Are there any who have ever considered a monthly payment plan like a subscription based arrangement? (Unlimited visits per month for the low low price of xxx)

I am sure there will be a bunch of you that don't or won't answer this question with what you really think is the right thing to do, because you will be afraid of encouraging others to inquire, but please try to answer from the heart. I would think if done properly it could increase and encourage regulars to be more regular and as a result improve the bottom line. (Depending of course on starting position or point of entry, support, regularity, ect.).

Keep in mind that any transaction that occurs between two parties is considered to be a good transaction when both feel it is fair, regardless of price. If one doesn't think it's fair, then neither will be satisfied in the end. (Well, I suppose that depends on a lot of variables such as position, gender, which end we are talking about, ect.).

I'm not trying to start a war, just looking for some honest answers and opinions. Ok, who wants to be the first to step up and put their head or neck or even some other part on the chopping block? (As if mine isn't already there!)
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Old 11-21-2010, 09:45 PM   #2
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I used to offer something in Portand and Seattle called LUX FUX BUX. It was my frequent pooner program. After so many 'Fux Bux' gents could earn highly discounted sessions.
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Old 11-21-2010, 09:54 PM   #3
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Thanks Lux, That's what the fux I'm talkin' about!
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Old 11-21-2010, 10:34 PM   #4
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Hmm weird - I responded to the thread but it doesnt seem to be here....

Anyways, I used to offer something in Portland & Seattle called LUX FUX BUX. It was a frequent pooner program that I did and basically every dollar spent = 1 fux bux. After so many fux bux were earned, they could be traded in for highly discounted sessions. It was actually pretty fun.

As for the rest of your questions, I have seen some ladies offer X amount of visits at a highly discounted rate if paid in advance. That may work for some, but unfortunately wouldn't work for me. Each lady has to do what works best for her and we all have different obligations and different things that will work for us.

Now something I do offer back at home, is a returning gent rate and a new client rate. After this trip in K.C. I will be doing the same thing when I come back. On my ad there will be 2 different sets of donations - 1 for Returning gents and 1 for New Clients. It's a reward to thank my returning gents for continuing to see me. I will also be using this pricing structure in Vegas after the 1st of the year.
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Old 11-21-2010, 10:35 PM   #5
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Hmm I guess my other post was still there ooops lol. Oh well, I went into a little more detail the 2nd time around
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Old 11-21-2010, 11:18 PM   #6
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Long ago in Wichita, there was an agency that did something similar. For every 30 minutes, you received a ticket that you could eventually trade in for a freebie. Unfortunately, I was never that regular of a customer to earn the freebie, so I don't recall how it was structured or even if it worked..
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Old 11-22-2010, 07:39 AM   #7
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Some providers keep their regulars at the old rate when their donations increase.

I've seen some offer a free session if you donate for 5 sessions in advance. Don't care for that idea.

So what do i think, its up to the provider - if you're a gentleman they might. if you're a jerk, why should they.
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Old 11-22-2010, 08:02 AM   #8
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I know I'll probably be called a bitch for my response in the thread or in BCD, but oh well.

This is a business just like any other, I would never go into your job and expect something for a discount or free just because I shop there, use your services or eat at your restaurant.

My hair stylist doesn't give me a discount and I see her once a month and spend 200 on each visit. My nail chick doesn't give me a discount and I see her twice a month. My automotive guys don't give me a discount, and they screw me the worst out of anyone. The gas station doesn't give me a discount and I go there weekly, if not twice a week. My grocery store doesn't give me a discount, but they have weekly ads that work for everyone, not just one person.

Do you think for a minute that any of the listed above care about MY ABILITY TO PAY? Hell no they don't, they just want their money.

Also, lets not forget the overhead us ladies have too. Although some believe the overhead isn't that much, it does add up and especially for ladies who tour and/or use hotels.

With that said, my fav restaurant might give me a free drink or dessert, but I never ask for it. THEY are the ones to offer to me, but I also tip very well so that might have something to do with it. My hair stylist does give me a cute lil gift at Christmas, but again I also tip her very well too.

My point is this, its up to the ladies to determine who should be given a discount. I run specials from time to time or I may surprise a regular client with a discount/special, but its at my choosing. Around Thanksgiving and Christmas, I usually give my regular clients a discount on one or two sessions as one of my ways to thank them for being good clients. But, that discount only lasts for a week and if they don't act on it, its not my fault. As Mike said, it also depends on the gent, his attitude, the way he treats me and how often he visits.

Keep something else in mind. A lady may give a lower rate to someone and keep it a secret.

The rates are set at a certain price for a reason and its insulting to a provider for men to constantly keep bringing up discounts, freebies or keep asking who has the lowest rates/biggest bang for your cheap buck.
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Old 11-22-2010, 08:07 AM   #9
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Great idea. I have always thought a punch card would be good. You know, after 5 visits, get the next one free.


Oh, and put me down for the Unlimited visits per month for the low low price of xxx!
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Old 11-22-2010, 08:44 AM   #10
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Well when you get into monthly rates that is more of a sugar daddy type situation. I would much much prefer that. A certain amount of upkeep per month, with a minimum number of meetings, but also included in that is just regular "hanging out" dates. I don't consider it a discount although it probably works out that way. I just like the idea of having definite income. Unlimited or exclusive access is, of course, a little pricier
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Old 11-22-2010, 09:02 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by SillyGirl View Post
Well when you get into monthly rates that is more of a sugar daddy type situation. I would much much prefer that. A certain amount of upkeep per month, with a minimum number of meetings, but also included in that is just regular "hanging out" dates. I don't consider it a discount although it probably works out that way. I just like the idea of having definite income. Unlimited or exclusive access is, of course, a little pricier


Do you think for one minute that guys who are asking for the discounts or asking about rates being based upon their ability to pay are going to be able to afford a sugar daddy type of arrangement? I don't think so! Plus, they aren't looking for anything but to apply pressure to see you as often as they can for as little as they can.

