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Old 01-19-2015, 09:34 PM   #1
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Default People amuse me.

It's come to my attention that someone I really respected in the hobby world, that I've had several fun times with, and that I thought I was on really good terms with, has been going around spreading false information about me.

Just to clear the air, Ictpssylvr, here are some FACTS about me that you can take to the bank, sir:

1) I do NOT have a "manager" of any type. Never have, never will. (People who know me well and hear that you think this of me are probably cracking up at the ridiculousness of that thought right about now!) Closest I ever came to having a manager was working for the first agency that got me started in this biz years ago. I learned a lot from them, but in no way,
shape, or form did they ever take MY money. They received their agency fee and the rest was mine, end of story.

2) Monique and I have known each other for years, and while we have had our disagreements at times, we have also enjoyed many years of friendship and fun together. At this time, we have disassociated
ourselves from one another, but it doesn't mean we are fighting. It simply means we have grown apart.

3) Yes, I have a significant other at this time. This is really not anyone's business, but I do not keep it a secret. Many of my good regular clients know about it. I do have a personal life outside of the industry,
thank you. He and I do not live together and he is well aware of my profession.

4) Yes, I have a roommate. She works full time and keeps a busy schedule, so she is rarely around. (Sorry guys, she's not a provider! lol)

Here's an idea! Perhaps people should try going directly to the source and finding out FACTS before they run off at the mouth, spreading rumors and lies. What a concept!

To sum things up:
If you don't know something for sure, DON'T FUCKING SAY IT.

Thank goodness there are gentlemen out there who are intelligent and mature enough to overlook all the gossip and madness that goes on in this industry. They are exactly the kind of men I like to spend my time with.

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Old 01-19-2015, 10:00 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Staci Stacked View Post
It's come to my attention that someone I really respected in the hobby world, that I've had several fun times with, and that I thought I was on really good terms with, has been going around spreading false information about me.

Just to clear the air, Ictpssylvr, here are some FACTS about me that you can take to the bank, sir:

1) I do NOT have a "manager" of any type. Never have, never will. (People who know me well and hear that you think this of me are probably cracking up at the ridiculousness of that thought right about now!) Closest I ever came to having a manager was working for the first agency that got me started in this biz years ago. I learned a lot from them, but in no way,
shape, or form did they ever take MY money. They received their agency fee and the rest was mine, end of story.

2) Monique and I have known each other for years, and while we have had our disagreements at times, we have also enjoyed many years of friendship and fun together. At this time, we have disassociated
ourselves from one another, but it doesn't mean we are fighting. It simply means we have grown apart.

3) Yes, I have a significant other at this time. This is really not anyone's business, but I do not keep it a secret. Many of my good regular clients know about it. I do have a personal life outside of the industry,
thank you. He and I do not live together and he is well aware of my profession.

4) Yes, I have a roommate. She works full time and keeps a busy schedule, so she is rarely around. (Sorry guys, she's not a provider! lol)

Here's an idea! Perhaps people should try going directly to the source and finding out FACTS before they run off at the mouth, spreading rumors and lies. What a concept!

To sum things up:
If you don't know something for sure, DON'T FUCKING SAY IT.

Thank goodness there are gentlemen out there who are intelligent and mature enough to overlook all the gossip and madness that goes on in this industry. They are exactly the kind of men I like to spend my time with.

While I have only had the pleasure of spending time with you a few times might I say........That's the fucking Staci I know and respect. I also have to give a shout out to Sweet Monique because she's well she is Sweet and has always been good to me. So when I read the bullshit you speak of I felt it was bullshit. Now we all know it was bullshit.

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Old 01-19-2015, 11:51 PM   #3
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for anyone bad mouthing Staci you obviously don't know her. she is not into drama, doesn't have management, or stir up $hit for others. over the years I have known her she has always been classy, reliable and super sexy.
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Old 01-19-2015, 11:54 PM   #4
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Staci and Monique are two of the classiest ladies I have ever met, in or out of the hobby. They are great providers, and more importantly, great people. Love them both dearly!
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Old 01-20-2015, 12:11 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by SixShot View Post
While I have only had the pleasure of spending time with you a few times might I say........That's the fucking Staci I know and respect. I also have to give a shout out to Sweet Monique because she's well she is Sweet and has always been good to me. So when I read the bullshit you speak of I felt it was bullshit. Now we all know it was bullshit.

