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Old 06-15-2014, 11:25 AM   #1
Ts AmberRose
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Default Clarification on what a TS wants to be called...

So i always keep reading Duh "i dont know what to call it he or she or what".
Let me inform the ignorant a TRUE transexual would NEVER want to be called a HE!!
We are not CDs,Transvestites in drag shows,or what ever some of you guys wanna classify us as.
Most if not all True TSes were born with a female brain and act and think as such.
I would never try to convert anyone into liking what or who i am its all about preferences and we all have one.
Some have called me it,ugly,he/she and its getting old and stupid you are grown men stop acting like children and grow the fuck up.....
Rant over have a nice father's day
Amber Fucking Rose!!!
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Old 06-15-2014, 12:04 PM   #2
Bob McV
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Not to split hairs but you are referring specifically to mtf transexual. But for whatever it is worth to you I call nearly all of my LGBT friends girl regardless of pluming. Mostly because nobody ever takes offense to it.

As Adam Corrola says in 50 years we'll all be chicks.

P.S. I have been called all those names too! as well as shim, and my personal favorite "big ol john goodman lookin' bull dyke". and I am a fat white straight man!
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Old 06-15-2014, 12:22 PM   #3
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Old 06-15-2014, 12:30 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Ts AmberRose View Post
So i always keep reading Duh "i dont know what to call it he or she or what". Where are you always reading this?

Let me inform the ignorant a TRUE transexual would NEVER want to be called a HE!! I like the word ignorant. It usually just means someone is uninformed about a subject. Are you using it in that context or to be inflammatory?

We are not CDs,Transvestites in drag shows,or what ever some of you guys wanna classify us as. Are you saying there are no transexuals working in drag shows?

Most if not all True TSes were born with a female brain and act and think as such.

Speaking of "ignorance" This last comment of yours is backed by data somewhere? It's quite a statement and the only thing I can find is that in male to female transexuals there is an equal amount of white matter attributed to females as there is to males. That sounds like there is a choice that can be made.

Here is an excert...

In a study due to be published next month, the team ran MRI scans on the brains of 18 female-to-male transsexual people who’d had no treatment and compared them with those of 24 males and 19 females.
They found significant differences between male and female brains in four regions of white matter – and the female-to-male transsexual people had white matter in these regions that resembled a male brain. “It’s the first time it has been shown that the brains of female-to-male transsexual people are masculinised,” Guillamon says.

In a separate study, the team used the same technique to compare white matter in 18 male-to-female transsexual people with that in 19 males and 19 females. Surprisingly, in each transsexual person’s brain the structure of the white matter in the four regions was halfway between that of the males and females. “Their brains are not completely masculinised and not completely feminised, but they still feel female,” says Guillamon.

I would never try to convert anyone into liking what or who i am its all about preferences and we all have one. And we need to know this for what reason?

Some have called me it, ugly, he/she and its getting old and stupid you are grown men stop acting like children and grow the fuck up..... You are a grown man as well. quit acting like a wuss and stop whining.

Rant over have a nice father's day

Amber Fucking Rose!!!
The last TS that tried to put this shit in our face did not fair to well.... run your ads.... go about your business..... but open it up for conversation and be prepared to be bashed.

Conformity is NOT about trying to bend the mass population to see things your way. It's about adapting yourself to find your place amongst those masses.

My opinions are not formed in ignorance or from lack of experience. While a Foster Parent I had a Transexual live in my home for a short period of time. In dealing with his issues and assisting in finding placement I met a number of other transsexual/transgendered people.

You Sir were born a male, have male DNA and all the cosmetic surgery you can afford, dick or dick less, pretty clothes you have or characteristics you have adapted will never change the fact that you are man. When it comes down to it, here in Texas, that's still the law as I understand it as well...
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Old 06-15-2014, 12:45 PM   #5
Ts AmberRose
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Wow whispers i usually respect what you say and im not putting anything in anyones face and i keep to myself but i cant even say anything w/o some BS troll making BS comments so you and Toyz and SL and all the uninformed assholes and goto hell for all i care.
Your over analyzing of my post meaning nothing to me and there alot of data out there to back up my statement about the female brains in MTFs.
In short im not trying to put myself or my lifestyle out there just sick of the IGNORANT troll with pea dicks bashing...
Yeah Yeah let the hate continue like you said i guess if i speak up i wont last long lol
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Old 06-15-2014, 12:59 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Ts AmberRose View Post
Wow whispers i usually respect what you say and im not putting anything in anyones face and i keep to myself but i cant even say anything w/o some BS troll making BS comments so you and Toyz and SL and all the uninformed assholes and goto hell for all i care.
Your over analyzing of my post meaning nothing to me and there alot of data out there to back up my statement about the female brains in MTFs.
In short im not trying to put myself or my lifestyle out there just sick of the IGNORANT troll with pea dicks bashing...
Yeah Yeah let the hate continue like you said i guess if i speak up i wont last long lol
I didn't fire back at you in a previous post when you called me a moron. I'm not firing back at you in this one even though you singled me out by name & I didn't say a THING against you. I'm a man and can take it as well as give it out. (Have you read what I said in private brackets or are you just making another assumption)?