If you're offering unlimited or exclusive access, then you're not an escort, you would be a sugar baby. Also keep in mind that once you accept that type of offer, most gents will assume that you're off the market (forever) because any man who enters into that type of arrangement ALWAYS requires his sugar baby to be exclusive to him only.

Another point to make is that in an exclusive arrangement such as above mentioned is ALWAYS considered to be a bare back arrangement. Even if its not with you, its what others will think and that is a bad rep to have.

Not to mention if you enter into that type of arrangement and you take another client appointment and say you are at the movies or whatever - guys talk - and then your monthly arrangement ends badly.

If that is what you truly want in your life, a sugar daddy - why bother being here at all, seriously? You'd be better off trolling the clubs or the other sites that cater to THAT type of arrangement. IMO Sugar Daddy / Sugar Baby relationships are as FAR from being a profesisonal hobby relationship as you can get.
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Old 11-22-2010, 09:09 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by MsElena View Post
I know I'll probably be called a bitch for my response in the thread or in BCD, but oh well.

This is a business just like any other, I would never go into your job and expect something for a discount or free just because I shop there, use your services or eat at your restaurant.

My hair stylist doesn't give me a discount and I see her once a month and spend 200 on each visit. My nail chick doesn't give me a discount and I see her twice a month. My automotive guys don't give me a discount, and they screw me the worst out of anyone. The gas station doesn't give me a discount and I go there weekly, if not twice a week. My grocery store doesn't give me a discount, but they have weekly ads that work for everyone, not just one person.

Do you think for a minute that any of the listed above care about MY ABILITY TO PAY? I would say, NO.

Also, lets not forget the overhead us ladies have too. Although some believe the overhead isn't that much, it does add up and especially for ladies who tour and/or use hotels.

With that said, my fav restaurant might give me a free drink or dessert, but I never ask for it. THEY are the ones to offer to me, but I also tip very well so that might have something to do with it. My hair stylist does give me a cute lil gift at Christmas, but again I also tip her very well too.

My point is this, its up to the ladies to determine who should be given a discount. I run specials from time to time or I may surprise a regular client with a discount/special, but its at my choosing. Around Thanksgiving and Christmas, I usually give my regular clients a discount on one or two sessions as one of my ways to thank them for being good clients. But, that discount only lasts for a week and if they don't act on it, its not my fault. As Mike said, it also depends on the gent, his attitude, the way he treats me and how often he visits.

Keep something else in mind. A lady may give a lower rate to someone and keep it a secret.

The rates are set at a certain price for a reason and its insulting to a provider for men to constantly keep bringing up discounts, freebies or keep asking who has the lowest rates/biggest bang for your cheap buck.

Well holy shit....the world may be coming to an end. I actually agree with MsElena 100% on this topic. Maybe its just me, but I think the whole concept of a formal discount policy just cheapens the whole experience. That said, if a provider enjoys your company and maybe spends a little extra time with you or gives you some thing extra special, that's cool. But having a buy 3 get one free type of thing just sounds well....cheap.
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Old 11-22-2010, 09:17 AM   #13
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A provider wrote me out a coupon once, for the next visit. I never used it, since I worry the level of enthusiasm would go down during a discounted session. Having said that, its a well worn concept, designed to keep customers from straying elsewhere.

My barber gives a free haircut after a dozen

My grocery store gives the 11th gallon of milk away for free

My hardware store has a shopper card, and gives cash vouchers, after you have spent a certain amount

My auto store does the same

Same system used to be in place for sub sandwiches

Its a concept that obviously works. Reward loyal customers, so they keep coming back...and you make sure your overhead costs are taken care of. Then, make the higher profit on the non loyal customers. So in theory it should work.

But...it doesn't seem to work well in the provider world. Its the same reason I consider pre-paying for a session to be lost money. When the time comes to collect on the session, all of the sudden you are a cheap bastard for wanting a freebie. The same would go for a session earned with frequent flyer miles. I think it has to do with the intimacy of the service, coupled with the fact that most (not all) providers are always short on cash flow.
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Old 11-22-2010, 09:25 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by lacrew_2000 View Post
My barber gives a free haircut after a dozen

My grocery store gives the 11th gallon of milk away for free

My hardware store has a shopper card, and gives cash vouchers, after you have spent a certain amount

My auto store does the same

Same system used to be in place for sub sandwiches

Its a concept that obviously works. Reward loyal customers, so they keep coming back...and you make sure your overhead costs are taken care of. Then, make the higher profit on the non loyal customers. So in theory it should work.

But...it doesn't seem to work well in the provider world. Its the same reason I consider pre-paying for a session to be lost money. When the time comes to collect on the session, all of the sudden you are a cheap bastard for wanting a freebie. The same would go for a session earned with frequent flyer miles. I think it has to do with the intimacy of the service, coupled with the fact that most (not all) providers are always short on cash flow.

You need to remember though that the number of customers those places that you mentioned get in one day equals to the number of clients I or other ladies may see in a month or two months. There's a big difference.

It basically comes down to this. A client should want to see a provider on a regular basis because the service she provided him, not because of the discount.
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Old 11-22-2010, 09:28 AM   #15
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I don't think many girls would go for this IMHO. I know I wouldn't.
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