Thank you, I appreciate that! I've never been one to put up with anyone's bullshit. I call it like I see it. I treated that man VERY well, so to hear/read he said that about me was a real slap in the face. He should be ashamed of himself for trying to slander my good name and reputation...but, as we all know, my great reviews outweigh his little bit of slander by a long shot.
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Old 01-20-2015, 12:23 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by ICTguy32 View Post
for anyone bad mouthing Staci you obviously don't know her. she is not into drama, doesn't have management, or stir up $hit for others. over the years I have known her she has always been classy, reliable and super sexy.
Thanks hon! The funny thing is, I really stick to myself and try to avoid drama at all costs! I rarely post on the board because of nonsense like this, but I felt like I had to speak up and say something, in case he was telling guys in the Men's Lounge some bullshit to keep them from seeing me. If he is, though, it's not working lol...I've met some real class acts recently that I've enjoyed adding to my small circle of good friends!
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Old 01-20-2015, 12:24 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Staci and Monique are two of the classiest ladies I have ever met, in or out of the hobby. They are great providers, and more importantly, great people. Love them both dearly!
Muah! I'm honored to call you a true friend. Love ya!
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Old 01-20-2015, 05:31 AM   #8
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Sorry you had to deal with that sweetie, it's all BS. Your one of the best providers I met. So keep being awesome

You wichita boys are lucky to have staci stacked
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Old 01-20-2015, 07:57 AM   #9
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Default hello , m' lady

Nice to grace us with your presence ms Staci. Sorry it had to be in such circumstance.

Please don't mind the fools baby! Remember the saying "give em' enough rope" and they will or already have from my view.

Oh, what pictures you have in the add
Thanks for those too.
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Old 01-20-2015, 06:34 PM   #10
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I thought it was bad enough for this fuck to attempt to slander my name since he had never met me. But I think it's even worse to do to Staci, whom he has met several times. And, I agree, Staci is one of the classiest ladies I have ever met!! Great post Staci! And his lies wont hurt our business. But the slandering itself is hurtful and unnecessary.
Take care sexy lady!
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Old 01-20-2015, 07:20 PM   #11
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You are right Staci, we should have talked before this was mentioned and for that I apologize. I am not sure what I was thinking. You know I have done nothing but try to help you and Mo with reviews etc. I was just repeating what SixShot told me a while back. I should have known It would be turned around and bite me in the ass. Several people have warned me about not trusting him and I should have listened. I have known you and Mo for a VERY long time and I should have known better then to repeat it because I just couldn't imagine it was true. Again, I am truly sorry I have learned my lesson and will not repeat what he said about Gemma or any one else.
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Old 01-20-2015, 07:45 PM   #12
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Wow really, granted I have not seen Staci in a bit but the few times I was with her, she is the most awesome, gracious and down to earth I ever met.

And I cannot believe any one in their right mind would think that a classy and sexy lady like Staci would be managed, now or ever in her career. That person needs their head examined.

Staci, you are the epitome of a true lady, and I am proud to have met you and spent a few quality dates with you. Keep your chin sweetie
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Old 01-20-2015, 08:08 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Ictpssylvr View Post
You are right Staci, we should have talked before this was mentioned and for that I apologize. I am not sure what I was thinking. You know I have done nothing but try to help you and Mo with reviews etc. I was just repeating what SixShot told me a while back. I should have known It would be turned around and bite me in the ass. Several people have warned me about not trusting him and I should have listened. I have known you and Mo for a VERY long time and I should have known better then to repeat it because I just couldn't imagine it was true. Again, I am truly sorry I have learned my lesson and will not repeat what he said about Gemma or any one else.
Well then, should I assume that someone has made a fake account on this board using your handle and speaking such terrible things about me?


As well as creating a fake account for SixShot to reply to you in this manner, FOLLOWING your "fake account" original post?


Hmmm...seems fishy, to me. As for helping me out with reviews and such, I haven't seen you for at least 2 years, so I'm not sure what you're helping me out with these days...?

In this post, on this board, you talk about how long you've known me and how good you've been to me, and in the post on the other board you talk about how long you've known me and how that's how you'd know all my business. Make up your mind. Or, better yet, pick a weaker target, because I have no problem speaking up for myself.

Listen, I haven't been involved in any bs board drama for a long time, and I like to keep it that way. Low key and private works best for me. Why anyone would choose to slander my good name is beyond me, but I promise it won't break my stride. I just wanted to make damn sure that gentlemen who are new(ish) to the hobby are not discouraged from meeting me because of false allegations, as well as make sure that returning friends are not hesitant to visit with me again because of the nonsense someone else posts. That's all.

Take care.
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Old 01-20-2015, 08:44 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Ictpssylvr View Post
You are right Staci, we should have talked before this was mentioned and for that I apologize. I am not sure what I was thinking. You know I have done nothing but try to help you and Mo with reviews etc. I was just repeating what SixShot told me a while back. I should have known It would be turned around and bite me in the ass. Several people have warned me about not trusting him and I should have listened. I have known you and Mo for a VERY long time and I should have known better then to repeat it because I just couldn't imagine it was true. Again, I am truly sorry I have learned my lesson and will not repeat what he said about Gemma or any one else.
What the Fuck are you talking about. If you have a ball one you will provide facts to support that statement. Did you not read my post to your statement. Staci, Monique, and Gemma know me and know you and I feel they are all intelligent enough to know what's up. You are a lying pos.
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Old 01-20-2015, 08:58 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by SixShot View Post

What the Fuck are you talking about. If you have a ball one you will provide facts to support that statement. Did you not read my post to your statement. Staci, Monique, and Gemma know me and know you and I feel they are all intelligent enough to know what's up. You are a lying pos.
Don't worry, I saw right through his pathetic attempt to deflect blame!
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