I have not seen any provider from this board in some time now. And so i would be in the same boat as he. A old newbie. I do not see why one would get mad at you for this. I know it is hard to get started. And it should be just as hard to restart. Just the way it is.
Could it be that he has been with some of the ones on P411. In a time fram you feel ok with. And p411 is not up to date? If so I would have you know that. Ok It has 2008 but I have been with her last month, This other one the month before, etc.
I try to keep on the good side of the many that would not see me when I first got on ASPD and here. Why burn a bridge. For some day I may want to resee ones that I have not been with in some time now. And then use that to see ones that would not before.{see edit}
Many very the amount they do this hobby. If you back out, as I have done you can not just jump back in. You need to go where you have been before, or start over all together.
edit: and so I do need some one I have been with before see anger form me to one I want to see. For then they may not want to see me again. And that would not be good. For I would like to see them again just for being who there are. Or as a tool to start over.

mmmm mushy but also just the way it is.