You are the OP of this post & its just as Whispers alluded to, it was done in an inflammatory manner. You want attention, you want to attack-that's fine...but just understand there are lots of people here quite capable of lashing back at a level you can't possibly reach.. You want to invoke YOUR beliefs on everyone else & allow NO ROOM for disagreement. Not everyone is as "uninformed" as you wish we were. Its just that we might not believe as you do. That's not how our society works.

I am growing a bit tired of your incessant name calling without provocation because a few point out that you are indeed a man posing as a woman.
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Old 06-15-2014, 03:13 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Ts AmberRose View Post
Wow whispers i usually respect what you say and im not putting anything in anyones face and i keep to myself but i cant even say anything w/o some BS troll making BS comments You need to deal with comments made in the thread they are being made within the context of the subject. CoEd is NOT meant for Statements alone. It allows for discussion.

so you and Toyz and SL and all the uninformed assholes and goto hell for all i care.

Dude...That was a very fine example why you tend to bring out the worst in people.... Not a single comment in my post was rude or ugly. I stated my opinion as well as some experience with the subject matter.... You made a very broad claim and I posted a quote from a paper someone wrote on the subject.

Your over analyzing of my post meaning nothing to me and there alot of data out there to back up my statement about the female brains in MTFs.

Well.. feel free to post a link. I looked and only found it to be an inaccurate statement.

In short im not trying to put myself or my lifestyle out there just sick of the IGNORANT troll with pea dicks bashing...

Maybe you do not understand that your behavior and sense of entitlement is probably more of a problem for you that the fact that you are a "transsexual". I responded to you in a very matter of fact opinion . You respond with trash talk and throw a hissy fit.

Yeah Yeah let the hate continue like you said i guess if i speak up i wont last long lol
The last one didn't.....

Look... Dude..... You may be a chick with a dick in your mind...... In many others your a dude that likes to dress up..... In some you are going to be labled gay or worse..... So long as you state what you are in your ads and don't try forcing your opinions on others you will be fine....

If you are going to start threads or post opinions be prepared for opposing opinions. Show those opinions the respect you seem to want and maybe you can find some acceptance.... Take this kind of attitude though and you simply become the streotypical example of the negative representation that segment of the community is.

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Old 06-15-2014, 03:26 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Ts AmberRose View Post
Wow whispers i usually respect what you say and im not putting anything in anyones face and i keep to myself but i cant even say anything w/o some BS troll making BS comments so you and Toyz and SL and all the uninformed assholes and goto hell for all i care.
Your over analyzing of my post meaning nothing to me and there alot of data out there to back up my statement about the female brains in MTFs.
In short im not trying to put myself or my lifestyle out there just sick of the IGNORANT troll with pea dicks bashing...
Yeah Yeah let the hate continue like you said i guess if i speak up i wont last long lol
Let the games begin...

Look dude I'm not an uniformed asshole... I'm a Lesbian.

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Old 06-15-2014, 04:16 PM   #9
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Old 06-15-2014, 04:53 PM   #10
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Amber Fucking Rose!!![/QUOTE]

Perhaps you've stumbled on a solution yourself. Maybe alter your name to:

TS Amber (Call me Madam) Rose

Not trying to be cute, just practical.
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Old 06-15-2014, 05:46 PM   #11
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Old 06-15-2014, 06:41 PM   #12
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Toyz, you should write a similar ThreAD... just because you THINK you have a Beeeg Caaaawk, doesn't mean
1) you actually have one ... and
2) we have to call you Beeeg Caaaawk
I'll call you what I prefer to call you, if you find it offensive, then may be you should explain instead of force your Beeeeg Caaaawk on me.

....oh this wasn't Toyz threAD, well, I am sure you get it too.
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Old 06-15-2014, 06:49 PM   #13
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What? Cancel the t-shirts?

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Old 06-15-2014, 06:52 PM   #14
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I thought he got.no called no showed a lot
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Old 06-15-2014, 07:09 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by fun2come View Post
Toyz, you should write a similar ThreAD... just because you THINK you have a Beeeg Caaaawk, doesn't mean
1) you actually have one ... and
2) we have to call you Beeeg Caaaawk
I'll call you what I prefer to call you, if you find it offensive, then may be you should explain instead of force your Beeeeg Caaaawk on me.

....oh this wasn't Toyz threAD, well, I am sure you get it too.
I never thought I had one until Mimi told me I did. She said "When F2C comes by after you leave, I can't even tell he is there...its like fucking air"....

You can call me Toyz, you can call be Boyz, but ya doesn't have to talk about me Johnson...(see if you can remember that one)
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